CLEANUP: wurfl: removed deprecated methods

last 2 major releases of libwurfl included a complete review of engine options with
the result of deprecating many features. The patch removes unecessary code and fixes
the documentation.
Can be backported on any version of haproxy.

[wt: must not be backported since it removes config keywords and would
 thus break existing configurations]
Signed-off-by: Willy Tarreau <>
diff --git a/doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt b/doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt
index c968615..0d61db0 100644
--- a/doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt
+++ b/doc/WURFL-device-detection.txt
@@ -23,25 +23,18 @@
    virtual capabilities, property names we plan to use in injected headers)
 - wurfl-information-list-separator <char> (character that will be
    used to separate values in a response header, ',' by default).
-- wurfl-engine-mode <string> (Sets the WURFL engine target. You can choose
-   between "accuracy" and "performance","performance" by default)
 - wurfl-cache-size <string> (Sets the WURFL caching strategy)
 - wurfl-patch-file [<file path>] (Sets the paths to custom WURFL patch files)
 Sample configuration :
-	wurfl-data-file /usr/share/wurfl/wurfl-eval.xml
+	wurfl-data-file /usr/share/wurfl/
 	wurfl-information-list wurfl_id model_name
 	#wurfl-information-list-separator |
-	wurfl-engine-mode performance
-	#wurfl-engine-mode accuracy
-	## double LRU cache
-	wurfl-cache-size 100000,30000
 	## single LRU cache
 	#wurfl-cache-size 100000
 	## no cache
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index bae1979..4fb9033 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -600,9 +600,7 @@
    - wurfl-data-file
    - wurfl-information-list
    - wurfl-information-list-separator
-   - wurfl-engine-mode
    - wurfl-cache-size
-   - wurfl-useragent-priority
  * Performance tuning
    - max-spread-checks
@@ -1266,10 +1264,6 @@
   - wurfl_api_version           Contains a string representing the currently
                                 used Libwurfl API version.
-  - wurfl_engine_target         Contains a string representing the currently
-                                set WURFL Engine Target. Possible values are
-                                "HIGH_ACCURACY", "HIGH_PERFORMANCE", "INVALID".
   - wurfl_info                  A string containing information on the parsed
                                 wurfl.xml and its full path.
@@ -1278,8 +1272,6 @@
   - wurfl_normalized_useragent  The normalized useragent.
-  - wurfl_useragent_priority    The user agent priority used by WURFL.
   Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
   with USE_WURFL=1.
@@ -1297,36 +1289,15 @@
   Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
   with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-engine-mode { accuracy | performance }
-  Sets the WURFL engine target. You can choose between 'accuracy' or
-  'performance' targets. In performance mode, desktop web browser detection is
-  done programmatically without referencing the WURFL data. As a result, most
-  desktop web browsers are returned as generic_web_browser WURFL ID for
-  performance. If either performance or accuracy are not defined, performance
-  mode is enabled by default.
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-cache-size <U>[,<D>]
-  Sets the WURFL caching strategy. Here <U> is the Useragent cache size, and
-  <D> is the internal device cache size. There are three possibilities here :
+wurfl-cache-size <size>
+  Sets the WURFL Useragent cache size. For faster lookups, already processed user
+  agents are kept in a LRU cache :
   - "0"     : no cache is used.
-  - <U>     : the Single LRU cache is used, the size is expressed in elements.
-  - <U>,<D> : the Double LRU cache is used, both sizes are in elements. This is
-              the highest performing option.
+  - <size>  : size of lru cache in elements.
   Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
   with USE_WURFL=1.
-wurfl-useragent-priority { plain | sideloaded_browser }
-  Tells WURFL if it should prioritize use of the plain user agent ('plain')
-  over the default sideloaded browser user agent ('sideloaded_browser').
-  Please note that this option is only available when haproxy has been compiled
-  with USE_WURFL=1.
 3.2. Performance tuning
diff --git a/examples/wurfl-example.cfg b/examples/wurfl-example.cfg
index ad651a8..e5aa01d 100644
--- a/examples/wurfl-example.cfg
+++ b/examples/wurfl-example.cfg
@@ -7,19 +7,11 @@
 	# The WURFL data file
-	wurfl-data-file		/usr/share/wurfl/wurfl-eval.xml
+	wurfl-data-file		/usr/share/wurfl/
 	# WURFL patches definition (as much as needed, patches will be applied in the same order as specified in this conf file)
 	#wurfl-patch-file	/path/to/patch1.xml;
-	# WURFL engine target: one of the following (default is performance)
-	wurfl-engine-mode	performance
-	#wurfl-engine-mode	accuracy
-	# WURFL cache: one of the following
-	## double LRU cache
-	wurfl-cache-size	100000,30000
-	## single LRU cache
 	#wurfl-cache-size	100000
 	## no cache
 	#wurfl-cache-size	0
diff --git a/src/wurfl.c b/src/wurfl.c
index e319047..5de33b4 100644
--- a/src/wurfl.c
+++ b/src/wurfl.c
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
 static struct {
 	char *data_file; /* the WURFL data file */
 	char *cache_size; /* the WURFL cache parameters */
-	int engine_mode; /* the WURFL engine mode */
-	int useragent_priority; /* the WURFL ua priority */
 	struct list patch_file_list; /* the list of WURFL patch file to use */
 	char information_list_separator; /* the separator used in request to separate values */
 	struct list information_list; /* the list of WURFL data to return into request */
@@ -29,8 +27,6 @@
 } global_wurfl = {
 	.data_file = NULL,
 	.cache_size = NULL,
-	.engine_mode = -1,
-	.useragent_priority = -1,
 	.information_list_separator = ',',
 	.information_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(global_wurfl.information_list),
 	.patch_file_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(global_wurfl.patch_file_list),
@@ -75,11 +71,6 @@
 static const char HA_WURFL_MODULE_VERSION[] = "1.0";
 static const char HA_WURFL_ISDEVROOT_FALSE[] = "FALSE";
 static const char HA_WURFL_ISDEVROOT_TRUE[] = "TRUE";
-static const char HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY[] = "accuracy";
-static const char HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE[] = "performance";
-static const char HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN[] = "plain";
-static const char HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_SIDELOADED_BROWSER[] = "sideloaded_browser";
-static const char HA_WURFL_MIN_ENGINE_VERSION_MANDATORY[] = "";
 static const char HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_UNKNOWN_STRING[] = "unknown";
 static const char HA_WURFL_DATA_TYPE_CAP_STRING[] = "capability";
@@ -105,14 +96,14 @@
 	const char *(*func)(wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle);
 } wurfl_properties_function_map [] = {
 	{"wurfl_api_version", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_api_version},
-	{"wurfl_engine_target", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_engine_target},
+	{"wurfl_engine_target", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_engine_target}, // kept for backward conf file compat
 	{"wurfl_id", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_id },
 	{"wurfl_info", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_info },
 	{"wurfl_isdevroot", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_isdevroot},
 	{"wurfl_last_load_time", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_last_load_time},
 	{"wurfl_normalized_useragent", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_normalized_useragent},
 	{"wurfl_useragent", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent},
-	{"wurfl_useragent_priority", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent_priority },
+	{"wurfl_useragent_priority", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent_priority }, // kept for backward conf file compat
 	{"wurfl_root_id", ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_root_id},
 static const int HA_WURFL_PROPERTIES_NBR = 10;
@@ -166,23 +157,8 @@
                                     struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
                                     char **err)
-	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (!strcmp(args[1],HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY)) {
-		global_wurfl.engine_mode = WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_ACCURACY;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (!strcmp(args[1],HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE)) {
-		global_wurfl.engine_mode = WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_PERFORMANCE;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s valid values are %s or %s.\n", args[0], HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE, HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY);
-	return -1;
+	// kept for backward conf file compat
+	return 0;
 static int ha_wurfl_cfg_information_list_separator(char **args, int section_type, struct proxy *curpx,
@@ -265,23 +241,9 @@
                                            struct proxy *defpx, const char *file, int line,
                                            char **err)
-	if (*(args[1]) == 0) {
-		memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s expects a value.\n", args[0]);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	if (!strcmp(args[1],HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN)) {
-		global_wurfl.useragent_priority = WURFL_USERAGENT_PRIORITY_USE_PLAIN_USERAGENT;
-		return 0;
-	}
-		return 0;
-	}
-	memprintf(err, "WURFL: %s valid values are %s or %s.\n", args[0], HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN, HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_SIDELOADED_BROWSER);
-	return -1;
+	// this feature is deprecated, keeping only not to break compatibility
+	// with old configuration files.
+	return 0;
@@ -393,32 +355,6 @@
-	// filtering mandatory capabilities if engine version <
-	if (strcmp(wurfl_get_api_version(), HA_WURFL_MIN_ENGINE_VERSION_MANDATORY) < 0) {
-		wurfl_capability_enumerator_handle hmandatorycapabilityenumerator;
-		ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: Engine version %s < %s - Filtering mandatory capabilities\n", wurfl_get_api_version(), HA_WURFL_MIN_ENGINE_VERSION_MANDATORY);
-		hmandatorycapabilityenumerator = wurfl_get_mandatory_capability_enumerator(global_wurfl.handle);
-		while (wurfl_capability_enumerator_is_valid(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator)) {
-			char *name = (char *)wurfl_capability_enumerator_get_name(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator);
-			if (ebst_lookup(&global_wurfl.btree, name) == NULL) {
-				if (wurfl_add_requested_capability(global_wurfl.handle, name) != WURFL_OK) {
-					ha_warning("WURFL: Engine adding mandatory capability [%s] failed - %s\n", name, wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-					send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Adding mandatory capability [%s] failed - %s\n", name, wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-					return ERR_WARN;
-				}
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: Mandatory capability [%s] added\n", name);
-			} else {
-				ha_wurfl_log("WURFL: Mandatory capability [%s] already filtered\n", name);
-			}
-			wurfl_capability_enumerator_move_next(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator);
-		}
-		wurfl_capability_enumerator_destroy(hmandatorycapabilityenumerator);
-	}
 	// adding WURFL patches if needed
 	if (!LIST_ISEMPTY(&global_wurfl.patch_file_list)) {
@@ -457,30 +393,6 @@
 		send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Cache set to [%s]\n", global_wurfl.cache_size);
-	// setting engine mode if specified in cfg, otherwise let engine choose
-	if (global_wurfl.engine_mode != -1) {
-		if (wurfl_set_engine_target(global_wurfl.handle, global_wurfl.engine_mode) != WURFL_OK ) {
-			ha_warning("WURFL: Setting engine target failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Setting engine target failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			return ERR_WARN;
-		}
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine target set to [%s]\n", (global_wurfl.engine_mode == WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_PERFORMANCE) ? (HA_WURFL_TARGET_PERFORMANCE) : (HA_WURFL_TARGET_ACCURACY) );
-	// setting ua priority if specified in cfg, otherwise let engine choose
-	if (global_wurfl.useragent_priority != -1) {
-		if (wurfl_set_useragent_priority(global_wurfl.handle, global_wurfl.useragent_priority) != WURFL_OK ) {
-			ha_warning("WURFL: Setting engine useragent priority failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			send_log(NULL, LOG_WARNING, "WURFL: Setting engine useragent priority failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
-			return ERR_WARN;
-		}
-	}
-	send_log(NULL, LOG_NOTICE, "WURFL: Engine useragent priority set to [%s]\n", (global_wurfl.useragent_priority == WURFL_USERAGENT_PRIORITY_USE_PLAIN_USERAGENT) ? (HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_PLAIN) : (HA_WURFL_PRIORITY_SIDELOADED_BROWSER) );
 	// loading WURFL engine
 	if (wurfl_load(global_wurfl.handle) != WURFL_OK) {
 		ha_warning("WURFL: Engine load failed - %s\n", wurfl_get_error_message(global_wurfl.handle));
@@ -722,7 +634,7 @@
 static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_engine_target (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_get_engine_target_as_string(wHandle);
+	return "default";
 static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_info (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
@@ -742,7 +654,7 @@
 static const char *ha_wurfl_get_wurfl_useragent_priority (wurfl_handle wHandle, wurfl_device_handle dHandle)
-	return wurfl_get_useragent_priority_as_string(wHandle);
+	return "default";
 // call function for WURFL properties