BUG/MINOR: checks: Fix PostgreSQL regex on the authentication packet

For PostgreSQL health check, there is a regex on the backend authentication
packet. It must match to succeed. But it exists 6 types of authentication
packets and the regex only matches the first one (AuthenticationOK). This patch
fixes the regex to match all authentication packets.

No backport needed.
diff --git a/src/checks.c b/src/checks.c
index d17302a..36aa718 100644
--- a/src/checks.c
+++ b/src/checks.c
@@ -6224,7 +6224,7 @@
 	chk->index = 2;
 	LIST_ADDQ(&rs->rules, &chk->list);
-	chk = parse_tcpcheck_expect((char *[]){"tcp-check", "expect", "rbinary", "^520000000800000000",
+	chk = parse_tcpcheck_expect((char *[]){"tcp-check", "expect", "rbinary", "^52000000(08|0A|0C)000000(00|02|03|04|05|06)",
 				               "min-recv", "9",
 				               "error-status", "L7STS",
 				               "on-success", "PostgreSQL server is ok",