MEDIUM: http: register http-request and http-response keywords

The http_(res|req)_keywords_register() functions allow to register
new keywords.

You need to declare a keyword list:

struct http_req_action_kw_list test_kws = {
	.scope = "testscope",
	.kw = {
		{ "test", parse_test },
		{ NULL, NULL },

and a parsing function:

int parse_test(const char **args, int *cur_arg, struct proxy *px, struct http_req_rule *rule, char **err)
	rule->action = HTTP_REQ_ACT_CUSTOM_STOP;
	rule->action_ptr = action_function;

	return 0;


The HTTP_REQ_ACT_CUSTOM_STOP action stops evaluation of rules after
your rule, HTTP_REQ_ACT_CUSTOM_CONT permits the evaluation of rules
after your rule.
3 files changed