MINOR: spoe: Add metrics in to know time spent in the SPOE

Following metrics are added for each event or group of messages processed in the

  * processing time: the delay to process the event or the group. From the
                     stream point of view, it is the latency added by the SPOE
  * request time : It is the encoding time. It includes ACLs processing, if
                   any. For fragmented frames, it is the sum of all fragments.
  * queue time : the delay before the request gets out the sending queue. For
                 fragmented frames, it is the sum of all fragments.
  * waiting time: the delay before the reponse is received. No fragmentation
                  supported here.
  * response time: the delay to process the response. No fragmentation supported
  * total time: (unused for now). It is the sum of all events or groups
                processed by the SPOE for a specific threads.

Log messages has been updated. Before, only errors was logged (status_code !=
0). Now every processing is logged, following this format:



  AGENT              is the agent name
  TYPE               is EVENT of GROUP
  NAME               is the event or the group name
  STREAM-ID          is an integer, the unique id of the stream
  STATUS_CODE        is the processing's status code
  reqT/qT/wT/resT/pT are delays descrive above

For all these delays, -1 means the processing was interrupted before the end. So
-1 for the queue time means the request was never dequeued. For fragmented
frames it is harder to know when the interruption happened.

For now, messages are logged using the same logger than the backend of the
stream which initiated the request.
diff --git a/include/types/spoe.h b/include/types/spoe.h
index 32d2311..b5f8ce3 100644
--- a/include/types/spoe.h
+++ b/include/types/spoe.h
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 #ifndef _TYPES_SPOE_H
 #define _TYPES_SPOE_H
+#include <sys/time.h>
 #include <common/buffer.h>
 #include <common/mini-clist.h>
 #include <common/hathreads.h>
@@ -316,6 +318,20 @@
 		unsigned int         curoff;      /* offset in <curarg> from which to resume encoding */
 		unsigned int         flags;       /* SPOE_FRM_FL_* */
 	} frag_ctx; /* Info about fragmented frames, valid on if SPOE_CTX_FL_FRAGMENTED is set */
+	struct {
+		struct timeval tv_start;    /* start date of the current event/group */
+		struct timeval tv_request;  /* date the frame processing starts (reset for each frag) */
+		struct timeval tv_queue;    /* date the frame is queued (reset for each frag) */
+		struct timeval tv_wait;     /* date the stream starts waiting for a response */
+		struct timeval tv_response; /* date the response processing starts */
+		long           t_request;   /* delay to encode and push the frame in queue (cumulative for frags) */
+		long           t_queue;     /* delay before the frame gets out the sending queue (cumulative for frags) */
+		long           t_waiting;   /* delay before the response is reveived */
+		long           t_response;  /* delay to process the response (from the stream pov) */
+		long           t_process;   /* processing time of the last event/group */
+		unsigned long  t_total;     /* cumulative processing time */
+	} stats; /* Stats for this stream */
 /* SPOE context inside a appctx */