MINOR: ssl: fix typo in usage for 'new ssl ca-file'

Fix the usage for the command new ssl ca-file, which has a missing '-'
dash separator.
diff --git a/src/ssl_ckch.c b/src/ssl_ckch.c
index 1ca1884..b9cddf2 100644
--- a/src/ssl_ckch.c
+++ b/src/ssl_ckch.c
@@ -3689,7 +3689,7 @@
 	{ { "del", "ssl", "cert", NULL },       "del ssl cert <certfile>                 : delete an unused certificate file",                                     cli_parse_del_cert, NULL, NULL },
 	{ { "show", "ssl", "cert", NULL },      "show ssl cert [<certfile>]              : display the SSL certificates used in memory, or the details of a file", cli_parse_show_cert, cli_io_handler_show_cert, cli_release_show_cert },
-	{ { "new", "ssl", "ca-file", NULL },    "new ssl cafile <cafile>                 : create a new CA file to be used in a crt-list",                         cli_parse_new_cafile, NULL, NULL },
+	{ { "new", "ssl", "ca-file", NULL },    "new ssl ca-file <cafile>                : create a new CA file to be used in a crt-list",                         cli_parse_new_cafile, NULL, NULL },
 	{ { "set", "ssl", "ca-file", NULL },    "set ssl ca-file <cafile> <payload>      : replace a CA file",                                                     cli_parse_set_cafile, NULL, NULL },
 	{ { "commit", "ssl", "ca-file", NULL }, "commit ssl ca-file <cafile>             : commit a CA file",                                                      cli_parse_commit_cafile, cli_io_handler_commit_cafile_crlfile, cli_release_commit_cafile },
 	{ { "abort", "ssl", "ca-file", NULL },  "abort ssl ca-file <cafile>              : abort a transaction for a CA file",                                     cli_parse_abort_cafile, NULL, NULL },