CLEANUP: muxes: do not use a dynamic trash in list_mux_protos()

Let's not use a trash there anymore. The function is called at very
early boot (for "haproxy -vv"), and the need for a trash prevents the
arguments from being parsed earlier. Moreover, the function only uses
a FILE* on output with fprintf(), so there's not even any benefit in
using chunk_printf() on an intermediary variable, emitting the output
directly is both clearer and safer.
diff --git a/src/connection.c b/src/connection.c
index f0fb3d6..76becfc 100644
--- a/src/connection.c
+++ b/src/connection.c
@@ -1603,13 +1603,16 @@
 	return 0;
-/* Lists the known proto mux on <out> */
+/* Lists the known proto mux on <out>. This function is used by "haproxy -vv"
+ * and is suitable for early boot just after the "REGISTER" stage because it
+ * doesn't depend on anything to be already allocated.
+ */
 void list_mux_proto(FILE *out)
 	struct mux_proto_list *item;
-	struct buffer *chk = get_trash_chunk();
 	struct ist proto;
 	char *mode, *side;
+	int done;
 	fprintf(out, "Available multiplexer protocols :\n"
 		"(protocols marked as <default> cannot be specified using 'proto' keyword)\n");
@@ -1634,19 +1637,27 @@
 			side = "NONE";
-		chunk_reset(chk);
+		fprintf(out, " %15s : mode=%-10s side=%-8s  mux=%-8s flags=",
+			(proto.len ? proto.ptr : "<default>"), mode, side, item->mux->name);
+		done = 0;
+		/* note: the block below could be simplied using macros but for only
+		 * 4 flags it's not worth it.
+		 */
 		if (item->mux->flags & MX_FL_HTX)
-			chunk_strcpy(chk, "HTX");
+			done |= fprintf(out, "%sHTX", done ? "|" : "");
 		if (item->mux->flags & MX_FL_CLEAN_ABRT)
-			chunk_appendf(chk, "%sCLEAN_ABRT", (b_data(chk) ? "|": ""));
+			done |= fprintf(out, "%sCLEAN_ABRT", done ? "|" : "");
 		if (item->mux->flags & MX_FL_HOL_RISK)
-			chunk_appendf(chk, "%sHOL_RISK", (b_data(chk) ? "|": ""));
+			done |= fprintf(out, "%sHOL_RISK", done ? "|" : "");
 		if (item->mux->flags & MX_FL_NO_UPG)
-			chunk_appendf(chk, "%sNO_UPG", (b_data(chk) ? "|": ""));
+			done |= fprintf(out, "%sNO_UPG", done ? "|" : "");
-		fprintf(out, " %15s : mode=%-10s side=%-8s  mux=%-8s flags=%.*s\n",
-			(proto.len ? proto.ptr : "<default>"), mode, side, item->mux->name,
-			(int)b_data(chk), b_orig(chk));
+		fprintf(out, "\n");