MINOR: quic: Too much useless traces in qc_build_frms()
These traces about the available room into the packet currently built and
its payload length could be displayed for each STREAM frame, even for
those which have no chance to be embedded into a packet leading to
very traces to be displayed from a connection with a lot of stream.
This was revealed by traces provide by Tristan in GH #1808
May be backported to 2.6.
diff --git a/src/xprt_quic.c b/src/xprt_quic.c
index 75788e1..3705608 100644
--- a/src/xprt_quic.c
+++ b/src/xprt_quic.c
@@ -5925,11 +5925,11 @@
((cf->type & QUIC_STREAM_FRAME_TYPE_OFF_BIT) ? quic_int_getsize(cf->stream.offset.key) : 0);
/* Compute the data length of this STREAM frame. */
avail_room = room - hlen - *len;
- TRACE_PROTO(" New STREAM frame build (room, len)",
- QUIC_EV_CONN_BCFRMS, qc, &room, len);
if ((ssize_t)avail_room <= 0)
+ TRACE_PROTO(" New STREAM frame build (room, len)",
+ QUIC_EV_CONN_BCFRMS, qc, &room, len);
dlen = max_available_room(avail_room, &dlen_sz);
if (dlen > cf->stream.len) {