MEDIUM: config: limit nbproc to the machine's word size

Some consistency checks cannot be performed between frontends, backends
and peers at the moment because there is no way to check for intersection
between processes bound to some processes when the number of processes is
higher than the number of bits in a word.

So first, let's limit the number of processes to the machine's word size.
This means nbproc will be limited to 32 on 32-bit machines and 64 on 64-bit
machines. This is far more than enough considering that configs rarely go
above 16 processes due to scalability and management issues, so 32 or 64
should be fine.

This way we'll ensure we can always build a mask of all the processes a
section is bound to.
diff --git a/include/types/proxy.h b/include/types/proxy.h
index cf277fd..1086190 100644
--- a/include/types/proxy.h
+++ b/include/types/proxy.h
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
 	struct chunk errmsg[HTTP_ERR_SIZE];	/* default or customized error messages for known errors */
 	int uuid;				/* universally unique proxy ID, used for SNMP */
 	unsigned int backlog;			/* force the frontend's listen backlog */
-	unsigned int bind_proc;			/* bitmask of processes using this proxy. 0 = all. */
+	unsigned long bind_proc;		/* bitmask of processes using this proxy */
 	/* warning: these structs are huge, keep them at the bottom */
 	struct sockaddr_storage dispatch_addr;	/* the default address to connect to */