MINOR: activity: report the number of failed pool/buffer allocations

Haproxy is designed to be able to continue to run even under very low
memory conditions. However this can sometimes have a serious impact on
performance that it hard to diagnose. Let's report counters of failed
pool and buffer allocations per thread in show activity.
diff --git a/src/cli.c b/src/cli.c
index 41f403b..9949a88 100644
--- a/src/cli.c
+++ b/src/cli.c
@@ -1117,6 +1117,8 @@
 	chunk_appendf(&trash, "fd_lock:");      SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].fd_lock);
 	chunk_appendf(&trash, "conn_dead:");    SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].conn_dead);
 	chunk_appendf(&trash, "stream:");       SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].stream);
+	chunk_appendf(&trash, "pool_fail:");    SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].pool_fail);
+	chunk_appendf(&trash, "buf_wait:");     SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].buf_wait);
 	chunk_appendf(&trash, "empty_rq:");     SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].empty_rq);
 	chunk_appendf(&trash, "long_rq:");      SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].long_rq);
 	chunk_appendf(&trash, "ctxsw:");        SHOW_TOT(thr, activity[thr].ctxsw);