REGTEST: Fix reg-tests about health-checks to adapt them to recent changes
diff --git a/reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_smtpchk_httpchk_layer47errors.vtc b/reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_smtpchk_httpchk_layer47errors.vtc
index 1b8e237..a226f46 100644
--- a/reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_smtpchk_httpchk_layer47errors.vtc
+++ b/reg-tests/checks/4be_1srv_smtpchk_httpchk_layer47errors.vtc
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: Proxy be2 started"
-    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: Health check for server be2/srv2 succeeded.+reason: Layer7 check passed.+code: 200.+info: \"OK\".+check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms.+status: 1/1 UP."
+    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: Health check for server be2/srv2 succeeded.+reason: Layer7 check passed.+code: 200.+.+check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms.+status: 1/1 UP."
     barrier b sync
     expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h1_pid}\\]: Health check for server be2/srv2 failed.+reason: Layer7 timeout.+check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms.+status: 0/1 DOWN"
diff --git a/reg-tests/checks/http-check-send.vtc b/reg-tests/checks/http-check-send.vtc
index 7e2e37b..0b675bd 100644
--- a/reg-tests/checks/http-check-send.vtc
+++ b/reg-tests/checks/http-check-send.vtc
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
     expect req.http.hdr == <undef>
     expect == <undef>
     expect req.http.x-test == <undef>
-    expect req.http.content-length == <undef>
     expect req.bodylen == 0
 } -start
@@ -50,9 +49,9 @@
 server s5 {
-    expect req.method == GET
-    expect req.url == /status
-    expect req.proto == HTTP/1.1
+    expect req.method == OPTIONS
+    expect req.url == /
+    expect req.proto == HTTP/1.0
     expect req.http.hdr == <undef>
     expect == "other-www-host"
     expect req.http.x-test == <undef>
diff --git a/reg-tests/checks/tls_health_checks.vtc b/reg-tests/checks/tls_health_checks.vtc
index 4a431af..c7e39c5 100644
--- a/reg-tests/checks/tls_health_checks.vtc
+++ b/reg-tests/checks/tls_health_checks.vtc
@@ -60,16 +60,16 @@
     expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Proxy be2 started."
-    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Health check for server be2/srv1 succeeded, reason: Layer7 check passed, code: 200, info: \"OK\", check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms, status: 1/1 UP."
+    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Health check for server be2/srv1 succeeded, reason: Layer7 check passed.+code: 200.+check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms, status: 1/1 UP."
-    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Health check for server be2/srv1 failed, reason: Layer7 wrong status, code: 504, info: \"Gateway Time-out\", check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms, status: 0/1 DOWN."
+    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Health check for server be2/srv1 failed, reason: Layer7 wrong status.+code: 504.+info: \"Gateway Time-out\".+check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms, status: 0/1 DOWN."
 } -start
 syslog S4 -level notice {
     expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Proxy be4 started."
-    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Health check for server be4/srv2 succeeded, reason: Layer6 check passed, check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms, status: 1/1 UP."
+    expect ~ "[^:\\[ ]\\[${h2_pid}\\]: Health check for server be4/srv2 succeeded, reason: Layer6 check passed.+check duration: [[:digit:]]+ms, status: 1/1 UP."
 } -start
 haproxy h2 -conf {