MINOR: Add ModSecurity wrapper as contrib

This patch contains a base for a modsecurity wrapper in HAProxy using SPOE.
diff --git a/contrib/modsecurity/modsec_wrapper.c b/contrib/modsecurity/modsec_wrapper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8927b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/modsecurity/modsec_wrapper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+ * Modsecurity wrapper for haproxy
+ *
+ * This file contains the wrapper which sends data in ModSecurity
+ * and returns the verdict.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2016 OZON, Thierry Fournier <thierry.fournier@ozon.io>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <common/time.h>
+#include <types/global.h>
+#include <types/stream.h>
+#include <proto/arg.h>
+#include <proto/hdr_idx.h>
+#include <proto/hlua.h>
+#include <proto/log.h>
+#include <proto/proto_http.h>
+#include <proto/spoe.h>
+#include <api.h>
+#include "modsec_wrapper.h"
+#include "spoa.h"
+static char host_name[60];
+/* Note: The document and the code of "apr_table_make" considers
+ * that this function doesn't fails. The Apache APR code says
+ * other thing. If the system doesn't have any more memory, a
+ * a segfault occurs :(. Be carrefull with this module.
+ */
+struct directory_config *modsec_config = NULL;
+static server_rec *modsec_server = NULL;
+struct apr_bucket_haproxy {
+	apr_bucket_refcount refcount;
+	char *buffer;
+	size_t length;
+static void haproxy_bucket_destroy(void *data)
+	struct apr_bucket_haproxy *bucket = data;
+	if (apr_bucket_shared_destroy(bucket))
+		apr_bucket_free(bucket);
+static apr_status_t haproxy_bucket_read(apr_bucket *bucket, const char **str,
+                                        apr_size_t *len, apr_read_type_e block)
+	struct apr_bucket_haproxy *data = bucket->data;
+	if (bucket->start) {
+		*str = NULL;
+		*len = 0;
+		return APR_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	*str = data->buffer;
+	*len = data->length;
+	bucket->start = 1; /* Just a flag to say that the read is started */
+	return APR_SUCCESS;
+static const apr_bucket_type_t apr_bucket_type_haproxy = {
+	"HAProxy", 7, APR_BUCKET_DATA,
+	haproxy_bucket_destroy,
+	haproxy_bucket_read,
+	apr_bucket_setaside_noop,
+	apr_bucket_shared_split,
+	apr_bucket_shared_copy
+static char *chunk_strdup(struct request_rec *req, const char *str, size_t len)
+	char *out;
+	out = apr_pcalloc(req->pool, len + 1);
+	if (!out)
+		return NULL;
+	memcpy(out, str, len);
+	out[len] = '\0';
+	return out;
+static char *printf_dup(struct request_rec *req, char *fmt, ...)
+	char *out;
+	va_list ap;
+	int len;
+	va_start(ap, fmt);
+	len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap);
+	if (len == -1)
+		return NULL;
+	va_end(ap);
+	out = apr_pcalloc(req->pool, len + 1);
+	if (!out)
+		return NULL;
+	va_start(ap, fmt);
+	len = vsnprintf(out, len + 1, fmt, ap);
+	if (len == -1)
+		return NULL;
+	va_end(ap);
+	return out;
+/* This function send logs. For now, it do nothing. */
+static void modsec_log(void *obj, int level, char *str)
+	LOG(&null_worker, "%s", str);
+/* This fucntion load the ModSecurity file. It returns -1 if the
+ * initialisation fails.
+ */
+int modsecurity_load(const char *file)
+	const char *msg;
+	char cwd[128];
+	/* Initialises modsecurity. */
+	modsec_server = modsecInit();
+	if (modsec_server == NULL) {
+		LOG(&null_worker, "ModSecurity initilisation failed.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	modsecSetLogHook(NULL, modsec_log);
+	gethostname(host_name, 60);
+	modsec_server->server_hostname = host_name;
+	modsecStartConfig();
+	modsec_config = modsecGetDefaultConfig();
+	if (modsec_config == NULL) {
+		LOG(&null_worker, "ModSecurity default configuration initilisation failed.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	msg = modsecProcessConfig(modsec_config, file, getcwd(cwd, 128));
+	if (msg != NULL) {
+		LOG(&null_worker, "ModSecurity load configuration failed.\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	modsecFinalizeConfig();
+	modsecInitProcess();
+	return 1;
+struct modsec_hdr {
+	const char *name;
+	uint64_t name_len;
+	const char *value;
+	uint64_t value_len;
+int modsecurity_process(struct worker *worker, struct modsecurity_parameters *params)
+	struct conn_rec *cr;
+	struct request_rec *req;
+	struct apr_bucket_brigade *brigade;
+	struct apr_bucket *link_bucket;
+	struct apr_bucket_haproxy *data_bucket;
+	struct apr_bucket *last_bucket;
+	int i;
+	long clength;
+	char *err;
+	int fail;
+	const char *lang;
+	char *name, *value;
+	// int body_partial;
+	struct timeval now;
+	int ret;
+	char *buf;
+	char *end;
+	const char *uniqueid;
+	uint64_t uniqueid_len;
+	const char *meth;
+	uint64_t meth_len;
+	const char *path;
+	uint64_t path_len;
+	const char *qs;
+	uint64_t qs_len;
+	const char *vers;
+	uint64_t vers_len;
+	const char *body;
+	uint64_t body_len;
+	uint64_t body_exposed_len;
+	uint64_t hdr_nb;
+	struct modsec_hdr hdrs[255];
+	struct modsec_hdr hdr;
+	int status;
+	int return_code = -1;
+	/* Decode uniqueid. */
+	uniqueid = params->uniqueid.data.u.str.str;
+	uniqueid_len = params->uniqueid.data.u.str.len;
+	/* Decode method. */
+	meth = params->method.data.u.str.str;
+	meth_len = params->method.data.u.str.len;
+	/* Decode path. */
+	path = params->path.data.u.str.str;
+	path_len = params->path.data.u.str.len;
+	/* Decode query string. */
+	qs = params->query.data.u.str.str;
+	qs_len = params->query.data.u.str.len;
+	/* Decode version. */
+	vers = params->vers.data.u.str.str;
+	vers_len = params->vers.data.u.str.len;
+	/* Decode header binary block. */
+	buf = params->hdrs_bin.data.u.str.str;
+	end = buf + params->hdrs_bin.data.u.str.len;
+	/* Decode each header. */
+	hdr_nb = 0;
+	while (1) {
+		/* Initialise the storage struct. It is useless
+		 * because the process fail if the struct is not
+		 * fully filled. This init is just does in order
+		 * to prevent bug after some improvements.
+		 */
+		memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr));
+		/* Decode header name. */
+		ret = decode_varint(&buf, end, &hdr.name_len);
+		if (ret == -1)
+			return -1;
+		hdr.name = buf;
+		buf += hdr.name_len;
+		if (buf > end)
+			return -1;
+		/* Decode header value. */
+		ret = decode_varint(&buf, end, &hdr.value_len);
+		if (ret == -1)
+			return -1;
+		hdr.value = buf;
+		buf += hdr.value_len;
+		if (buf > end)
+			return -1;
+		/* Detect the end of the headers. */
+		if (hdr.name_len == 0 && hdr.value_len == 0)
+			break;
+		/* Store the header. */
+		if (hdr_nb < 255) {
+			memcpy(&hdrs[hdr_nb], &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
+			hdr_nb++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Decode body length. Note that the following control
+	 * is just set for avoifing a gcc warning.
+	 */
+	body_exposed_len = (uint64_t)params->body_length.data.u.sint;
+	if (body_exposed_len < 0)
+		return -1;
+	/* Decode body. */
+	body = params->body.data.u.str.str;
+	body_len = params->body.data.u.str.len;
+	fail = 1;
+	/* Init processing */
+	cr = modsecNewConnection();
+	req = modsecNewRequest(cr, modsec_config);
+	/* Load request. */
+	req->proxyreq = PROXYREQ_NONE;
+	req->header_only = 0; /* May modified later */
+	/* Copy header list. */
+	for (i = 0; i < hdr_nb; i++) {
+		name = chunk_strdup(req, hdrs[i].name, hdrs[i].name_len);
+		if (!name) {
+			errno = ENOMEM;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		value = chunk_strdup(req, hdrs[i].value, hdrs[i].value_len);
+		if (!value) {
+			errno = ENOMEM;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		apr_table_setn(req->headers_in, name, value);
+	}
+	/* Process special headers. */
+	req->range = apr_table_get(req->headers_in, "Range");
+	req->content_type = apr_table_get(req->headers_in, "Content-Type");
+	req->content_encoding = apr_table_get(req->headers_in, "Content-Encoding");
+	req->hostname = apr_table_get(req->headers_in, "Host");
+	req->parsed_uri.hostname = chunk_strdup(req, req->hostname, strlen(req->hostname));
+	lang = apr_table_get(req->headers_in, "Content-Languages");
+	if (lang != NULL) {
+		req->content_languages = apr_array_make(req->pool, 1, sizeof(const char *));
+		*(const char **)apr_array_push(req->content_languages) = lang;
+	}
+	lang = apr_table_get(req->headers_in, "Content-Length");
+	if (lang) {
+		errno = 0;
+		clength = strtol(lang, &err, 10);
+		if (*err != '\0' || errno != 0 || clength < 0 || clength > INT_MAX) {
+			errno = ERANGE;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		req->clength = clength;
+	}
+	/* Copy the first line of the request. */
+	req->the_request = printf_dup(req, "%.*s %.*s%s%.*s %.*s",
+	                              meth_len, meth,
+	                              path_len, path,
+	                              qs_len > 0 ? "?" : "",
+	                              qs_len, qs,
+	                              vers_len, vers);
+	if (!req->the_request) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Copy the method. */
+	req->method = chunk_strdup(req, meth, meth_len);
+	if (!req->method) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Set the method number. */
+	if (meth_len < 3) {
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Detect the method */
+	switch (meth_len) {
+	case 3:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "GET", 3) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_GET;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "PUT", 3) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_PUT;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "POST", 4) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_POST;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "HEAD", 4) == 0) {
+			req->method_number = M_GET;
+			req->header_only = 1;
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "COPY", 4) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_COPY;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "MOVE", 4) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_MOVE;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "LOCK", 4) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_LOCK;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 5:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "TRACE", 5) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_TRACE;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "PATCH", 5) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_PATCH;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "MKCOL", 5) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_MKCOL;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "MERGE", 5) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_MERGE;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "LABEL", 5) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_LABEL;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 6:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "DELETE", 6) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_DELETE;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "REPORT", 6) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_REPORT;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "UPDATE", 6) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_UPDATE;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "UNLOCK", 6) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_UNLOCK;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 7:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "CHECKIN", 7) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_CHECKIN;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "INVALID", 7) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_INVALID;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "CONNECT", 7) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_CONNECT;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "OPTIONS", 7) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_OPTIONS;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "PROPFIND", 8) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_PROPFIND;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "CHECKOUT", 8) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_CHECKOUT;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 9:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "PROPPATCH", 9) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_PROPPATCH;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 10:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "MKACTIVITY", 10) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_MKACTIVITY;
+		else if (strncmp(req->method, "UNCHECKOUT", 10) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_UNCHECKOUT;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 11:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "MKWORKSPACE", 11) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_MKWORKSPACE;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 15:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "VERSION_CONTROL", 15) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_VERSION_CONTROL;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 16:
+		if (strncmp(req->method, "BASELINE_CONTROL", 16) == 0)
+			req->method_number = M_BASELINE_CONTROL;
+		else {
+			errno = EINVAL;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		errno = EINVAL;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Copy the protocol. */
+	req->protocol = chunk_strdup(req, vers, vers_len);
+	if (!req->protocol) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Compute the protocol number. */
+	if (vers_len >= 8)
+		req->proto_num = 1000 + !!(vers[7] == '1');
+	/* The request time. */
+	gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+	req->request_time = apr_time_make(now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec / 1000);
+	/* No status line. */
+	req->status_line = NULL;
+	req->status = 0;
+	/* Copy path. */
+	req->parsed_uri.path = chunk_strdup(req, path, path_len);
+	if (!req->parsed_uri.path) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Copy args (query string). */
+	req->args = chunk_strdup(req, qs, qs_len);
+	if (!req->args) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Set parsed_uri */
+	req->parsed_uri.scheme = "http";
+	if (req->hostname && req->parsed_uri.scheme && req->parsed_uri.path) {
+		i = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s://%s%s",
+		             req->parsed_uri.scheme, req->hostname, req->parsed_uri.path);
+		req->uri = apr_pcalloc(req->pool, i + 1);
+		if (!req->uri) {
+			errno = ENOMEM;
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		i = snprintf(req->uri, i + 1, "%s://%s%s",
+		             req->parsed_uri.scheme, req->hostname, req->parsed_uri.path);
+	}
+	req->filename = req->parsed_uri.path;
+	/* Set unique id */
+	apr_table_setn(req->subprocess_env, "UNIQUE_ID", chunk_strdup(req, uniqueid, uniqueid_len));
+	/*
+	 *
+	 * Load body.
+	 *
+	 */
+	/* Create an empty bucket brigade */
+	brigade = apr_brigade_create(req->pool, req->connection->bucket_alloc);
+	if (!brigade) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	/* Stores HTTP body avalaible data in a bucket */
+	data_bucket = apr_bucket_alloc(sizeof(*data_bucket), req->connection->bucket_alloc);
+	if (!data_bucket) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	data_bucket->buffer = (char *)body;
+	data_bucket->length = body_len;
+	/* Create linked bucket */
+	link_bucket = apr_bucket_alloc(sizeof(*link_bucket), req->connection->bucket_alloc);
+	if (!link_bucket) {
+		errno = ENOMEM;
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	APR_BUCKET_INIT(link_bucket); /* link */
+	link_bucket->free = apr_bucket_free;
+	link_bucket->list = req->connection->bucket_alloc;
+	link_bucket = apr_bucket_shared_make(link_bucket, data_bucket, 0, body_len);
+	link_bucket->type = &apr_bucket_type_haproxy;
+	/* Insert the bucket at the end of the brigade. */
+	APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(brigade, link_bucket);
+	/* Insert the last bucket. */
+	last_bucket = apr_bucket_eos_create(req->connection->bucket_alloc);
+	APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(brigade, last_bucket);
+	/* Declares the bucket brigade in modsecurity */
+	modsecSetBodyBrigade(req, brigade);
+	/*
+	 *
+	 * Process analysis.
+	 *
+	 */
+	/* Process request headers analysis. */
+	status = modsecProcessRequestHeaders(req);
+	if (status != DECLINED && status != DONE)
+		return_code = status;
+	/* Process request body analysis. */
+	status = modsecProcessRequestBody(req);
+	if (status != DECLINED && status != DONE)
+		return_code = status;
+	/* End processing. */
+	fail = 0;
+	if (return_code == -1)
+		return_code = 0;
+	modsecFinishRequest(req);
+	modsecFinishConnection(cr);
+	if (fail) {
+		/* errno == ERANGE / ENOMEM / EINVAL */
+		switch (errno) {
+		case ERANGE: LOG(worker, "Invalid range");
+		case ENOMEM: LOG(worker, "Out of memory error");
+		case EINVAL: LOG(worker, "Invalid value");
+		default:     LOG(worker, "Unknown error");
+		}
+	}
+	return return_code;