DOC: lua: some documentation update

this update embbeds some fix of existing function, and the applet documentation.
diff --git a/doc/lua-api/index.rst b/doc/lua-api/index.rst
index bbefa84..3aab00c 100644
--- a/doc/lua-api/index.rst
+++ b/doc/lua-api/index.rst
@@ -380,6 +380,51 @@
     frontend example
        http-request redirect location /%[lua.hello]
+.. js:function:: core.register_service(name, mode, func)
+  **context**: body
+  Register an Lua function executed as a service. All the registered service can
+  be used in HAProxy with the prefix "lua.". A service gets an object class as
+  input according with the required mode.
+  :param string name: is the name of the converter.
+  :param string mode: is string describing the required mode. Only 'tcp' or
+                      'http' are allowed.
+  :param function func: is the Lua function called to work as converter.
+  The prototype of the Lua function used as argument is:
+.. code-block:: lua
+  function(applet)
+  * **txn** (*class AppletTCP*) or (*class AppletHTTP*): this is an object used
+            for manipulating the current HTTP request or TCP stream.
+  Here, an exemple of service registration. the service just send à 'Hello world'
+  as an http response.
+.. code-block:: lua
+  core.register_service("hello-world", "http" }, function(txn)
+     local response = "Hello World !"
+     applet:set_status(200)
+     applet:add_header("content-length", string.length(response))
+     applet:add_header("content-type", "text/plain")
+     applet:start_reponse()
+     applet:send(response)
+  end)
+  This example code is used in HAproxy configuration like this:
+    frontend example
+       http-request use-service lua.hello-world
 .. js:function:: core.register_init(func)
   **context**: body
@@ -564,7 +609,7 @@
   :param class_channel channel: The manipulated Channel.
   :returns: a string containig all the avalaible data or nil.
-.. js:function:: Channel.get_line(channel)
+.. js:function:: Channel.getline(channel)
   This function returns a string that contain the first line of the buffer. The
   data is consumed. If the data returned doesn't contains a final '\n' its
@@ -1041,26 +1086,30 @@
   system resources. Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before
   destruction, though.
-.. js:function:: Socket.connect(socket, address, port)
+.. js:function:: Socket.connect(socket, address[, port])
   Attempts to connect a socket object to a remote host.
-  Address can be an IP address or a host name. Port must be an integer number
-  in the range [1..64K).
   In case of error, the method returns nil followed by a string describing the
   error. In case of success, the method returns 1.
   :param class_socket socket: Is the manipulated Socket.
+  :param string address: can be an IP address or a host name. See below for more
+                         information.
+  :param integer port: must be an integer number in the range [1..64K].
   :returns: 1 or nil.
-  Note: The function Socket.connect is available and is a shortcut for the
-  creation of client sockets.
+  an address field extension permits to use the connect() function to connect to
+  other stream than TCP. The syntax containing a simpleipv4 or ipv6 address is
+  the basically expected format. This format requires the port.
-  Note: Starting with LuaSocket 2.0, the settimeout method affects the behavior
-  of connect, causing it to return with an error in case of a timeout. If that
-  happens, you can still call with the socket in the sendt table.
-  The socket will be writable when the connection is established.
+  Other format accepted are a socket path like "/socket/path", it permits to
+  connect to a socket. abstract namespaces are supported with the prefix
+  "abns@", and finaly a filedescriotr can be passed with the prefix "fd@".
+  The prefix "ipv4@", "ipv6@" and "unix@" are also supported. The port can be
+  passed int the string. The syntax "" is valid. in this case, the
+  parameter *port* is ignored.
 .. js:function:: Socket.connect_ssl(socket, address, port)
@@ -1116,6 +1165,8 @@
                 Socket. Prefix is an optional string to be concatenated to the
                 beginning of any received data before return.
+  * **empty**: If the pattern is left empty, the default option is `*l`.
   If successful, the method returns the received pattern. In case of error, the
   method returns nil followed by an error message which can be the string
   'closed' in case the connection was closed before the transmission was
@@ -1298,6 +1349,110 @@
   :param string str: Is the string used as key.
   :returns: a string containing the result or empty string if no match.
+AppletHTTP class
+.. js:class:: AppletHTTP
+  This class is used with applets that requires the 'http' mode. The http applet
+  can be registered with the *core.register_service()* function. They are used
+  for processing an http request like a server in back of HAProxy.
+  This is an hello world sample code:
+.. code-block:: lua
+  core.register_service("hello-world", "http" }, function(txn)
+     local response = "Hello World !"
+     applet:set_status(200)
+     applet:add_header("content-length", string.length(response))
+     applet:add_header("content-type", "text/plain")
+     applet:start_reponse()
+     applet:send(response)
+  end)
+.. js:function:: AppletHTTP.set_status(code)
+  This function sets the HTTP status code for the response. The allowed code are
+  from 100 to 599.
+  :param integer code: the status code returned to the client.
+.. js:function:: AppletHTTP.add_header(name, value)
+  This function add an header in the response. Duplicated headers are not
+  collapsed. The special header *content-length* is used to determinate the
+  response length. If it not exists, a *transfer-encoding: chunked* is set, and
+  all the write from the funcion *AppletHTTP:send()* become a chunk.
+  :param string name: the header name
+  :param string value: the header value
+.. js:function:: AppletHTTP.start_response()
+  This function indicates to the HTTP engine that it can process and send the
+  response headers. After this called we cannot add headers to the response; We
+  cannot use the *AppletHTTP:send()* function if the
+  *AppletHTTP:start_response()* is not called.
+.. js:function:: AppletHTTP.getline()
+  This function returns a string containing one line from the http body. If the
+  data returned doesn't contains a final '\\n' its assumed than its the last
+  available data before the end of stream.
+  :returns: a string. The string can be empty if we reach the end of the stream.
+.. js:function:: AppletHTTP.receive([size])
+  Reads data from the HTTP body, according to the specified read *size*. If the
+  *size* is missing, the function tries to read all the content of the stream
+  until the end. If the *size* is bigger than the http body, it returns the
+  amount of data avalaible.
+  :param integer size: the required read size.
+  :returns: always return a string,the string can be empty is the connexion is
+            closed.
+.. js:function:: AppletHTTP.send(msg)
+  Send the message *msg* on the http request body.
+  :param string msg: the message to send.
+AppletTCP class
+.. js:class:: AppletTCP
+  This class is used with applets that requires the 'tcp' mode. The tcp applet
+  can be registered with the *core.register_service()* function. They are used
+  for processing a tcp stream like a server in back of HAProxy.
+.. js:function:: AppletTCP.getline()
+  This function returns a string containing one line from the stream. If the
+  data returned doesn't contains a final '\\n' its assumed than its the last
+  available data before the end of stream.
+  :returns: a string. The string can be empty if we reach the end of the stream.
+.. js:function:: AppletTCP.receive([size])
+  Reads data from the TCP stream, according to the specified read *size*. If the
+  *size* is missing, the function tries to read all the content of the stream
+  until the end.
+  :param integer size: the required read size.
+  :returns: always return a string,the string can be empty is the connexion is
+            closed.
+.. js:function:: AppletTCP.send(msg)
+  Send the message on the stream.
+  :param string msg: the message to send.
 External Lua libraries