DOC: ssl: req_ssl_sni needs implicit TLS

req_ssl_sni is not compatible with protocols negotiating TLS
explicitly, like SMTP on port 25 or 587 and IMAP on port 143.

Fix an example referring to 587 (SMTPS port with implicit TLS
is 465) and amend the req_ssl_sni documentation.

This doc fix should be backported to supported versions.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index e2e9d88..93137ca 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -12259,15 +12259,16 @@
   The "use-server" statement works both in HTTP and TCP mode. This makes it
   suitable for use with content-based inspection. For instance, a server could
-  be selected in a farm according to the TLS SNI field. And if these servers
-  have their weight set to zero, they will not be used for other traffic.
+  be selected in a farm according to the TLS SNI field when using protocols with
+  implicit TLS (also see "req_ssl_sni"). And if these servers have their weight
+  set to zero, they will not be used for other traffic.
   Example :
      # intercept incoming TLS requests based on the SNI field
      use-server www if { req_ssl_sni -i }
      server     www weight 0
      use-server mail if { req_ssl_sni -i }
-     server     mail weight 0
+     server     mail weight 0
      use-server imap if { req_ssl_sni -i }
      server     imap weight 0
      # all the rest is forwarded to this server
@@ -17670,13 +17671,15 @@
   contains data that parse as a complete SSL (v3 or superior) client hello
   message. Note that this only applies to raw contents found in the request
   buffer and not to contents deciphered via an SSL data layer, so this will not
-  work with "bind" lines having the "ssl" option. SNI normally contains the
-  name of the host the client tries to connect to (for recent browsers). SNI is
-  useful for allowing or denying access to certain hosts when SSL/TLS is used
-  by the client. This test was designed to be used with TCP request content
-  inspection. If content switching is needed, it is recommended to first wait
-  for a complete client hello (type 1), like in the example below. See also
-  "ssl_fc_sni".
+  work with "bind" lines having the "ssl" option. This will only work for actual
+  implicit TLS based protocols like HTTPS (443), IMAPS (993), SMTPS (465),
+  however it will not work for explicit TLS based protocols, like SMTP (25/587)
+  or IMAP (143). SNI normally contains the name of the host the client tries to
+  connect to (for recent browsers). SNI is useful for allowing or denying access
+  to certain hosts when SSL/TLS is used by the client. This test was designed to
+  be used with TCP request content inspection. If content switching is needed,
+  it is recommended to first wait for a complete client hello (type 1), like in
+  the example below. See also "ssl_fc_sni".
   ACL derivatives :
     req_ssl_sni : exact string match