MEDIUM: checks: provide environment variables to the external checks
The external command accepted 4 arguments, some with the value "NOT_USED" when
not applicable. In order to make the exernal command more generic, this patch
also provides the values in environment variables. This allows to provide more
Currently, the supported environment variables are :
PATH, as previously provided.
HAPROXY_PROXY_NAME, the backend name
HAPROXY_PROXY_ID, the backend id
HAPROXY_PROXY_ADDR, the first bind address if available (or empty)
HAPROXY_PROXY_PORT, the first bind port if available (or empty)
HAPROXY_SERVER_NAME, the server name
HAPROXY_SERVER_ID, the server id
HAPROXY_SERVER_ADDR, the server address
HAPROXY_SERVER_PORT, the server port if available (or empty)
HAPROXY_SERVER_MAXCONN, the server max connections
HAPROXY_SERVER_CURCONN, the current number of connections on the server
1 file changed