MEDIUM: mux-h1: Add the support of headers adjustment for bogus HTTP/1 apps

There is no standard case for HTTP header names because, as stated in the
RFC7230, they are case-insensitive. So applications must handle them in a
case-insensitive manner. But some bogus applications erroneously rely on the
case used by most browsers. This problem becomes critical with HTTP/2
because all header names must be exchanged in lowercase. And HAProxy uses the
same convention. All header names are sent in lowercase to clients and servers,
regardless of the HTTP version.

This design choice is linked to the HTX implementation. So, for previous
versions (2.0 and 1.9), a workaround is to disable the HTX mode to fall
back to the legacy HTTP mode.

Since the legacy HTTP mode was removed, some users reported interoperability
issues because their application was not able anymore to handle HTTP/1 message
received from HAProxy. So, we've decided to add a way to change the case of some
headers before sending them. It is now possible to define a "mapping" between a
lowercase header name and a version supported by the bogus application. To do
so, you must use the global directives "h1-case-adjust" and
"h1-case-adjust-file". Then options "h1-case-adjust-bogus-client" and
"h1-case-adjust-bogus-server" may be used in proxy sections to enable the
conversion. See the configuration manual for more info.

Of course, our advice is to urgently upgrade these applications for
interoperability concerns and because they may be vulnerable to various types of
content smuggling attacks. But, if your are really forced to use an unmaintained
bogus application, you may use these directive, at your own risks.

If it is relevant, this feature may be backported to 2.0.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index d9368b9..4e18f0f 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -583,6 +583,8 @@
    - gid
    - group
    - hard-stop-after
+   - h1-case-adjust
+   - h1-case-adjust-file
    - log
    - log-tag
    - log-send-hostname
@@ -837,6 +839,55 @@
       hard-stop-after 30s
+h1-case-adjust <from> <to>
+  Defines the case adjustment to apply, when enabled, to the header name
+  <from>, to change it to <to> before sending it to HTTP/1 clients or
+  servers. <from> must be in lower case, and <from> and <to> must not differ
+  except for their case. It may be repeated if several header names need to be
+  ajusted. Duplicate entries are not allowed. If a lot of header names have to
+  be adjusted, it might be more convenient to use "h1-case-adjust-file".
+  Please note that no transformation will be applied unless "option
+  h1-case-adjust-bogus-client" or "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server" is
+  specified in a proxy.
+  There is no standard case for header names because, as stated in RFC7230,
+  they are case-insensitive. So applications must handle them in a case-
+  insensitive manner. But some bogus applications violate the standards and
+  erroneously rely on the cases most commonly used by browsers. This problem
+  becomes critical with HTTP/2 because all header names must be exchanged in
+  lower case, and HAProxy follows the same convention. All header names are
+  sent in lower case to clients and servers, regardless of the HTTP version.
+  Applications which fail to properly process requests or responses may require
+  to temporarily use such workarounds to adjust header names sent to them for
+  the time it takes the application to be fixed. Please note that an
+  application which requires such workarounds might be vulnerable to content
+  smuggling attacks and must absolutely be fixed.
+  Example:
+    global
+      h1-case-adjust content-length Content-Length
+  See "h1-case-adjust-file", "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client" and
+  "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server".
+h1-case-adjust-file <hdrs-file>
+  Defines a file containing a list of key/value pairs used to adjust the case
+  of some header names before sending them to HTTP/1 clients or servers. The
+  file <hdrs-file> must contain 2 header names per line. The first one must be
+  in lower case and both must not differ except for their case. Lines which
+  start with '#' are ignored, just like empty lines. Leading and trailing tabs
+  and spaces are stripped. Duplicate entries are not allowed. Please note that
+  no transformation will be applied unless "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client"
+  or "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server" is specified in a proxy.
+  If this directive is repeated, only the last one will be processed.  It is an
+  alternative to the directive "h1-case-adjust" if a lot of header names need
+  to be adjusted. Please read the risks associated with using this.
+  See "h1-case-adjust", "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client" and
+  "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server".
 group <group name>
   Similar to "gid" but uses the GID of group name <group name> from /etc/group.
   See also "gid" and "user".
@@ -2397,6 +2448,8 @@
 option dontlognull                   (*)  X          X         X         -
 -- keyword -------------------------- defaults - frontend - listen -- backend -
 option forwardfor                         X          X         X         X
+option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client   (*)  X          X         X         -
+option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server   (*)  X          -         X         X
 option http-buffer-request           (*)  X          X         X         X
 option http-ignore-probes            (*)  X          X         X         -
 option http-keep-alive               (*)  X          X         X         X
@@ -6045,6 +6098,76 @@
              "option http-keep-alive"
+option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client
+no option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client
+  Enable or disable the case adjustment of HTTP/1 headers sent to bogus clients
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 yes   |    yes   |   yes  |   no
+  Arguments : none
+  There is no standard case for header names because, as stated in RFC7230,
+  they are case-insensitive. So applications must handle them in a case-
+  insensitive manner. But some bogus applications violate the standards and
+  erroneously rely on the cases most commonly used by browsers. This problem
+  becomes critical with HTTP/2 because all header names must be exchanged in
+  lower case, and HAProxy follows the same convention. All header names are
+  sent in lower case to clients and servers, regardless of the HTTP version.
+  When HAProxy receives an HTTP/1 response, its header names are converted to
+  lower case and manipulated and sent this way to the clients. If a client is
+  known to violate the HTTP standards and to fail to process a response coming
+  from HAProxy, it is possible to transform the lower case header names to a
+  different format when the response is formatted and sent to the client, by
+  enabling this option and specifying the list of headers to be reformatted
+  using the global directives "h1-case-adjust" or "h1-case-adjust-file". This
+  must only be a temporary workaround for the time it takes the client to be
+  fixed, because clients which require such workarounds might be vulnerable to
+  content smuggling attacks and must absolutely be fixed.
+  Please note that this option will not affect standards-compliant clients.
+  If this option has been enabled in a "defaults" section, it can be disabled
+  in a specific instance by prepending the "no" keyword before it.
+  See also: "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server", "h1-case-adjust",
+  "h1-case-adjust-file".
+option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server
+no option h1-case-adjust-bogus-server
+  Enable or disable the case adjustment of HTTP/1 headers sent to bogus servers
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 yes   |    no   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments : none
+  There is no standard case for header names because, as stated in RFC7230,
+  they are case-insensitive. So applications must handle them in a case-
+  insensitive manner. But some bogus applications violate the standards and
+  erroneously rely on the cases most commonly used by browsers. This problem
+  becomes critical with HTTP/2 because all header names must be exchanged in
+  lower case, and HAProxy follows the same convention. All header names are
+  sent in lower case to clients and servers, regardless of the HTTP version.
+  When HAProxy receives an HTTP/1 request, its header names are converted to
+  lower case and manipulated and sent this way to the servers. If a server is
+  known to violate the HTTP standards and to fail to process a request coming
+  from HAProxy, it is possible to transform the lower case header names to a
+  different format when the request is formatted and sent to the server, by
+  enabling this option and specifying the list of headers to be reformatted
+  using the global directives "h1-case-adjust" or "h1-case-adjust-file". This
+  must only be a temporary workaround for the time it takes the server to be
+  fixed, because servers which require such workarounds might be vulnerable to
+  content smuggling attacks and must absolutely be fixed.
+  Please note that this option will not affect standards-compliant servers.
+  If this option has been enabled in a "defaults" section, it can be disabled
+  in a specific instance by prepending the "no" keyword before it.
+  See also: "option h1-case-adjust-bogus-client", "h1-case-adjust",
+  "h1-case-adjust-file".
 option http-buffer-request
 no option http-buffer-request
   Enable or disable waiting for whole HTTP request body before proceeding