MINOR: dns: no expected DNS record type found

Some DNS responses may be valid from a protocol point of view, but may
not contain any information considered as interested by the requester..
Purpose of the flag DNS_RESP_NO_EXPECTED_RECORD introduced by this patch is
to allow reporting such situation.

When this happens, a new DNS query is sent with a new query type.

For now, the function only expect A and AAAA query types which is enough
to cover current cases.
In a next future, it will be up to the caller to tell the function which
query types are expected.
diff --git a/include/types/dns.h b/include/types/dns.h
index 3ec3492..59b59c7 100644
--- a/include/types/dns.h
+++ b/include/types/dns.h
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@
 	DNS_RESP_CNAME_ERROR,		/* error when resolving a CNAME in an atomic response */
 	DNS_RESP_TIMEOUT,		/* DNS server has not answered in time */
 	DNS_RESP_TRUNCATED,		/* DNS response is truncated */
+	DNS_RESP_NO_EXPECTED_RECORD,	/* No expected records were found in the response */
 /* return codes after searching an IP in a DNS response buffer, using a family preference */