MINOR: sample: add ub64dec and ub64enc converters

ub64dec and ub64enc are the base64url equivalent of b64dec and base64
converters. base64url encoding is the "URL and Filename Safe Alphabet"
variant of base64 encoding. It is also used in in JWT (JSON Web Token)
RFC1421 mention in base64.c file is deprecated so it was replaced with
RFC4648 to which existing converters, base64/b64dec, still apply.

    http-request return content-type text/plain lf-string %[req.hdr(Authorization),word(2,.),ub64dec]
    $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" http://haproxy.local
diff --git a/reg-tests/sample_fetches/ubase64.vtc b/reg-tests/sample_fetches/ubase64.vtc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6973e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reg-tests/sample_fetches/ubase64.vtc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+varnishtest "ub64dec sample fetche Test"
+feature ignore_unknown_macro
+haproxy h1 -conf {
+    defaults
+        mode http
+        timeout connect 1s
+        timeout client  1s
+        timeout server  1s
+    frontend fe
+        bind "fd@${fe}"
+				acl input hdr(encode) -m found
+        http-request return content-type text/plain hdr encode %[hdr(encode),ub64enc] hdr decode %[hdr(decode),ub64dec] if input
+        http-request return content-type text/plain hdr encode %[bin(14fb9c03d97f12d97e),ub64enc] hdr decode %[str(FPucA9l_Etl-),ub64dec,hex,lower] if !input
+} -start
+client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} {
+    txreq -hdr "encode: f" -hdr "decode: Zg"
+    rxresp
+    expect resp.http.encode == "Zg"
+    expect resp.http.decode == "f"
+    txreq -hdr "encode: fo" -hdr "decode: Zm8"
+    rxresp
+    expect resp.http.encode == "Zm8"
+    expect resp.http.decode == "fo"
+    txreq -hdr "encode: foo" -hdr "decode: Zm9v"
+    rxresp
+    expect resp.http.encode == "Zm9v"
+    expect resp.http.decode == "foo"
+    txreq -hdr "encode: foob" -hdr "decode: Zm9vYg"
+    rxresp
+    expect resp.http.encode == "Zm9vYg"
+    expect resp.http.decode == "foob"
+    txreq -hdr "encode: fooba" -hdr "decode: Zm9vYmE"
+    rxresp
+    expect resp.http.encode == "Zm9vYmE"
+    expect resp.http.decode == "fooba"
+    txreq -hdr "encode: foobar" -hdr "decode: Zm9vYmFy"
+    rxresp
+    expect resp.http.encode == "Zm9vYmFy"
+    expect resp.http.decode == "foobar"
+    txreq
+    rxresp
+    expect resp.http.encode == "FPucA9l_Etl-"
+    expect resp.http.decode == "14fb9c03d97f12d97e"
+} -run