[CLEANUP] slightly reorganized the struct server

Struct server has gathered lots of informations over the time, but
it's better for clarity and performance to group those information
by usage, the most common ones at the top and the least ones at the
diff --git a/include/types/server.h b/include/types/server.h
index 6e94c7d..d4856de 100644
--- a/include/types/server.h
+++ b/include/types/server.h
@@ -58,34 +58,39 @@
 	struct server *next;
 	int state;				/* server state (SRV_*) */
 	int  cklen;				/* the len of the cookie, to speed up checks */
-	char *cookie;			/* the id set in the cookie */
-	char *id;				/* just for identification */
-	struct list pendconns;		/* pending connections */
-	int nbpend, nbpend_max;		/* number of pending connections */
-	struct task *queue_mgt;		/* the task associated to the queue processing */
+	char *cookie;				/* the id set in the cookie */
+	struct proxy *proxy;			/* the proxy this server belongs to */
+	int cur_sess, cur_sess_max;		/* number of currently active sessions (including syn_sent) */
+	unsigned maxconn, minconn;		/* max # of active sessions (0 = unlimited), min# for dynamic limit. */
+	int nbpend, nbpend_max;			/* number of pending connections */
+	struct list pendconns;			/* pending connections */
+	struct task *queue_mgt;			/* the task associated to the queue processing */
 	struct sockaddr_in addr;		/* the address to connect to */
-	struct sockaddr_in source_addr;	/* the address to which we want to bind for connect() */
+	struct sockaddr_in source_addr;		/* the address to which we want to bind for connect() */
-	struct sockaddr_in tproxy_addr;	/* non-local address we want to bind to for connect() */
+	struct sockaddr_in tproxy_addr;		/* non-local address we want to bind to for connect() */
 	struct sockaddr_in check_addr;		/* the address to check, if different from <addr> */
 	short check_port;			/* the port to use for the health checks */
 	int health;				/* 0->rise-1 = bad; rise->rise+fall-1 = good */
-	int rise, fall;			/* time in iterations */
+	int rise, fall;				/* time in iterations */
 	int inter;				/* time in milliseconds */
 	int result;				/* 0 = connect OK, -1 = connect KO */
 	int curfd;				/* file desc used for current test, or -1 if not in test */
-	unsigned char uweight, eweight;	/* user-specified weight-1, and effective weight-1 */
-	unsigned int wscore;		/* weight score, used during srv map computation */
-	int cur_sess, cur_sess_max;		/* number of currently active sessions (including syn_sent) */
-	unsigned int cum_sess;		/* cumulated number of sessions really sent to this server */
-	unsigned int maxconn, minconn;	/* max # of active sessions (0 = unlimited), min# for dynamic limit. */
+	char *id;				/* just for identification */
+	unsigned char uweight, eweight;		/* user-specified weight-1, and effective weight-1 */
+	unsigned int wscore;			/* weight score, used during srv map computation */
 	unsigned failed_checks, down_trans;	/* failed checks and up-down transitions */
 	unsigned failed_conns, failed_resp;	/* failed connect() and responses */
-	unsigned failed_secu;		/* blocked responses because of security concerns */
-	long long bytes_in;		/* number of bytes transferred from the client to the server */
-	long long bytes_out;		/* number of bytes transferred from the server to the client */
-	struct proxy *proxy;		/* the proxy this server belongs to */
+	unsigned failed_secu;			/* blocked responses because of security concerns */
+	unsigned cum_sess;			/* cumulated number of sessions really sent to this server */
+	long long bytes_in;			/* number of bytes transferred from the client to the server */
+	long long bytes_out;			/* number of bytes transferred from the server to the client */