BUG/MEDIUM: config: verbosely reject peers sections with multiple local peers

If a peers section contains several instances of the local peer name, only
the first one was considered and the next ones were silently ignored. This
can cause some trouble to debug such a configuration. Now the extra entries
are rejected with an error message indicating where the first occurrence was
diff --git a/src/cfgparse.c b/src/cfgparse.c
index 87fbcff..bbf0da2 100644
--- a/src/cfgparse.c
+++ b/src/cfgparse.c
@@ -1555,6 +1555,8 @@
 				curpeers->peers_fe->timeout.connect = 5000;
 				curpeers->peers_fe->accept = peer_accept;
 				curpeers->peers_fe->options2 |= PR_O2_INDEPSTR | PR_O2_SMARTCON | PR_O2_SMARTACC;
+				curpeers->peers_fe->conf.file = strdup(file);
+				curpeers->peers_fe->conf.line = linenum;
 				bind_conf = bind_conf_alloc(&curpeers->peers_fe->conf.bind, file, linenum, args[2]);
@@ -1582,6 +1584,13 @@
 					global.maxsock += l->maxconn;
+			else {
+				Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s' : local peer name already referenced at %s:%d.\n",
+				      file, linenum, args[0], args[1],
+				      curpeers->peers_fe->conf.file, curpeers->peers_fe->conf.line);
+				err_code |= ERR_FATAL;
+				goto out;
+			}
 	} /* neither "peer" nor "peers" */
 	else if (*args[0] != 0) {