BUG/MINOR: stats: don't count tarpitted connections twice
When a connection is tarpitted, a denied req is counted once when the
action is applied, and then a failed req is counted when the tarpit
timeout expires. This is completely wrong as the tarpit is exactly
equivalent to a deny since it's a disguised deny.
So let's not increment the failed req anymore.
This fix may be backported to 1.4 which has the same issue.
diff --git a/src/proto_http.c b/src/proto_http.c
index 831eeeb..ce41362 100644
--- a/src/proto_http.c
+++ b/src/proto_http.c
@@ -4209,10 +4209,6 @@
req->analysers = 0;
req->analyse_exp = TICK_ETERNITY;
- s->fe->fe_counters.failed_req++;
- if (s->listener->counters)
- s->listener->counters->failed_req++;
if (!(s->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
s->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(s->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))