MINOR: lua: Add tokenize function.

For tokenizing a string, standard Lua recommends to use regexes.
The followinf example splits words:

   for i in string.gmatch(example, "%S+") do

This is a little bit overkill for simply split words. This patch
adds a tokenize function which quick and do not use regexes.
diff --git a/doc/lua-api/index.rst b/doc/lua-api/index.rst
index 530cd59..26449a2 100644
--- a/doc/lua-api/index.rst
+++ b/doc/lua-api/index.rst
@@ -645,6 +645,40 @@
   Match two networks. For example "" matchs "". The order
   of network is not important.
+.. js:function:: core.tokenize(str, separators [, noblank])
+  **context**: body, init, task, action, sample-fetch, converter
+  This function is useful for tokenizing an entry, or splitting some messages.
+  :param string str: The string which will be split.
+  :param string separators: A string containing a list of separators.
+  :param boolean noblank: Ignore empty entries.
+  :returns: an array of string.
+  For example:
+.. code-block:: lua
+	local array = core.tokenize("This function is useful, for tokenizing an entry.", "., ", true)
+	print_r(array)
+  Returns this array:
+.. code-block:: text
+	(table) table: 0x21c01e0 [
+	    1: (string) "This"
+	    2: (string) "function"
+	    3: (string) "is"
+	    4: (string) "useful"
+	    5: (string) "for"
+	    6: (string) "tokenizing"
+	    7: (string) "an"
+	    8: (string) "entry"
+	]
 .. _proxy_class:
 Proxy class