[DOC] add a few old and uncommitted docs

These docs were still lying in my directory uncommitted. They're not
very important but can be useful for developers who seek info about
diff --git a/doc/close-options.txt b/doc/close-options.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7790937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/close-options.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+2011/04/20 - List of keep-alive / close options with associated behaviours.
+PK="http-pretend-keepalive", HC="httpclose", SC="http-server-close",
+FC = "forceclose".
+0 = option not set
+1 = option is set
+* = option doesn't matter
+Options can be split between frontend and backend, so some of them might have
+a meaning only when combined by associating a frontend to a backend. Some forms
+are not the normal ones and provide a behaviour compatible with another normal
+form. Those are considered alternate forms and are markes "(alt)".
+FC SC HC PK    Behaviour
+ 0  0  0  X    tunnel mode
+ 0  0  1  0    passive close, only set headers then tunnel
+ 0  0  1  1    forced close with keep-alive announce (alt)
+ 0  1  0  0    server close
+ 0  1  0  1    server close with keep-alive announce
+ 0  1  1  0    forced close (alt)
+ 0  1  1  1    forced close with keep-alive announce (alt)
+ 1  *  *  0    forced close
+ 1  *  *  1    forced close with keep-alive announce
+At this point this results in 4 distinct effective modes for a request being
+processed :
+  - tunnel mode   : Connection header is left untouched and body is ignored
+  - passive close : Connection header is changed and body is ignored
+  - server close  : Connection header set, body scanned, client-side keep-alive
+                    is made possible regardless of server-side capabilities
+  - forced close  : Connection header set, body scanned, connection closed.
+The "close" modes may be combined with a fake keep-alive announce to the server
+in order to workaround buggy servers that disable chunked encoding and content
+length announces when the client does not ask for keep-alive.
+Note: "http-pretend-keepalive" alone has no effect. However, if it is set in a
+      backend while a frontend is in "http-close" mode, then the combination of
+      both will result in a forced close with keep-alive announces for requests
+      passing through both.
+It is also worth noting that "option httpclose" alone has become useless since
+1.4, because "option forceclose" does the right thing, while the former only
+pretends to do the right thing. Both options might get merged in the future.
diff --git a/doc/cookie-options.txt b/doc/cookie-options.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8956a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cookie-options.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+2011/04/13 : List of possible cookie settings with associated behaviours.
+PSV="preserve", PFX="prefix", INS="insert", REW="rewrite", IND="indirect"
+0 = option not set
+1 = option is set
+* = option doesn't matter
+PSV PFX INS REW IND   Behaviour
+ 0   0   0   0   0    passive mode
+ 0   0   0   0   1    passive + indirect : remove response if not needed
+ 0   0   0   1   0    always rewrite response
+ 0   0   1   0   0    always insert or replace response
+ 0   0   1   0   1    insert + indirect : remove req and also resp if not needed
+ *   *   1   1   *    [ forbidden ]
+ 0   1   0   0   0    prefix
+ 0   1   0   0   1    !! prefix on request, remove reponse cookie if not needed
+ *   1   *   1   *    [ forbidden ]
+ *   1   1   *   *    [ forbidden ]
+ *   *   *   1   1    [ forbidden ]
+ 1   *   0   *   0    [ forbidden ]
+ 1   0   0   0   1    passive mode (alternate form)
+ 1   0   1   0   0    insert only, and preserve server response cookie if any
+ 1   0   1   0   1    conditional insert only for new requests
+ 1   1   0   0   1    prefix on requests only (passive prefix)
diff --git a/doc/design-thoughts/rate-shaping.txt b/doc/design-thoughts/rate-shaping.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..255ae4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design-thoughts/rate-shaping.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+2010/01/24 - Design of multi-criteria request rate shaping.
+We want to be able to rate-shape traffic on multiple cirteria. For instance, we
+may want to support shaping of per-host header requests, as well as per source.
+In order to achieve this, we will use checkpoints, one per criterion. Each of
+these checkpoints will consist in a test, a rate counter and a queue.
+A request reaches the checkpoint and checks the counter. If the counter is
+below the limit, it is updated and the request continues. If the limit is
+reached, the request attaches itself into the queue and sleeps. The sleep time
+is computed from the queue status, and updates the queue status.
+A task is dedicated to each queue. Its sole purpose is to be woken up when the
+next task may wake up, to check the frequency counter, wake as many requests as
+possible and update the counter. All the woken up requests are detached from
+the queue. Maybe the task dedicated to the queue can be avoided and replaced
+with all queued tasks's sleep counters, though this looks tricky. Or maybe it's
+just the first request in the queue that should be responsible for waking up
+other tasks, and not to forget to pass on this responsibility to next tasks if
+it leaves the queue.
+The woken up request then goes on evaluating other criteria and possibly sleeps
+again on another one. In the end, the task will have waited the amount of time
+required to pass all checkpoints, and all checkpoints will be able to maintain
+a permanent load of exactly their limit if enough streams flow through them.
+Since a request can only sleep in one queue at a time, it makes sense to use a
+linked list element in each session to attach it to any queue. It could very
+well be shared with the pendconn hooks which could then be part of the session.
+This mechanism could be used to rate-shape sessions and requests per backend
+and per server.
+When rate-shaping on dynamic criteria, such as the source IP address, we have
+to first extract the data pattern, then look it up in a table very similar to
+the stickiness tables, but with a frequency counter. At the checkpoint, the
+pattern is looked up, the entry created or refreshed, and the frequency counter
+updated and checked. Then the request either goes on or sleeps as described
+above, but if it sleeps, it's still in the checkpoint's queue, but with a date
+computed from the criterion's status.
+This means that we need 3 distinct features :
+   - optional pattern extraction
+   - per-pattern or per-queue frequency counter
+   - time-ordered queue with a task
+Based on past experiences with frequency counters, it does not appear very easy
+to exactly compute sleep delays in advance for multiple requests. So most
+likely we'll have to run per-criterion queues too, with only the head of the
+queue holding a wake-up timeout.
+This finally leads us to the following :
+   - optional pattern extraction
+   - per-pattern or per-queue frequency counter
+   - per-frequency counter queue
+   - head of the queue serves as a global queue timer.
+This brings us to a very flexible architecture :
+   - 1 list of rule-based checkpoints per frontend
+   - 1 list of rule-based checkpoints per backend
+   - 1 list of rule-based checkpoints per server
+Each of these lists have a lot of rules conditionned by ACLs, just like the
+use-backend rules, except that all rules are evaluated in turn.
+Since we might sometimes just want to enable that without setting any limit and
+just for enabling control in ACLs (or logging ?), we should probably try to
+find a flexible way of declaring just a counter without a queue.
+These checkpoints could be of two types :
+  - rate-limit (described here)
+  - concurrency-limit (very similar with the counter and no timer). This
+    feature would require to keep track of all accounted criteria in a
+    request so that they can be released upon request completion.
+It should be possible to define a max of requests in the queue, above which a
+503 is returned. The same applies for the max delay in the queue. We could have
+it per-task (currently it's the connection timeout) and abort tasks with a 503
+when the delay is exceeded.
+Per-server connection concurrency could be converted to use this mechanism
+which is very similar.
+The construct should be flexible enough so that the counters may be checked
+from ACLs. That would allow to reject connections or switch to an alternate
+backend when some limits are reached.
diff --git a/doc/internals/entities.txt b/doc/internals/entities.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..646f9ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/internals/entities.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+2011/02/25 - Description of the different entities in haproxy - w@1wt.eu
+1) Definitions
+A listener is the entity which is part of a frontend and which accepts
+connections. There are as many listeners as there are ip:port couples.
+There is at least one listener instanciated for each "bind" entry, and
+port ranges will lead to as many listeners as there are ports in the
+range. A listener just has a listening file descriptor ready to accept
+incoming connections and to dispatch them to upper layers.
+An initiator is instanciated for each incoming connection on a listener. It may
+also be instanciated by a task pretending to be a client. An initiator calls
+the next stage's accept() callback to present it with the parameters of the
+incoming connection.
+A session is the only entity located between an initiator and a connector.
+This is the last stage which offers an accept() callback, and all of its
+processing will continue with the next stage's connect() callback. It holds
+the buffers needed to forward the protocol data between each side. This entity
+sees the native protocol, and is able to call analysers on these buffers. As it
+is used in both directions, it always has two buffers.
+When transformations are required, some of them may be done on the initiator
+side and other ones on the connector side. If additional buffers are needed for
+such transforms, those buffers cannot replace the session's buffers, but they
+may complete them.
+A session only needs to be instanciated when forwarding of data is required
+between two sides. Accepting and filtering on layer 4 information only does not
+require a session.
+For instance, let's consider the case of a proxy which receives and decodes
+HTTPS traffic, processes it as HTTP and recodes it as HTTPS before forwarding
+it. We'd have 3 layers of buffers, where the middle ones are used for
+forwarding of the protocol data (HTTP here) :
+            <-- ssl dec --> <-forwarding-> <-- ssl enc -->
+              ,->[||||]--.   ,->[||||]--.   ,->[||||]--.
+   client  (|)            (|)            (|)            (|)  server
+              ^--[||||]<-'   ^--[||||]<-'   ^--[||||]<-'
+                  HTTPS          HTTP          HTTPS
+The session handling code is only responsible for monitoring the forwarding
+buffers here. It may declare the end of the session once those buffers are
+closed and no analyser wants to re-open them. The session is also the entity
+which applies the load balancing algorithm and decides the server to use.
+The other sides are responsible for propagating the state up to the session
+which takes decisions.
+A connector is the entity which permits to instanciate a connection to a known
+destination. It presents a connect() callback, and as such appears on the right
+side of diagrams.
+A connection is the entity instanciated by a connector. It may be composed of
+multiple stages linked together. Generally it is the part of the stream
+interface holding a file descriptor, but it can also be a processing block or a
+transformation block terminated by a connection. A connection presents a
+server-side interface.
+2) Sequencing
+Upon startup, listeners are instanciated by the configuration. When an incoming
+connection reaches a listening file descriptor, its read() callback calls the
+corresponding listener's accept() function which instanciates an initiator and
+in turn recursively calls upper layers' accept() callbacks until
+accept_session() is called. accept_session() instanciates a new session which
+starts protocol analysis via process_session(). When all protocol analysis is
+done, process_session() calls the connect() callback of the connector in order
+to get a connection.