MAJOR: threads/ssl: Make SSL part thread-safe

First, OpenSSL is now initialized to be thread-safe. This is done by setting 2
callbacks. The first one is ssl_locking_function. It handles the locks and
unlocks. The second one is ssl_id_function. It returns the current thread
id. During the init step, we create as much as R/W locks as needed, ie the
number returned by CRYPTO_num_locks function.

Next, The reusable SSL session in the server context is now thread-local.

Shctx is now also initialized if HAProxy is started with several threads.

And finally, a global lock has been added to protect the LRU cache used to store
generated certificates. The function ssl_sock_get_generated_cert is now
deprecated because the retrieved certificate can be removed by another threads
in same time. Instead, a new function has been added,
ssl_sock_assign_generated_cert. It must be used to search a certificate in the
cache and set it immediatly if found.
diff --git a/include/types/server.h b/include/types/server.h
index 31fb76f..4a31934 100644
--- a/include/types/server.h
+++ b/include/types/server.h
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 	char *sni_expr;             /* Temporary variable to store a sample expression for SNI */
 	struct {
 		SSL_CTX *ctx;
-		SSL_SESSION *reused_sess;
+		SSL_SESSION **reused_sess;
 		char *ciphers;			/* cipher suite to use if non-null */
 		int options;			/* ssl options */
 		struct tls_version_filter methods;	/* ssl methods */