DOC: add a coding-style file

This will help newcomers adapt to existing (or desired) style and will
save them some time.
diff --git a/doc/coding-style.txt b/doc/coding-style.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297e67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/coding-style.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1251 @@
+2011/12/30 - HAProxy coding style - Willy Tarreau <>
+A number of contributors are often embarrassed with coding style issues, they
+don't always know if they're doing it right, especially since the coding style
+has elvoved along the years. What is explained here is not necessarily what is
+applied in the code, but new code should as much as possible conform to this
+style. Coding style fixes happen when code is replaced. It is useless to send
+patches to fix coding style only, they will be rejected, unless they belong to
+a patch series which needs these fixes prior to get code changes. Also, please
+avoid fixing coding style in the same patches as functional changes, they make
+code review harder.
+When modifying a file, you must accept the terms of the license of this file
+which is recalled at the top of the file, or is explained in the LICENSE file,
+or if not stated, defaults to LGPL version 2.1 or later for files in the
+'include' directory, and GPL version 2 or later for all other files.
+When adding a new file, you must add a copyright banner at the top of the
+file with your real name, e-mail address and a reminder of the license.
+Contributions under incompatible licenses or too restrictive licenses might
+get rejected. If in doubt, please apply the principle above for existing files.
+All code examples below will intentionally be prefixed with "  | " to mark
+where the code aligns with the first column, and tabs in this document will be
+represented as a series of 8 spaces so that it displays the same everywhere.
+1) Indentation and alignment
+1.1) Indentation
+Indentation and alignment are two completely different things that people often
+get wrong. Indentation is used to mark a sub-level in the code. A sub-level
+means that a block is executed in the context of another block (eg: a function
+or a condition) :
+  | main(int argc, char **argv)
+  | {
+  |         int i;
+  | 
+  |         if (argc < 2)
+  |                 exit(1);
+  | }
+In the example above, the code belongs to the main() function and the exit()
+call belongs to the if statement. Indentation is made with tabs (\t, ASCII 9),
+which allows any developer to configure their preferred editor to use their
+own tab size and to still get the text properly indented. Exactly one tab is
+used per sub-level. Tabs may only appear at the beginning of a line or after
+another tab. It is illegal to put a tab after some text, as it mangles displays
+in a different manner for different users (particularly when used to align
+comments or values after a #define). If you're tempted to put a tab after some
+text, then you're doing it wrong and you need alignment instead (see below).
+Note that there are places where the code was not properly indented in the
+past. In order to view it correctly, you may have to set your tab size to 8
+1.2) Alignment
+Alignment is used to continue a line in a way to makes things easier to group
+together. By definition, alignment is character-based, so it uses spaces. Tabs
+would not work because for one tab there would not be as many characters on all
+displays. For instance, the arguments in a function declaration may be broken
+into multiple lines using alignment spaces :
+  | int http_header_match2(const char *hdr, const char *end,
+  |                        const char *name, int len)
+  | {
+  | ...
+  | }
+In this example, the "const char *name" part is aligned with the first
+character of the group it belongs to (list of function arguments). Placing it
+here makes it obvious that it's one of the function's arguments. Multiple lines
+are easy to handle this way. This is very common with long conditions too :
+  |         if ((len < eol - sol) &&
+  |             (sol[len] == ':') &&
+  |             (strncasecmp(sol, name, len) == 0)) {
+  |                 ctx->del = len;
+  |         }
+If we take again the example above marking tabs with "[-Tabs-]" and spaces
+with "#", we get this :
+  | [-Tabs-]if ((len < eol - sol) &&
+  | [-Tabs-]####(sol[len] == ':') &&
+  | [-Tabs-]####(strncasecmp(sol, name, len) == 0)) {
+  | [-Tabs-][-Tabs-]ctx->del = len;
+  | [-Tabs-]}
+It is worth noting that some editors tend to confuse indentations and aligment.
+Emacs is notoriously known for this brokenness, and is responsible for almost
+all of the alignment mess. The reason is that Emacs only counts spaces, tries
+to fill as many as possible with tabs and completes with spaces. Once you know
+it, you just have to be careful, as alignment is not used much, so generally it
+is just a matter of replacing the last tab with 8 spaces when this happens.
+Indentation should be used everywhere there is a block or an opening brace. It
+is not possible to have two consecutive closing braces on the same column, it
+means that the innermost was not indented.
+Right :
+  | main(int argc, char **argv)
+  | {
+  |         if (argc > 1) {
+  |                 printf("Hello\n");
+  |         }
+  |         exit(0);
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | main(int argc, char **argv)
+  | {
+  | if (argc > 1) {
+  |         printf("Hello\n");
+  | }
+  | exit(0);
+  | }
+A special case applies to switch/case statements. Due to my editor's settings,
+I've been used to align "case" with "switch" and to find it somewhat logical
+since each of the "case" statements opens a sublevel belonging to the "switch"
+statement. But indenting "case" after "switch" is accepted too. However in any
+case, whatever follows the "case" statement must be indented, whether or not it
+contains braces :
+  | switch (*arg) {
+  | case 'A': {
+  |         int i;
+  |         for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+  |                 printf("Please stop pressing 'A'!\n");
+  |         break;
+  | }
+  | case 'B':
+  |         printf("You pressed 'B'\n");
+  |         break;
+  | case 'C':
+  | case 'D':
+  |         printf("You pressed 'C' or 'D'\n");
+  |         break;
+  | default:
+  |         printf("I don't know what you pressed\n");
+  | }
+2) Braces
+Braces are used to delimit multiple-instruction blocks. In general it is
+preferred to avoid braces around single-instruction blocks as it reduces the
+number of lines :
+Right :
+  | if (argc >= 2)
+  |         exit(0);
+Wrong :
+  | if (argc >= 2) {
+  |         exit(0);
+  | }
+But it is not that strict, it really depends on the context. It happens from
+time to time that single-instruction blocks are enclosed within braces because
+it makes the code more symmetrical, or more readable. Example :
+  | if (argc < 2) {
+  |         printf("Missing argument\n");
+  |         exit(1);
+  | } else {
+  |         exit(0);
+  | }
+Braces are always needed to declare a function. A function's opening brace must
+be placed at the beginning of the next line :
+Right :
+  | int main(int argc, char **argv)
+  | {
+  |         exit(0);
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+  |         exit(0);
+  | }
+Note that a large portion of the code still does not conforms to this rule, as
+it took years to me to adapt to this more common standard which I now tend to
+prefer, as it avoids visual confusion when function declarations are broken on
+multiple lines :
+Right :
+  | int foo(const char *hdr, const char *end,
+  |         const char *name, const char *err,
+  |         int len)
+  | {
+  |         int i;
+Wrong :
+  | int foo(const char *hdr, const char *end,
+  |         const char *name, const char *err,
+  |         int len) {
+  |         int i;
+Braces should always be used where there might be an ambiguity with the code
+later. The most common example is the stacked "if" statement where an "else"
+may be added later at the wrong place breaking the code, but it also happens
+with comments or long arguments in function calls. In general, if a block is
+more than one line long, it should use braces.
+Dangerous code waiting of a victim :
+  | if (argc < 2)
+  |         /* ret must not be negative here */
+  |         if (ret < 0)
+  |                 return -1;
+Wrong change :
+  | if (argc < 2)
+  |         /* ret must not be negative here */
+  |         if (ret < 0)
+  |                 return -1;
+  | else
+  |         return 0;
+It will do this instead of what your eye seems to tell you :
+  | if (argc < 2)
+  |         /* ret must not be negative here */
+  |         if (ret < 0)
+  |                 return -1;
+  |         else
+  |                 return 0;
+Right :
+  | if (argc < 2) {
+  |         /* ret must not be negative here */
+  |         if (ret < 0)
+  |                 return -1;
+  | }
+  | else
+  |         return 0;
+Similarly dangerous example :
+  | if (ret < 0)
+  |         /* ret must not be negative here */
+  |         complain();
+  | init();
+Wrong change to silent the annoying message :
+  | if (ret < 0)
+  |         /* ret must not be negative here */
+  |         //complain();
+  | init();
+... which in fact means :
+  | if (ret < 0)
+  |         init();
+3) Breaking lines
+There is no strict rule for line breaking. Some files try to stick to the 80
+column limit, but given that various people use various tab sizes, it does not
+make much sense. Also, code is sometimes easier to read with less lines, as it
+represents less surface on the screen (since each new line adds its tabs and
+spaces). The rule is to stick to the average line length of other lines. If you
+are working in a file which fits in 80 columns, try to keep this goal in mind.
+If you're in a function with 120-chars lines, there is no reason to add many
+short lines, so you can make longer lines.
+In general, opening a new block should lead to a new line. Similarly, multiple
+instructions should be avoided on the same line. But some constructs make it
+more readable when those are perfectly aligned :
+A copy-paste bug in the following construct will be easier to spot :
+  | if (omult % idiv == 0) { omult /= idiv; idiv = 1; }
+  | if (idiv % omult == 0) { idiv /= omult; omult = 1; }
+  | if (imult % odiv == 0) { imult /= odiv; odiv = 1; }
+  | if (odiv % imult == 0) { odiv /= imult; imult = 1; }
+than in this one :
+  | if (omult % idiv == 0) {
+  |         omult /= idiv;
+  |         idiv = 1;
+  | }
+  | if (idiv % omult == 0) {
+  |         idiv /= omult;
+  |         omult = 1;
+  | }
+  | if (imult % odiv == 0) {
+  |         imult /= odiv;
+  |         odiv = 1;
+  | }
+  | if (odiv % imult == 0) {
+  |         odiv /= imult;
+  |         imult = 1;
+  | }
+What is important is not to mix styles. For instance there is nothing wrong
+with having many one-line "case" statements as long as most of them are this
+short like below :
+  | switch (*arg) {
+  | case 'A': ret = 1; break;
+  | case 'B': ret = 2; break;
+  | case 'C': ret = 4; break;
+  | case 'D': ret = 8; break;
+  | default : ret = 0; break;
+  | }
+Otherwise, prefer to have the "case" statement on its own line as in the
+example in section 1.2 about alignment. In any case, avoid to stack multiple
+control statements on the same line, so that it will never be the needed to
+add two tab levels at once :
+Right :
+  | switch (*arg) {
+  | case 'A':
+  |         if (ret < 0)
+  |                 ret = 1;
+  |         break;
+  | default : ret = 0; break;
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | switch (*arg) {
+  | case 'A': if (ret < 0)
+  |                 ret = 1;
+  |         break;
+  | default : ret = 0; break;
+  | }
+Right :
+  | if (argc < 2)
+  |         if (ret < 0)
+  |                 return -1;
+or Right :
+  | if (argc < 2)
+  |         if (ret < 0) return -1;
+but Wrong :
+  | if (argc < 2) if (ret < 0) return -1;
+When complex conditions or expressions are broken into multiple lines, please
+do ensure that alignment is perfectly appropriate, and group all main operators
+on the same side (which you're free to choose as long as it does not change for
+every block. Putting binary operators on the right side is preferred as it does
+not mangle with alignment but various people have their preferences.
+Right :
+  | if ((txn->flags & TX_NOT_FIRST) &&
+  |     ((req->flags & BF_FULL) ||
+  |      req->r < req->lr ||
+  |      req->r > req->data + req->size - global.tune.maxrewrite)) {
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+Right :
+  | if ((txn->flags & TX_NOT_FIRST)
+  |     && ((req->flags & BF_FULL)
+  |         || req->r < req->lr
+  |         || req->r > req->data + req->size - global.tune.maxrewrite)) {
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | if ((txn->flags & TX_NOT_FIRST) &&
+  |    ((req->flags & BF_FULL) ||
+  |      req->r < req->lr
+  |    || req->r > req->data + req->size - global.tune.maxrewrite)) {
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+If it makes the result more readable, parenthesis may even be closed on their
+own line in order to align with the opening one. Note that should normally not
+be needed because such code would be too complex to be digged into.
+The "else" statement may either be merged with the closing "if" brace or lie on
+its own line. The later is preferred but it adds one extra line to each control
+block which is annoying in short ones. However, if the "else" is followed by an
+"if", then it should really be on its own line and the rest of the if/else
+blocks must follow the same style.
+Right :
+  | if (a < b) {
+  |         return a;
+  | }
+  | else {
+  |         return b;
+  | }
+Right :
+  | if (a < b) {
+  |         return a;
+  | } else {
+  |         return b;
+  | }
+Right :
+  | if (a < b) {
+  |         return a;
+  | }
+  | else if (a != b) {
+  |         return b;
+  | }
+  | else {
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | if (a < b) {
+  |         return a;
+  | } else if (a != b) {
+  |         return b;
+  | } else {
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | if (a < b) {
+  |         return a;
+  | }
+  | else if (a != b) {
+  |         return b;
+  | } else {
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+4) Spacing
+Correctly spacing code is very important. When you have to spot a bug at 3am,
+you need it to be clear. When you expect other people to review your code, you
+want it to be clear and don't want them to get nervous when trying to find what
+you did.
+Always place spaces around all binary or ternary operators, commas, as well as
+after semi-colons and opening braces if the line continues :
+Right :
+  | int ret = 0;
+  | /* if (x >> 4) { x >>= 4; ret += 4; } */
+  | ret += (x >> 4) ? (x >>= 4, 4) : 0;
+  | val = ret + ((0xFFFFAA50U >> (x << 1)) & 3) + 1;
+Wrong :
+  | int ret=0;
+  | /* if (x>>4) {x>>=4;ret+=4;} */
+  | ret+=(x>>4)?(x>>=4,4):0;
+  | val=ret+((0xFFFFAA50U>>(x<<1))&3)+1;
+Never place spaces after unary operators (&, *, -, !, ~, ++, --) nor cast, as
+they might be confused with they binary counterpart, nor before commas or
+semicolons :
+Right :
+  | bit = !!(~len++ ^ -(unsigned char)*x);
+Wrong :
+  | bit = ! ! (~len++ ^ - (unsigned char) * x) ;
+Note that "sizeof" is a unary operator which is sometimes considered as a
+langage keyword, but in no case it is a function. It does not require
+parenthesis so it is sometimes followed by spaces and sometimes not when
+there are no parenthesis. Most people do not really care as long as what
+is written is unambiguous.
+Braces opening a block must be preceeded by one space unless the brace is
+placed on the first column :
+Right :
+  | if (argc < 2) {
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | if (argc < 2){
+  | }
+Do not add unneeded spaces inside parenthesis, they just make the code less
+Right :
+  | if (x < 4 && (!y || !z))
+  |         break;
+Wrong :
+  | if ( x < 4 && ( !y || !z ) )
+  |         break;
+Language keywords must all be followed by a space. This is true for control
+statements (do, for, while, if, else, return, switch, case), and for types
+(int, char, unsigned). As an exception, the last type in a cast does not take
+a space before the closing parenthesis). The "default" statement in a "switch"
+construct is generally just followed by the colon. However the colon after a
+"case" or "default" statement must be followed by a space.
+Right :
+  | if (nbargs < 2) {
+  |         printf("Missing arg at %c\n", *(char *)ptr);
+  |         for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) beep();
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+  | switch (*arg) {
+Wrong :
+  | if(nbargs < 2){
+  |         printf("Missing arg at %c\n", *(char*)ptr);
+  |         for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)beep();
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+  | switch(*arg) {
+Function calls are different, the opening parenthesis is always coupled to the
+function name without any space. But spaces are still needed after commas :
+Right :
+  | if (!init(argc, argv))
+  |         exit(1);
+Wrong :
+  | if (!init (argc,argv))
+  |         exit(1);
+5) Excess or lack of parenthesis
+Sometimes there are too many parenthesis in some formulas, sometimes there are
+too few. There are a few rules of thumb for this. The first one is to respect
+the compiler's advice. If it emits a warning and asks for more parenthesis to
+avoid confusion, follow the advice at least to shut the warning. For instance,
+the code below is quite ambiguous due to its alignment :
+  | if (var1 < 2 || var2 < 2 &&
+  |     var3 != var4) {
+  |         /* fail */
+  |         return -3;
+  | }
+Note that this code does :
+  | if (var1 < 2 || (var2 < 2 && var3 != var4)) {
+  |         /* fail */
+  |         return -3;
+  | }
+But maybe the author meant :
+  | if ((var1 < 2 || var2 < 2) && var3 != var4) {
+  |         /* fail */
+  |         return -3;
+  | }
+A second rule to put parenthesis is that people don't always know operators
+precedence too well. Most often they have no issue with operators of the same
+category (eg: booleans, integers, bit manipulation, assignment) but once these
+operators are mixed, it causes them all sort of issues. In this case, it is
+wise to use parenthesis to avoid errors. One common error concerns the bit
+shift operators because they're used to replace multiplies and divides but
+don't have the same precedence :
+The expression :
+  | x = y * 16 + 5;
+becomes :
+  | x = y << 4 + 5;
+which is wrong because it is equivalent to :
+  | x = y << (4 + 5);
+while the following was desired instead :
+  | x = (y << 4) + 5;
+It is generally fine to write boolean expressions based on comparisons without
+any parenthesis. But on top of that, integer expressions and assignments should
+then be protected. For instance, there is an error in the expression below
+which should be safely rewritten :
+Wrong :
+  | if (var1 > 2 && var1 < 10 ||
+  |     var1 > 2 + 256 && var2 < 10 + 256 ||
+  |     var1 > 2 + 1 << 16 && var2 < 10 + 2 << 16)
+  |         return 1;
+Right (may remove a few parenthesis depending on taste) :
+  | if ((var1 > 2 && var1 < 10) ||
+  |     (var1 > (2 + 256) && var2 < (10 + 256)) ||
+  |     (var1 > (2 + (1 << 16)) && var2 < (10 + (1 << 16))))
+  |         return 1;
+The "return" statement is not a function, so it takes no argument. It is a
+control statement which is followed by the expression to be returned. It does
+not need to be followed by parenthesis :
+Wrong :
+  | int ret0()
+  | {
+  |         return(0);
+  | }
+Right :
+  | int ret0()
+  | {
+  |         return 0;
+  | }
+Parenthesisis are also found in type casts. Type casting should be avoided as
+much as possible, especially when it concerns pointer types. Casting a pointer
+disables the compiler's type checking and is the best way to get caught doing
+wrong things with data not the size you expect. If you need to manipulate
+multiple data types, you can use a union instead. If the union is really not
+convenient and casts are easier, then try to isolate them as much as possible,
+for instance when initializing function arguments or in another function. Not
+proceeding this way causes huge risks of not using the proper pointer without
+any notification, which is especially true during copy-pastes.
+Wrong :
+  | void *check_private_data(void *arg1, void *arg2)
+  | {
+  |         char *area;
+  |
+  |         if (*(int *)arg1 > 1000)
+  |                 return NULL;
+  |         if (memcmp(*(const char *)arg2, "send(", 5) != 0))
+  |                 return NULL;
+  |         area = malloc(*(int *)arg1);
+  |         if (!area)
+  |                 return NULL;
+  |         memcpy(area, *(const char *)arg2 + 5, *(int *)arg1);
+  |         return area;
+  | }
+Right :
+  | void *check_private_data(void *arg1, void *arg2)
+  | {
+  |         char *area;
+  |         int len = *(int *)arg1;
+  |         const char *msg = arg2;
+  |
+  |         if (len > 1000)
+  |                 return NULL;
+  |         if (memcmp(msg, "send(", 5) != 0)
+  |                 return NULL;
+  |         area = malloc(len);
+  |         if (!area)
+  |                 return NULL;
+  |         memcpy(area, msg + 5, len);
+  |         return area;
+  | }
+6) Ambiguous comparisons with zero or NULL
+In C, '0' has no type, or it has the type of the variable it is assigned to.
+Comparing a variable or a return value with zero means comparing with the
+representation of zero for this variable's type. For a boolean, zero is false.
+For a pointer, zero is NULL. Very often, to make things shorter, it is fine to
+use the '!' unary operator to compare with zero, as it is shorter and easier to
+remind or understand than a plain '0'. Since the '!' operator is read "not", it
+helps read code faster when what follows it makes sense as a boolean, and it is
+often much more appropriate than a comparison with zero which makes an equal
+sign appear at an undesirable place. For instance :
+  | if (!isdigit(*c) && !isspace(*c))
+  |         break;
+is easier to understand than :
+  | if (isdigit(*c) == 0 && isspace(*c) == 0)
+  |         break;
+For a char this "not" operator can be reminded as "no remaining char", and the
+absence of comparison to zero implies existence of the tested entity, hence the
+simple strcpy() implementation below which automatically stops once the last
+zero is copied :
+  | void my_strcpy(char *d, const char *s)
+  | {
+  |         while ((*d++ = *s++));
+  | }
+Note the double parenthesis in order to avoid the compiler telling us it looks
+like an equality test.
+For a string or more generally any pointer, this test may be understood as an
+existence test or a validity test, as the only pointer which will fail to
+validate equality is the NULL pointer :
+  | area = malloc(1000);
+  | if (!area)
+  |         return -1;
+However sometimes it can fool the reader. For instance, strcmp() precisely is
+one of such functions whose return value can make one think the opposite due to
+its name which may be understood as "if strings compare...". Thus it is strongly
+recommended to perform an explicit comparison with zero in such a case, and it
+makes sense considering that the comparison's operator is the same that is
+wanted to compare the strings (note that current config parser lacks a lot in
+this regards) :
+    strcmp(a, b) == 0  <=>  a == b
+    strcmp(a, b) != 0  <=>  a != b
+    strcmp(a, b) <  0  <=>  a <  b
+    strcmp(a, b) >  0  <=>  a >  b
+Avoid this :
+  | if (strcmp(arg, "test"))
+  |         printf("this is not a test\n");
+  |
+  | if (!strcmp(arg, "test"))
+  |         printf("this is a test\n");
+Prefer this :
+  | if (strcmp(arg, "test") != 0)
+  |         printf("this is not a test\n");
+  |
+  | if (strcmp(arg, "test") == 0)
+  |         printf("this is a test\n");
+7) System call returns
+This is not directly a matter of coding style but more of bad habits. It is
+important to check for the correct value upon return of syscalls. The proper
+return code indicating an error is described in its man page. There is no
+reason to consider wider ranges than what is indicated. For instance, it is
+common to see such a thing :
+  | if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
+  |         return -1;
+This is wrong. The man page says that -1 is returned if an error occured. It
+does not suggest that any other negative value will be an error. It is possible
+that a few such issues have been left in existing code. They are bugs for which
+fixes are accepted, eventhough they're currently harmless since open() is not
+known for returning negative values at the moment.
+8) Declaring new types, names and values
+Please refrain from using "typedef" to declare new types, they only obfuscate
+the code. The reader never knows whether he's manipulating a scalar type or a
+struct. For instance it is not obvious why the following code fails to build :
+  | int delay_expired(timer_t exp, timer_us_t now)
+  | {
+  |         return now >= exp;
+  | }
+With the types declared in another file this way :
+  | typedef unsigned int timer_t;
+  | typedef struct timeval timer_us_t;
+This cannot work because we're comparing a scalar with a struct, which does
+not make sense. Without a typedef, the function would have been written this
+way without any ambiguity and would not have failed :
+  | int delay_expired(unsigned int exp, struct timeval *now)
+  | {
+  |         return now >= exp->tv_sec;
+  | }
+Declaring special values may be done using enums. Enums are a way to define
+structured integer values which are related to each other. They are perfectly
+suited for state machines. While the first element is always assigned the zero
+value, not everybody knows that, especially people working with multiple
+languages all the day. For this reason it is recommended to explicitly force
+the first value even if it's zero. The last element should be followed by a
+comma if it is planned that new elements might later be added, this will make
+later patches shorter. Conversely, if the last element is placed in order to
+get the number of possible values, it must not be followed by a comma and must
+be preceeded by a comment :
+  | enum {
+  |         first = 0,
+  |         second,
+  |         third,
+  |         fourth,
+  | };
+  | enum {
+  |         first = 0,
+  |         second,
+  |         third,
+  |         fourth,
+  |         /* nbvalues must always be placed last */
+  |         nbvalues
+  | };
+Structure names should be short enough not to mangle function declarations,
+and explicit enough to avoid confusion (which is the most important thing).
+Wrong :
+  | struct request_args { /* arguments on the query string */
+  |         char *name;
+  |         char *value;
+  |         struct misc_args *next;
+  | };
+Right :
+  | struct qs_args { /* arguments on the query string */
+  |         char *name;
+  |         char *value;
+  |         struct qs_args *next;
+  | }
+When declaring new functions or structures, please do not use CamelCase, which
+is a style where upper and lower case are mixed in a single word. It causes a
+lot of confusion when words are composed from acronyms, because it's hard to
+stick to a rule. For instance, a function designed to generate an ISN (initial
+sequence number) for a TCP/IP connection could be called :
+  - generateTcpipIsn()
+  - generateTcpIpIsn()
+  - generateTcpIpISN()
+  - generateTCPIPISN()
+  etc...
+None is right, none is wrong, these are just preferences which might change
+along the code. Instead, please use an underscore to separate words. Lowercase
+is preferred for the words, but if acronyms are upcased it's not dramatic. The
+real advantage of this method is that it creates unambiguous levels even for
+short names.
+Valid examples :
+  - generate_tcpip_isn()
+  - generate_tcp_ip_isn()
+  - generate_TCPIP_ISN()
+  - generate_TCP_IP_ISN()
+Another example is easy to understand when 3 arguments are involved in naming
+the function :
+Wrong (naming conflict) :
+  | /* returns A + B * C */
+  | int mulABC(int a, int b, int c)
+  | {
+  |         return a + b * c;
+  | }
+  |
+  | /* returns (A + B) * C */
+  | int mulABC(int a, int b, int c)
+  | {
+  |         return (a + b) * c;
+  | }
+Right (unambiguous naming) :
+  | /* returns A + B * C */
+  | int mul_a_bc(int a, int b, int c)
+  | {
+  |         return a + b * c;
+  | }
+  |
+  | /* returns (A + B) * C */
+  | int mul_ab_c(int a, int b, int c)
+  | {
+  |         return (a + b) * c;
+  | }
+Whenever you manipulate pointers, try to declare them as "const", as it will
+save you from many accidental misuses and will only cause warnings to be
+emitted when there is a real risk. In the examples below, it is possible to
+call my_strcpy() with a const string only in the first declaration. Note that
+people who ignore "const" are often the ones who cast a lot and who complain
+from segfaults when using strtok() !
+Right :
+  | void my_strcpy(char *d, const char *s)
+  | {
+  |         while ((*d++ = *s++));
+  | }
+  |
+  | void say_hello(char *dest)
+  | {
+  |         my_strcpy(dest, "hello\n");
+  | }
+Wrong :
+  | void my_strcpy(char *d, char *s)
+  | {
+  |         while ((*d++ = *s++));
+  | }
+  |
+  | void say_hello(char *dest)
+  | {
+  |         my_strcpy(dest, "hello\n");
+  | }
+9) Getting macros right
+It is very common for macros to do the wrong thing when used in a way their
+author did not have in mind. For this reason, macros must always be named with
+uppercase letters only. This is the only way to catch the developer's eye when
+using them, so that he double-checks whether he's taking risks or not. First,
+macros must never ever be terminated by a semi-colon, or they will close the
+wrong block once in a while. For instance, the following will cause a build
+error before the "else" due to the double semi-colon :
+Wrong :
+  | #define WARN printf("warning\n");
+  | ...
+  |         if (a < 0)
+  |                 WARN;
+  |         else
+  |                 a--;
+Right :
+  | #define WARN printf("warning\n")
+If multiple instructions are needed, then use a do { } while (0) block, which
+is the only construct which respects *exactly* the semantics of a single
+instruction :
+  | #define WARN do { printf("warning\n"); log("warning\n"); } while (0)
+  | ...
+  |
+  |         if (a < 0)
+  |                 WARN;
+  |         else
+  |                 a--;
+Second, do not put unprotected control statements in macros, they will
+definitely cause bugs :
+Wrong :
+  | #define WARN if (verbose) printf("warning\n")
+  | ...
+  |         if (a < 0)
+  |                 WARN;
+  |         else
+  |                 a--;
+Which is equivalent to the undesired form below :
+  |         if (a < 0)
+  |                 if (verbose)
+  |                         printf("warning\n");
+  |                 else
+  |                         a--;
+Right way to do it :
+  | #define WARN do { if (verbose) printf("warning\n"); } while (0)
+  | ...
+  |         if (a < 0)
+  |                 WARN;
+  |         else
+  |                 a--;
+Which is equivalent to :
+  |         if (a < 0)
+  |                 do { if (verbose) printf("warning\n"); } while (0);
+  |         else
+  |                 a--;
+Macro parameters must always be surrounded by parenthesis, and must never be
+duplicated in the same macro unless explicitly stated. Also, macros must not be
+defined with operators without surrounding parenthesis. The MIN/MAX macros are
+a pretty common example of multiple misuses, but this happens as early as when
+using bit masks. Most often, in case of any doubt, try to use inline functions
+Wrong :
+  | #define MIN(a, b) a < b ? a : b
+  |
+  | /* returns 2 * min(a,b) + 1 */
+  | int double_min_p1(int a, int b)
+  | {
+  |         return 2 * MIN(a, b) + 1;
+  | }
+What this will do :
+  | int double_min_p1(int a, int b)
+  | {
+  |         return 2 * a < b ? a : b + 1;
+  | }
+Which is equivalent to :
+  | int double_min_p1(int a, int b)
+  | {
+  |         return (2 * a) < b ? a : (b + 1);
+  | }
+The first thing to fix is to surround the macro definition with parenthesis to
+avoid this mistake :
+  | #define MIN(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
+But this is still not enough, as can be seen in this example :
+  | /* compares either a or b with c */
+  | int min_ab_c(int a, int b, int c)
+  | {
+  |         return MIN(a ? a : b, c);
+  | }
+Which is equivalent to :
+  | int min_ab_c(int a, int b, int c)
+  | {
+  |         return (a ? a : b < c ? a ? a : b : c);
+  | }
+Which in turn means a totally different thing due to precedence :
+  | int min_ab_c(int a, int b, int c)
+  | {
+  |         return (a ? a : ((b < c) ? (a ? a : b) : c));
+  | }
+This can be fixed by surrounding *each* argument in the macro with parenthesis:
+  | #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+But this is still not enough, as can be seen in this example :
+  | int min_ap1_b(int a, int b)
+  | {
+  |         return MIN(++a, b);
+  | }
+Which is equivalent to :
+  | int min_ap1_b(int a, int b)
+  | {
+  |         return ((++a) < (b) ? (++a) : (b));
+  | }
+Again, this is wrong because "a" is incremented twice if below b. The only way
+to fix this is to use a compound statement and to assign each argument exactly
+once to a local variable of the same type :
+  | #define MIN(a, b) ({ typeof(a) __a = (a); typeof(b) __b = (b);  \
+  |                      ((__a) < (__b) ? (__a) : (__b));           \
+  |                   })
+At this point, using static inline functions is much cleaner if a single type
+is to be used :
+  | static inline int min(int a, int b)
+  | {
+  |         return a < b ? a : b;
+  | }
+10) Includes
+Includes are as much as possible listed in alphabetically ordered groups :
+  - the libc-standard includes (those without any path component)
+  - the includes more or less system-specific (sys/*, netinet/*, ...)
+  - includes from the local "common" subdirectory
+  - includes from the local "types" subdirectory
+  - includes from the local "proto" subdirectory
+Each section is just visually delimited from the other ones using an empty
+line. The two first ones above may be merged into a single section depending on
+developer's preference. Please do not copy-paste include statements from other
+files. Having too many includes significantly increases build time and makes it
+hard to find which ones are needed later. Just include what you need and if
+possible in alphabetical order so that when something is missing, it becomes
+obvious where to look for it and where to add it.
+All files should include <common/config.h> because this is where build options
+are prepared.
+Header files are split in two directories ("types" and "proto") depending on
+what they provide. Types, structures, enums and #defines must go into the
+"types" directory. Function prototypes and inlined functions must go into the
+"proto" directory. This split is because of inlined functions which
+cross-reference types from other files, which cause a chicken-and-egg problem
+if the functions and types are declared at the same place.
+All headers which do not depend on anything currently go to the "common"
+subdirectory, but are equally well placed into the "proto" directory. It is
+possible that one day the "common" directory will disappear.
+Include files must be protected against multiple inclusion using the common
+#ifndef/#define/#endif trick with a tag derived from the include file and its
+11) Comments
+Comments are preferably of the standard 'C' form using /* */. The C++ form "//"
+are tolerated for very short comments (eg: a word or two) but should be avoided
+as much as possible. Multi-line comments are made with each intermediate line
+starting with a star aligned with the first one, as in this example :
+  | /*
+  |  * This is a multi-line
+  |  * comment.
+  |  */
+If multiple code lines need a short comment, try to align them so that you can
+have multi-line sentences. This is rarely needed, only for really complex
+Do not tell what you're doing in comments, but explain why you're doing it if
+it seems not to be obvious. Also *do* indicate at the top of function what they
+accept and what they don't accept. For instance, strcpy() only accepts output
+buffers at least as large as the input buffer, and does not support any NULL
+pointer. There is nothing wrong with that if the caller knows it.
+Wrong use of comments :
+  | int flsnz8(unsigned int x)
+  | {
+  |         int ret = 0;                         /* initialize ret */
+  |         if (x >> 4) { x >>= 4; ret += 4; }   /* add 4 to ret if needed */
+  |         return ret + ((0xFFFFAA50U >> (x << 1)) & 3) + 1; /* add ??? */
+  | }
+  | ...
+  | bit = ~len + (skip << 3) + 9;        /* update bit */
+Right use of comments :
+  | /* This function returns the positoin of the highest bit set in the lowest
+  |  * byte of <x>, between 0 and 7. It only works if <x> is non-null. It uses
+  |  * a 32-bit value as a lookup table to return one of 4 values for the
+  |  * highest 16 possible 4-bit values.
+  |  */
+  | int flsnz8(unsigned int x)
+  | {
+  |         int ret = 0;
+  |         if (x >> 4) { x >>= 4; ret += 4; }
+  |         return ret + ((0xFFFFAA50U >> (x << 1)) & 3) + 1;
+  | }
+  | ...
+  | bit = ~len + (skip << 3) + 9; /* (skip << 3) + (8 - len), saves 1 cycle */
+12) Use of assembly
+There are many projects where use of assembly code is not welcome. There is no
+problem with use of assembly in haproxy, provided that :
+  a) an alternate C-form is provided for architectures not covered
+  b) the code is small enough and well commented enough to be maintained
+It is important to take care of various incompatibilities between compiler
+versions, for instance regarding output and cloberred registers. There are
+a number of documentations on the subject on the net. Anyway if you are
+fiddling with assembly, you probably know that already.
+Example :
+  | /* gcc does not know when it can safely divide 64 bits by 32 bits. Use this
+  |  * function when you know for sure that the result fits in 32 bits, because
+  |  * it is optimal on x86 and on 64bit processors.
+  |  */
+  | static inline unsigned int div64_32(unsigned long long o1, unsigned int o2)
+  | {
+  |         unsigned int result;
+  | #ifdef __i386__
+  |         asm("divl %2"
+  |             : "=a" (result)
+  |             : "A"(o1), "rm"(o2));
+  | #else
+  |         result = o1 / o2;
+  | #endif
+  |         return result;
+  | }