BUG/MEDIUM: http: fix header removal when previous header ends with pure LF
In 1.4-dev7, a header removal mechanism was introduced with commit 68085d8
("[MINOR] http: add http_remove_header2() to remove a header value."). Due
to a typo in the function, the beginning of the headers gets desynchronized
if the header preceeding the deleted one ends with an LF/CRLF combination
different form the one of the removed header. The reason is that while
rewinding the pointer, we go back by a number of bytes taking into account
the LF/CRLF status of the removed header instead of the previous one. The
case where it fails is in http-request del-header/set-header where the
multiple occurrences of a header are present and their LF/CRLF ending
differs from the preceeding header. The loop then stops because no more
headers are found given that the names and length do not match.
Another point to take into consideration is that removing headers using
a loop of http_find_header2() and this function is inefficient since we
remove values one at a time while it could be simpler and faster to
remove full header lines. This is something that should be addressed
This fix must be backported to 1.5 and 1.4. Note that http-send-name-header
relies on this function as well so it could be possible that some of the
issues encountered with it in 1.4 come from this bug.
diff --git a/src/proto_http.c b/src/proto_http.c
index b4861ce..4b14b88 100644
--- a/src/proto_http.c
+++ b/src/proto_http.c
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@
if (idx->tail == ctx->idx)
idx->tail = ctx->prev;
ctx->idx = ctx->prev; /* walk back to the end of previous header */
- ctx->line -= idx->v[ctx->idx].len + idx->v[cur_idx].cr + 1;
+ ctx->line -= idx->v[ctx->idx].len + idx->v[ctx->idx].cr + 1;
ctx->val = idx->v[ctx->idx].len; /* point to end of previous header */
ctx->tws = ctx->vlen = 0;
return ctx->idx;