[RELEASE] Released version 1.5.9

Released version 1.5.9 with the following main changes :
    - BUILD: fix "make install" to support spaces in the install dirs
    - BUG/MEDIUM: checks: fix conflicts between agent checks and ssl healthchecks
    - BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: fix bad ssl context init can cause segfault in case of OOM.
    - BUG/MINOR: samples: fix unnecessary memcopy converting binary to string.
    - BUG/MEDIUM: connection: sanitize PPv2 header length before parsing address information
    - BUG/MEDIUM: pattern: don't load more than once a pattern list.
    - BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: force a full GC in case of memory shortage
    - BUG/MINOR: config: don't inherit the default balance algorithm in frontends
    - BUG/MAJOR: frontend: initialize capture pointers earlier
    - BUG/MINOR: stats: correctly set the request/response analysers
    - DOC: fix typo in the body parser documentation for msg.sov
    - BUG/MINOR: peers: the buffer size is global.tune.bufsize, not trash.size
    - MINOR: sample: add a few basic internal fetches (nbproc, proc, stopping)
    - BUG/MAJOR: sessions: unlink session from list on out of memory
index 5c45b7e..35a4692 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
 ChangeLog :
+2014/11/26 : 1.5.9
+    - BUILD: fix "make install" to support spaces in the install dirs
+    - BUG/MEDIUM: checks: fix conflicts between agent checks and ssl healthchecks
+    - BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: fix bad ssl context init can cause segfault in case of OOM.
+    - BUG/MINOR: samples: fix unnecessary memcopy converting binary to string.
+    - BUG/MEDIUM: connection: sanitize PPv2 header length before parsing address information
+    - BUG/MEDIUM: pattern: don't load more than once a pattern list.
+    - BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: force a full GC in case of memory shortage
+    - BUG/MINOR: config: don't inherit the default balance algorithm in frontends
+    - BUG/MAJOR: frontend: initialize capture pointers earlier
+    - BUG/MINOR: stats: correctly set the request/response analysers
+    - DOC: fix typo in the body parser documentation for msg.sov
+    - BUG/MINOR: peers: the buffer size is global.tune.bufsize, not trash.size
+    - MINOR: sample: add a few basic internal fetches (nbproc, proc, stopping)
+    - BUG/MAJOR: sessions: unlink session from list on out of memory
 2014/10/31 : 1.5.8
     - BUG/MAJOR: buffer: check the space left is enough or not when input data in a buffer is wrapped
     - BUG/BUILD: revert accidental change in the makefile from latest SSL fix
diff --git a/README b/README
index 2dd8e83..ae37846 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
                              HAProxy how-to
-                             version 1.5.8
+                             version 1.5.9
                              willy tarreau
-                               2014/10/31
+                               2014/11/25
 1) How to build it
diff --git a/VERDATE b/VERDATE
index 3953fe5..7ac6da7 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 1cc9c18..2b26b8d 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index f8a356b..8593e58 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
                           Configuration Manual
-                             version 1.5.8
+                             version 1.5.9
                              willy tarreau
-                              2014/10/31
+                              2014/11/25
 This document covers the configuration language as implemented in the version
diff --git a/examples/haproxy.spec b/examples/haproxy.spec
index b39e780..6d8dba9 100644
--- a/examples/haproxy.spec
+++ b/examples/haproxy.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Summary: HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments
 Name: haproxy
-Version: 1.5.8
+Version: 1.5.9
 Release: 1
 License: GPL
 Group: System Environment/Daemons
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@
 %attr(0755,root,root) %config %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/%{name}
+* Wed Nov 26 2014 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
+- updated to 1.5.9
 * Fri Oct 31 2014 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
 - updated to 1.5.8