* the default 'httpclose' option only sets the 'Connection:' headers
  to 'close', but does not actually close any connection. The problem
  is, there are some servers which don't close the connection even if
  the proxy tells them 'Connection: close'. A workaround was added by
  the way of a new option 'forceclose' (which implies 'httpclose'),
  and which makes the proxy close the outgoing channel to the server
  once it has sent all its headers. Just don't use this with the
  'CONNECT' method of course !
diff --git a/doc/haproxy-en.txt b/doc/haproxy-en.txt
index 5b6e3c5..335cff8 100644
--- a/doc/haproxy-en.txt
+++ b/doc/haproxy-en.txt
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@
 Last, the 'httpclose' option removes any 'Connection' header both ways, and
 adds a 'Connection: close' header in each direction. This makes it easier to
-disable HTTP keep-alive than the previous 4-rules block..
+disable HTTP keep-alive than the previous 4-rules block.
 Example :
@@ -1769,6 +1769,26 @@
         option forwardfor
         option httpclose
+Note that some HTTP servers do not necessarily close the connections when they
+receive the 'Connection: close', and if the client does not close either, then
+the connection will be maintained up to the time-out. This translates into high
+number of simultaneous sessions and high global session times in the logs. To
+workaround this, a new option 'forceclose' appeared in version 1.2.9 to enforce
+the closing of the outgoing server channel as soon as the server begins to
+reply and only if the request buffer is empty. Note that this should NOT be
+used if CONNECT requests are expected between the client and the server. The
+'forceclose' option implies the 'httpclose' option.
+Example :
+    listen http_proxy
+        mode http
+        log  global
+        option httplog
+        option dontlognull
+        option forwardfor
+        option forceclose
 4.4) Load balancing with persistence
diff --git a/doc/haproxy-fr.txt b/doc/haproxy-fr.txt
index b14238a..d2a963c 100644
--- a/doc/haproxy-fr.txt
+++ b/doc/haproxy-fr.txt
@@ -1819,6 +1819,27 @@
         option forwardfor
         option httpclose
+Notons que certains serveurs HTTP ne referment pas nécessairement la session
+TCP en fin de traitement lorsqu'ils reçoivent un entête 'Connection: close',
+ce qui se traduit par des grands nombres de sessions établies et des temps
+globaux très longs sur les requêtes. Pour contourner ce problème, la version
+1.2.9 apporte une nouvelle option 'forceclose' qui referme la connexion sortant
+vers le serveur dès qu'il commence à répondre et seulement si le tampon de
+requête est vide. Attention toutefois à ne PAS utiliser cette option si des
+méthodes CONNECT sont attendues entre le client et le serveur. L'option
+'forceclose' implique l'option 'httpclose'.
+Exemple :
+    listen http_proxy
+        mode http
+        log  global
+        option httplog
+        option dontlognull
+        option forwardfor
+        option forceclose
 4.4) Répartition avec persistence
 La combinaison de l'insertion de cookie avec la répartition de charge interne