CLEANUP: Fix a typo in the listener subsystem

Fixes a typo in the code comment of the listener subsystem.
diff --git a/include/types/listener.h b/include/types/listener.h
index 05b363c..0c82a4a 100644
--- a/include/types/listener.h
+++ b/include/types/listener.h
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 /* listener socket options */
 #define LI_O_NONE               0x0000
 #define LI_O_NOLINGER           0x0001  /* disable linger on this socket */
-#define LI_O_FOREIGN            0x0002  /* permit listening on foreing addresses ("transparent") */
+#define LI_O_FOREIGN            0x0002  /* permit listening on foreign addresses ("transparent") */
 #define LI_O_NOQUICKACK         0x0004  /* disable quick ack of immediate data (linux) */
 #define LI_O_DEF_ACCEPT         0x0008  /* wait up to 1 second for data before accepting */
 #define LI_O_TCP_L4_RULES       0x0010  /* run TCP L4 rules checks on the incoming connection */