CLEANUP: frontend: remove the old proxy protocol decoder
This one used to rely on a stream analyser which was inappropriate.
It's not used anymore.
diff --git a/include/proto/frontend.h b/include/proto/frontend.h
index 3f67d4f..28bec23 100644
--- a/include/proto/frontend.h
+++ b/include/proto/frontend.h
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
#include <types/session.h>
int frontend_accept(struct session *s);
-int frontend_decode_proxy_request(struct session *s, struct channel *req, int an_bit);
int make_proxy_line(char *buf, int buf_len, struct sockaddr_storage *src, struct sockaddr_storage *dst);
diff --git a/include/types/channel.h b/include/types/channel.h
index c68f4f7..a21e13f 100644
--- a/include/types/channel.h
+++ b/include/types/channel.h
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
* The field is blanked by channel_init() and only by analysers themselves
* afterwards.
-#define AN_REQ_DECODE_PROXY 0x00000001 /* take the proxied address from a 'PROXY' line */
+/* unused: 0x00000001 */
#define AN_REQ_INSPECT_FE 0x00000002 /* inspect request contents in the frontend */
#define AN_REQ_WAIT_HTTP 0x00000004 /* wait for an HTTP request */
#define AN_REQ_HTTP_PROCESS_FE 0x00000008 /* process the frontend's HTTP part */
diff --git a/src/frontend.c b/src/frontend.c
index 89c3752..7380255 100644
--- a/src/frontend.c
+++ b/src/frontend.c
@@ -234,191 +234,6 @@
return -1;
-/* This analyser tries to fetch a line from the request buffer which looks like :
- *
- * "PROXY" <SP> PROTO <SP> SRC3 <SP> DST3 <SP> SRC4 <SP> <DST4> "\r\n"
- *
- * There must be exactly one space between each field. Fields are :
- * - PROTO : layer 4 protocol, which must be "TCP4" or "TCP6".
- * - SRC3 : layer 3 (eg: IP) source address in standard text form
- * - DST3 : layer 3 (eg: IP) destination address in standard text form
- * - SRC4 : layer 4 (eg: TCP port) source address in standard text form
- * - DST4 : layer 4 (eg: TCP port) destination address in standard text form
- *
- * This line MUST be at the beginning of the buffer and MUST NOT wrap.
- *
- * Once the data is fetched, the values are set in the session's field and data
- * are removed from the buffer. The function returns zero if it needs to wait
- * for more data (max: timeout_client), or 1 if it has finished and removed itself.
- */
-int frontend_decode_proxy_request(struct session *s, struct channel *req, int an_bit)
- char *line = req->;
- char *end = req-> + req->buf.i;
- int len;
- DPRINTF(stderr,"[%u] %s: session=%p b=%p, exp(r,w)=%u,%u bf=%08x bh=%d analysers=%02x\n",
- now_ms, __FUNCTION__,
- s,
- req,
- req->rex, req->wex,
- req->flags,
- req->i,
- req->analysers);
- if (req->flags & (CF_READ_ERROR|CF_READ_TIMEOUT))
- goto fail;
- len = MIN(req->buf.i, 6);
- if (!len)
- goto missing;
- /* Decode a possible proxy request, fail early if it does not match */
- if (strncmp(line, "PROXY ", len) != 0)
- goto fail;
- line += 6;
- if (req->buf.i < 18) /* shortest possible line */
- goto missing;
- if (!memcmp(line, "TCP4 ", 5) != 0) {
- u32 src3, dst3, sport, dport;
- line += 5;
- src3 = inetaddr_host_lim_ret(line, end, &line);
- if (line == end)
- goto missing;
- if (*line++ != ' ')
- goto fail;
- dst3 = inetaddr_host_lim_ret(line, end, &line);
- if (line == end)
- goto missing;
- if (*line++ != ' ')
- goto fail;
- sport = read_uint((const char **)&line, end);
- if (line == end)
- goto missing;
- if (*line++ != ' ')
- goto fail;
- dport = read_uint((const char **)&line, end);
- if (line > end - 2)
- goto missing;
- if (*line++ != '\r')
- goto fail;
- if (*line++ != '\n')
- goto fail;
- /* update the session's addresses and mark them set */
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&s->si[0].conn.addr.from)->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&s->si[0].conn.addr.from)->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(src3);
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&s->si[0].conn.addr.from)->sin_port = htons(sport);
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&s->si[0]>sin_family = AF_INET;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&s->si[0]>sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(dst3);
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&s->si[0]>sin_port = htons(dport);
- s->si[0].conn.flags |= CO_FL_ADDR_FROM_SET | CO_FL_ADDR_TO_SET;
- }
- else if (!memcmp(line, "TCP6 ", 5) != 0) {
- u32 sport, dport;
- char *src_s;
- char *dst_s, *sport_s, *dport_s;
- struct in6_addr src3, dst3;
- line+=5;
- src_s = line;
- dst_s = sport_s = dport_s = NULL;
- while (1) {
- if (line > end - 2) {
- goto missing;
- }
- else if (*line == '\r') {
- *line = 0;
- line++;
- if (*line++ != '\n')
- goto fail;
- break;
- }
- if (*line == ' ') {
- *line = 0;
- if (!dst_s)
- dst_s = line+1;
- else if (!sport_s)
- sport_s = line+1;
- else if (!dport_s)
- dport_s = line+1;
- }
- line++;
- }
- if (!dst_s || !sport_s || !dport_s)
- goto fail;
- sport = read_uint((const char **)&sport_s,dport_s-1);
- if ( *sport_s != 0 )
- goto fail;
- dport = read_uint((const char **)&dport_s,line-2);
- if ( *dport_s != 0 )
- goto fail;
- if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, src_s, (void *)&src3) != 1)
- goto fail;
- if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, dst_s, (void *)&dst3) != 1)
- goto fail;
- /* update the session's addresses and mark them set */
- ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&s->si[0].conn.addr.from)->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- memcpy(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&s->si[0].conn.addr.from)->sin6_addr, &src3, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&s->si[0].conn.addr.from)->sin6_port = htons(sport);
- ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&s->si[0]>sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- memcpy(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&s->si[0]>sin6_addr, &dst3, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&s->si[0]>sin6_port = htons(dport);
- s->si[0].conn.flags |= CO_FL_ADDR_FROM_SET | CO_FL_ADDR_TO_SET;
- }
- else {
- goto fail;
- }
- /* remove the PROXY line from the request */
- len = line - req->;
- buffer_replace2(&req->buf, req->, line, NULL, 0);
- req->total -= len; /* don't count the header line */
- req->analysers &= ~an_bit;
- return 1;
- missing:
- /* missing data and buffer is either full or shutdown => fail */
- if ((req->flags & CF_SHUTR) || buffer_full(&req->buf, global.tune.maxrewrite))
- goto fail;
- channel_dont_connect(s->req);
- return 0;
- fail:
- channel_abort(req);
- channel_abort(s->rep);
- req->analysers = 0;
- s->fe->fe_counters.failed_req++;
- if (s->listener->counters)
- s->listener->counters->failed_req++;
- if (!(s->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
- s->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
- if (!(s->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
- s->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
- return 0;
/* This handshake handler waits a PROXY protocol header at the beginning of the
* raw data stream. The header looks like this :
diff --git a/src/proto_http.c b/src/proto_http.c
index a5df1fd..4faff52 100644
--- a/src/proto_http.c
+++ b/src/proto_http.c
@@ -3865,7 +3865,6 @@
s->req->analysers = s->listener->analysers;
- s->req->analysers &= ~AN_REQ_DECODE_PROXY;
s->rep->analysers = 0;
http_silent_debug(__LINE__, s);
diff --git a/src/session.c b/src/session.c
index 9c5920d..7f72156 100644
--- a/src/session.c
+++ b/src/session.c
@@ -1671,12 +1671,6 @@
while (ana_list && max_loops--) {
/* Warning! ensure that analysers are always placed in ascending order! */
- if (ana_list & AN_REQ_DECODE_PROXY) {
- if (!frontend_decode_proxy_request(s, s->req, AN_REQ_DECODE_PROXY))
- break;
- UPDATE_ANALYSERS(s->req->analysers, ana_list, ana_back, AN_REQ_DECODE_PROXY);
- }
if (ana_list & AN_REQ_INSPECT_FE) {
if (!tcp_inspect_request(s, s->req, AN_REQ_INSPECT_FE))