DOC: checks: environment variables used by "external-check command"
Add some documentation about the environment variables available with
"external-check command". Currently, only one of them is dynamically updated
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index d8063ba..ee3b834 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -5354,9 +5354,6 @@
Arguments :
<command> is the external command to run
- The PATH environment variable used when executing the
- command may be set using "external-check path".
The arguments passed to the to the command are:
<proxy_address> <proxy_port> <server_address> <server_port>
@@ -5368,6 +5365,36 @@
possible to determine a listener, and both <proxy_address> and <proxy_port>
will have the string value "NOT_USED".
+ Some values are also provided through environment variables.
+ Environment variables :
+ HAPROXY_PROXY_ADDR The first bind address if available (or empty if not
+ applicable, for example in a "backend" section).
+ HAPROXY_PROXY_ID The backend id.
+ HAPROXY_PROXY_NAME The backend name.
+ HAPROXY_PROXY_PORT The first bind port if available (or empty if not
+ applicable, for example in a "backend" section or
+ for a UNIX socket).
+ HAPROXY_SERVER_ADDR The server address.
+ HAPROXY_SERVER_CURCONN The current number of connections on the server.
+ HAPROXY_SERVER_ID The server id.
+ HAPROXY_SERVER_MAXCONN The server max connections.
+ HAPROXY_SERVER_NAME The server name.
+ HAPROXY_SERVER_PORT The server port if available (or empty for a UNIX
+ socket).
+ PATH The PATH environment variable used when executing
+ the command may be set using "external-check path".
If the command executed and exits with a zero status then the check is
considered to have passed, otherwise the check is considered to have