[DOC] add some documentation about ACLs

Minimal documentation about ACLs
diff --git a/doc/haproxy-en.txt b/doc/haproxy-en.txt
index 1341aea..865bf8e 100644
--- a/doc/haproxy-en.txt
+++ b/doc/haproxy-en.txt
@@ -2525,6 +2525,80 @@
     forwarded unmodified to the server as if the option was not set.
+5) Access lists
+With version 1.3.10, a new concept of access lists (acl) was born. As it was
+not necesary to reinvent the wheel, and because even long thoughts lead to
+unsatisfying proposals, it was finally decided that something close to what
+Squid provides would be a good compromise between features and ease of use.
+The principle is very simple : acls are declared with a name, a test and a list
+of valid values to check against during the test. Conditions are applied on
+various actions, and those conditions apply a logical AND between acls. The
+condition is then only met if all acls are true.
+It is possible to use the reserved keyword "OR" in conditions, and it is
+possible for an acl to be specified multiple times, even with various tests, in
+which case the first one which returns true validates the ACL.
+As of 1.3.10, only the following tests have been implemented :
+   Layer 3/4 :
+     src       <ipv4_address>[/mask] ... : match IPv4 source address
+     dst       <ipv4_address>[/mask] ... : match IPv4 destination address
+     src_port  <low>[:<high>] ...        : match source port range
+     dst_port  <low>[:<high>] ...        : match destination port range
+     dst_limit <max>        : true if frontend has less than <max> connections
+   Layer 7 :
+     method    <HTTP method> ...  : match HTTP method
+     req_ver   <1.0|1.1> ...      : match HTTP request version
+     resp_ver  <1.0|1.1> ...      : match HTTP response version
+     status    <low>[:<high>] ... : match HTTP response status code in range
+     url       <string> ... : exact string match on URI
+     url_reg   <regex>  ... : regex string match on URI
+     url_beg   <string> ... : true if URI begins with <string>
+     url_end   <string> ... : true if URI ends with <string>
+     url_sub   <string> ... : true if URI contains <string>
+     url_dir   <string> ... : true if URI contains <string> between slashes
+     url_dom   <string> ... : true if URI contains <string> between slashes or dots
+Other ones are coming (headers, cookies, time, auth), it's just a matter of
+time. It is also planned to be able to read the patterns from a file, as well
+as to ignore the case for some of them.
+The only command supporting a condition right now is the "block" command, which
+blocks a request and returns a 403 if its condition is true (with the "if"
+keyword), or if it is false (with the "unless" keyword).
+Example :
+    acl options_uris  url *
+    acl meth_option   method OPTIONS
+    acl http_1.1      req_ver 1.1
+    acl allowed_meth  method GET HEAD POST OPTIONS CONNECT
+    acl connect_meth  method CONNECT
+    acl proxy_url     url_beg http://
+    # block if reserved URI "*" used with a method other than "OPTIONS"
+    block if options_uris !meth_option
+    # block if the OPTIONS method is used with HTTP 1.0
+    block if meth_option !http_1.1
+    # allow non-proxy url with anything but the CONNECT method
+    block if !connect_meth !proxy_url
+    # block all unknown methods
+    block unless allowed_meth
+Note: this documentation is very light but should permit one to start and above
+all it should permit to work on the project without being slowed down too much
+with the doc.
 | System-specific setup |