CONTRIB: opentracing: add the OpenTracing filter

This commit adds the OpenTracing filter (hereinafter we will use the
abbreviated name 'the OT filter') to the contrib tree.

The OT filter adds native support for using distributed tracing in HAProxy.
This is enabled by sending an OpenTracing compliant request to one of the
supported tracers; such as Datadog, Jaeger, Lightstep and Zipkin tracers.
Please note: tracers are not listed by any preference, but alphabetically.

The OT filter is a standard HAProxy filter, so what applies to others also
applies to this one (of course, by that I mean what is described in the
documentation, more precisely in the doc/internals/filters.txt file).

The OT filter activation is done explicitly by specifying it in the HAProxy
configuration.  If this is not done, the OT filter in no way participates
in the work of HAProxy.

As for the impact on HAProxy speed, this is documented with several tests
located in the test directory, and the result is found in the README-speed-*
files.  In short, the speed of operation depends on the way it is used and
the complexity of the configuration, from an almost immeasurable impact to
a significant deceleration (5x and more).  I think that in some normal use
the speed of HAProxy with the filter on will be quite satisfactory with a
slowdown of less than 4%.

The OT filter allows intensive use of ACLs, which can be defined anywhere in
the configuration.  Thus, it is possible to use the filter only for those
connections that are of interest to us.

More detailed documentation related to the operation, configuration and use
of the filter can be found in the contrib/opentracing directory.

To make the OpenTracing filter easier to configure and compile, several
entries have been added to the Makefile.  When running the make utility,
it is possible to use several new arguments:

  USE_OT=1     : enable the OpenTracing filter
  OT_DEBUG=1   : compile the OpenTracing filter in debug mode
  OT_INC=path  : force the include path to libopentracing-c-wrapper
  OT_LIB=path  : force the lib path to libopentracing-c-wrapper
  OT_RUNPATH=1 : add libopentracing-c-wrapper RUNPATH to haproxy executable

If USE_OT is set, then an additional Makefile from the contrib/opentracing
directory is included in the compilation process.
diff --git a/contrib/opentracing/src/event.c b/contrib/opentracing/src/event.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90b5828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/opentracing/src/event.c
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 HAProxy Technologies
+ *
+ * This file is part of the HAProxy OpenTracing filter.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "include.h"
+#define FLT_OT_EVENT_DEF(a,b,c,d,e,f)   { AN_##b##_##a, SMP_OPT_DIR_##b, SMP_VAL_FE_##c, SMP_VAL_BE_##d, e, f },
+const struct flt_ot_event_data flt_ot_event_data[FLT_OT_EVENT_MAX] = { FLT_OT_EVENT_DEFINES };
+ * NAME
+ *   flt_ot_scope_run_span -
+ *
+ *   s         -
+ *   f         -
+ *   chn       -
+ *   dir       -
+ *   span      -
+ *   data      -
+ *   conf_span -
+ *   ts        -
+ *   err       -
+ *
+ *   -
+ *
+ *   Returns a negative value if an error occurs, 0 if it needs to wait,
+ *   any other value otherwise.
+ */
+static int flt_ot_scope_run_span(struct stream *s, struct filter *f, struct channel *chn, uint dir, struct flt_ot_scope_span *span, struct flt_ot_scope_data *data, const struct flt_ot_conf_span *conf_span, const struct timespec *ts, char **err)
+	struct flt_ot_conf *conf = FLT_OT_CONF(f);
+	int                 retval = FLT_OT_RET_OK;
+	FLT_OT_FUNC("%p, %p, %p, %u, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p:%p", s, f, chn, dir, span, data, conf_span, ts, FLT_OT_DPTR_ARGS(err));
+	if (span == NULL)
+		FLT_OT_RETURN(retval);
+	if (span->span == NULL) {
+		span->span = ot_span_init(conf->tracer->tracer, span->id, ts, NULL, span->ref_type, FLT_OT_DEREF(span->ref_ctx, idx, -1), span->ref_span, data->tags, data->num_tags, err);
+		if (span->span == NULL)
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+	}
+	else if (data->num_tags > 0)
+		if (ot_span_tag(span->span, data->tags, data->num_tags) == -1)
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+	if ((span->span != NULL) && (data->baggage != NULL))
+		if (ot_span_set_baggage(span->span, data->baggage) == -1)
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+	if ((span->span != NULL) && (data->num_log_fields > 0))
+		if (ot_span_log(span->span, data->log_fields, data->num_log_fields) == -1)
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+	if ((span->span != NULL) && (conf_span->ctx_id != NULL)) {
+		struct otc_http_headers_writer  writer;
+		struct otc_text_map            *text_map = NULL;
+		struct otc_span_context        *span_ctx;
+		span_ctx = ot_inject_http_headers(conf->tracer->tracer, span->span, &writer, err);
+		if (span_ctx != NULL) {
+			int i = 0;
+			if (conf_span->ctx_flags & (FLT_OT_CTX_USE_VARS | FLT_OT_CTX_USE_HEADERS)) {
+				for (text_map = &(writer.text_map); i < text_map->count; i++) {
+					if (!(conf_span->ctx_flags & FLT_OT_CTX_USE_VARS))
+						/* Do nothing. */;
+					else if (flt_ot_var_register(FLT_OT_VARS_SCOPE, conf_span->ctx_id, text_map->key[i], err) == -1)
+						retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+					else if (flt_ot_var_set(s, FLT_OT_VARS_SCOPE, conf_span->ctx_id, text_map->key[i], text_map->value[i], dir, err) == -1)
+						retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+					if (!(conf_span->ctx_flags & FLT_OT_CTX_USE_HEADERS))
+						/* Do nothing. */;
+					else if (flt_ot_http_header_set(chn, conf_span->ctx_id, text_map->key[i], text_map->value[i], err) == -1)
+						retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+				}
+			}
+			span_ctx->destroy(&span_ctx);
+			otc_text_map_destroy(&text_map, OTC_TEXT_MAP_FREE_KEY | OTC_TEXT_MAP_FREE_VALUE);
+		}
+	}
+	FLT_OT_RETURN(retval);
+ * NAME
+ *   flt_ot_scope_run -
+ *
+ *   s          -
+ *   f          -
+ *   chn        -
+ *   conf_scope -
+ *   ts         -
+ *   dir        -
+ *   err        -
+ *
+ *   -
+ *
+ *   Returns a negative value if an error occurs, 0 if it needs to wait,
+ *   any other value otherwise.
+ */
+int flt_ot_scope_run(struct stream *s, struct filter *f, struct channel *chn, struct flt_ot_conf_scope *conf_scope, const struct timespec *ts, uint dir, char **err)
+	struct flt_ot_conf         *conf = FLT_OT_CONF(f);
+	struct flt_ot_conf_context *conf_ctx;
+	struct flt_ot_conf_span    *conf_span;
+	struct flt_ot_conf_str     *finish;
+	struct timespec             ts_now;
+	int                         retval = FLT_OT_RET_OK;
+	FLT_OT_FUNC("%p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %u, %p:%p", s, f, chn, conf_scope, ts, dir, FLT_OT_DPTR_ARGS(err));
+	FLT_OT_DBG(3, "channel: %s, mode: %s (%s)", flt_ot_chn_label(chn), flt_ot_pr_mode(s), flt_ot_stream_pos(s));
+	FLT_OT_DBG(3, "run scope '%s' %d", conf_scope->id, conf_scope->event);
+	FLT_OT_DBG_CONF_SCOPE("run scope ", conf_scope);
+	if (ts == NULL) {
+		(void)clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts_now);
+		ts = &ts_now;
+	}
+	if (conf_scope->cond != NULL) {
+		enum acl_test_res res;
+		int               rc;
+		res = acl_exec_cond(conf_scope->cond, s->be, s->sess, s, dir | SMP_OPT_FINAL);
+		rc  = acl_pass(res);
+		if (conf_scope->cond->pol == ACL_COND_UNLESS)
+			rc = !rc;
+		FLT_OT_DBG(3, "the ACL rule %s", rc ? "matches" : "does not match");
+		/*
+		 * If the rule does not match, the current scope is skipped.
+		 *
+		 * If it is a root span, further processing of the session is
+		 * disabled.  As soon as the first span is encountered which
+		 * is marked as root, further search is interrupted.
+		 */
+		if (!rc) {
+			list_for_each_entry(conf_span, &(conf_scope->spans), list)
+				if (conf_span->flag_root) {
+					FLT_OT_DBG(0, "session disabled");
+					FLT_OT_RT_CTX(f->ctx)->flag_disabled = 1;
+					_HA_ATOMIC_ADD(conf->cnt.disabled + 0, 1);
+					break;
+				}
+			FLT_OT_RETURN(retval);
+		}
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(conf_ctx, &(conf_scope->contexts), list) {
+		struct otc_text_map *text_map;
+		FLT_OT_DBG(3, "run context '%s' -> '%s'", conf_scope->id, conf_ctx->id);
+		FLT_OT_DBG_CONF_CONTEXT("run context ", conf_ctx);
+		/*
+		 * The OpenTracing context is read from the HTTP header
+		 * or from HAProxy variables.
+		 */
+		if (conf_ctx->flags & FLT_OT_CTX_USE_HEADERS)
+			text_map = flt_ot_http_headers_get(chn, conf_ctx->id, conf_ctx->id_len, err);
+		else
+			text_map = flt_ot_vars_get(s, FLT_OT_VARS_SCOPE, conf_ctx->id, dir, err);
+		if (text_map != NULL) {
+			if (flt_ot_scope_context_init(f->ctx, conf->tracer->tracer, conf_ctx->id, conf_ctx->id_len, text_map, dir, err) == NULL)
+				retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+			otc_text_map_destroy(&text_map, OTC_TEXT_MAP_FREE_KEY | OTC_TEXT_MAP_FREE_VALUE);
+		} else {
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+		}
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(conf_span, &(conf_scope->spans), list) {
+		struct flt_ot_scope_data   data;
+		struct flt_ot_scope_span  *span;
+		struct flt_ot_conf_sample *sample;
+		FLT_OT_DBG(3, "run span '%s' -> '%s'", conf_scope->id, conf_span->id);
+		FLT_OT_DBG_CONF_SPAN("run span ", conf_span);
+		(void)memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+		span = flt_ot_scope_span_init(f->ctx, conf_span->id, conf_span->id_len, conf_span->ref_type, conf_span->ref_id, conf_span->ref_id_len, dir, err);
+		if (span == NULL)
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+		list_for_each_entry(sample, &(conf_span->tags), list) {
+			FLT_OT_DBG(3, "adding tag '%s' -> '%s'", sample->key, sample->value);
+			if (flt_ot_sample_add(s, dir, sample, &data, FLT_OT_EVENT_SAMPLE_TAG, err) == FLT_OT_RET_ERROR)
+				retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+		}
+		list_for_each_entry(sample, &(conf_span->logs), list) {
+			FLT_OT_DBG(3, "adding log '%s' -> '%s'", sample->key, sample->value);
+			if (flt_ot_sample_add(s, dir, sample, &data, FLT_OT_EVENT_SAMPLE_LOG, err) == FLT_OT_RET_ERROR)
+				retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+		}
+		list_for_each_entry(sample, &(conf_span->baggages), list) {
+			FLT_OT_DBG(3, "adding baggage '%s' -> '%s'", sample->key, sample->value);
+			if (flt_ot_sample_add(s, dir, sample, &data, FLT_OT_EVENT_SAMPLE_BAGGAGE, err) == FLT_OT_RET_ERROR)
+				retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+		}
+		if (retval != FLT_OT_RET_ERROR)
+			if (flt_ot_scope_run_span(s, f, chn, dir, span, &data, conf_span, ts, err) == FLT_OT_RET_ERROR)
+				retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+		flt_ot_scope_data_free(&data);
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(finish, &(conf_scope->finish), list)
+		if (flt_ot_scope_finish_mark(f->ctx, finish->str, finish->str_len) == -1)
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+	flt_ot_scope_finish_marked(f->ctx, ts);
+	flt_ot_scope_free_unused(f->ctx, chn);
+	FLT_OT_RETURN(retval);
+ * NAME
+ *   flt_ot_event_run -
+ *
+ *   s     -
+ *   f     -
+ *   chn   -
+ *   event -
+ *   err   -
+ *
+ *   -
+ *
+ *   Returns a negative value if an error occurs, 0 if it needs to wait,
+ *   any other value otherwise.
+ */
+int flt_ot_event_run(struct stream *s, struct filter *f, struct channel *chn, int event, char **err)
+	struct flt_ot_conf       *conf = FLT_OT_CONF(f);
+	struct flt_ot_conf_scope *conf_scope;
+	struct timespec           ts;
+	int                       retval = FLT_OT_RET_OK;
+	FLT_OT_FUNC("%p, %p, %p, %d, %p:%p", s, f, chn, event, FLT_OT_DPTR_ARGS(err));
+	FLT_OT_DBG(3, "channel: %s, mode: %s (%s)", flt_ot_chn_label(chn), flt_ot_pr_mode(s), flt_ot_stream_pos(s));
+	FLT_OT_DBG(3, "run event '%s' %d", flt_ot_event_data[event].name, event);
+#ifdef DEBUG_OT
+	_HA_ATOMIC_ADD(conf->cnt.event[event].htx + (htx_is_empty(htxbuf(&(chn->buf))) ? 1 : 0), 1);
+	FLT_OT_RT_CTX(f->ctx)->analyzers |= flt_ot_event_data[event].an_bit;
+	/* All spans should be created/completed at the same time. */
+	(void)clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
+	/*
+	 * It is possible that there are defined multiple scopes that use the
+	 * same event.  Therefore, there must not be a 'break' here, ie an
+	 * exit from the 'for' loop.
+	 */
+	list_for_each_entry(conf_scope, &(conf->scopes), list) {
+		if (conf_scope->event != event)
+			/* Do nothing. */;
+		else if (!conf_scope->flag_used)
+			FLT_OT_DBG(3, "scope '%s' %d not used", conf_scope->id, conf_scope->event);
+		else if (flt_ot_scope_run(s, f, chn, conf_scope, &ts, flt_ot_event_data[event].smp_opt_dir, err) == FLT_OT_RET_ERROR)
+			retval = FLT_OT_RET_ERROR;
+	}
+	flt_ot_vars_dump(s);
+	flt_ot_http_headers_dump(chn);
+	FLT_OT_DBG(3, "event = %d, chn = %p, s->req = %p, s->res = %p", event, chn, &(s->req), &(s->res));
+	FLT_OT_RETURN(retval);
+ * Local variables:
+ *  c-indent-level: 8
+ *  c-basic-offset: 8
+ * End:
+ *
+ * vi: noexpandtab shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8
+ */