MEDIUM: lua: Add ability for actions to intercept HTTP messages

It is now possible to intercept HTTP messages from a lua action and reply to
clients. To do so, a reply object must be provided to the function
txn:done(). It may contain a status code with a reason, a header list and a
body. By default, if an empty reply object is used, an empty 200 response is
returned. If no reply is passed when txn:done() is called, the previous
behaviour is respected, the transaction is terminated and nothing is returned to
the client. The same is done for TCP streams. When txn:done() is called, the
action is terminated with the code ACT_RET_DONE on success and ACT_RET_ERR on
error, interrupting the message analysis.

The reply object may be created for the lua, by hand. Or txn:reply() may be
called. If so, this object provides some methods to fill it:

  * Reply:set_status(<status> [  <reason>]) : Set the status and optionally the
   reason. If no reason is provided, the default one corresponding to the status
   code is used.

  * Reply:add_header(<name>, <value>) : Add a header. For a given name, the
    values are stored in an ordered list.

  * Reply:del_header(<name>) : Removes all occurrences of a header name.

  * Reply:set_body(<body>) : Set the reply body.

Here are some examples, all doing the same:

    -- ex. 1
        status  = 400,
        reason  = "Bad request",
        headers = {
            ["content-type"]  = { "text/html" },
            ["cache-control"] = { "no-cache", "no-store" },
        body = "<html><body><h1>invalid request<h1></body></html>"

    -- ex. 2
    local reply = txn:reply{
        status  = 400,
        reason  = "Bad request",
        headers = {
            ["content-type"]  = { "text/html" },
            ["cache-control"] = { "no-cache", "no-store" }
        body = "<html><body><h1>invalid request<h1></body></html>"

    -- ex. 3
    local reply = txn:reply()
    reply:set_status(400, "Bad request")
    reply:add_header("content-length", "text/html")
    reply:add_header("cache-control", "no-cache")
    reply:add_header("cache-control", "no-store")
    reply:set_body("<html><body><h1>invalid request<h1></body></html>")
diff --git a/doc/lua-api/index.rst b/doc/lua-api/index.rst
index 3aeb8d1..b4c3a2b 100644
--- a/doc/lua-api/index.rst
+++ b/doc/lua-api/index.rst
@@ -1733,18 +1733,86 @@
   :param class_txn txn: The class txn object containing the data.
   :param string var: The variable name according with the HAProxy variable syntax.
-.. js:function:: TXN.done(txn)
+.. js:function:: TXN.reply([reply])
+  Return a new reply object
+  :param table reply: A table containing info to initialize the reply fields.
+  :returns: A :ref:`reply_class` object.
+  The table used to initialized the reply object may contain following entries :
+  * status : The reply status code. the code 200 is used by default.
+  * reason : The reply reason. The reason corresponding to the status code is
+    used by default.
+  * headers : An list of headers, indexed by header name. Empty by default. For
+    a given name, multiple values are possible, stored in an ordered list.
+  * body : The reply body, empty by default.
+.. code-block:: lua
+  local reply = txn:reply{
+      status  = 400,
+      reason  = "Bad request",
+      headers = {
+          ["content-type"]  = { "text/html" },
+          ["cache-control"] = {"no-cache", "no-store" }
+      },
+      body = "<html><body><h1>invalid request<h1></body></html>"
+  }
+  :see: :js:class:`Reply`
+.. js:function:: TXN.done(txn[, reply])
   This function terminates processing of the transaction and the associated
-  session. It can be used when a critical error is detected or to terminate
+  session and optionally reply to the client for HTTP sessions.
+  :param class_txn txn: The class txn object containing the data.
+  :param class_reply reply: The class reply object to return to the client.
+  This functions can be used when a critical error is detected or to terminate
   processing after some data have been returned to the client (eg: a redirect).
+  To do so, a reply may be provided. This object is optional and may contain a
+  status code, a reason, a header list and a body. All these fields are
+  optionnals. When not provided, the default values are used. By default, with
+  an empty reply object, an empty HTTP 200 response is returned to the
+  client. If no reply object is provided, the transaction is terminated without
+  any reply.
+  The reply object may be fully created in lua or the class Reply may be used to
+  create it.
+.. code-block:: lua
+  local reply = txn:reply()
+  reply:set_status(400, "Bad request")
+  reply:add_header("content-type", "text/html")
+  reply:add_header("cache-control", "no-cache")
+  reply:add_header("cache-control", "no-store")
+  reply:set_body("<html><body><h1>invalid request<h1></body></html>")
+  txn:done(reply)
+.. code-block:: lua
+   txn:done{
+       status  = 400,
+       reason  = "Bad request",
+       headers = {
+           ["content-type"]  = { "text/html" },
+           ["cache-control"] = { "no-cache", "no-store" },
+       },
+       body = "<html><body><h1>invalid request<h1></body></html>"
+   }
   *Warning*: It not make sense to call this function from sample-fetches. In
   this case the behaviour of this one is the same than core.done(): it quit
   the Lua execution. The transaction is really aborted only from an action
   registered function.
-  :param class_txn txn: The class txn object containing the data.
+  :see: :js:func:`TXN.reply`, :js:class:`Reply`
 .. js:function:: TXN.set_loglevel(txn, loglevel)
@@ -1791,6 +1859,98 @@
   See the HAProxy configuration.txt file keyword "http-request" action
   "set-priority-offset" for details.
+.. _reply_class:
+Reply class
+.. js:class:: Reply
+  **context**: action
+  This class represents an HTTP response message. It provides some methods to
+  enrich it.
+.. code-block:: lua
+  local reply = txn:reply({status = 400}) -- default HTTP 400 reason-phase used
+  reply:add_header("content-type", "text/html")
+  reply:add_header("cache-control", "no-cache")
+  reply:add_header("cache-control", "no-store")
+  reply:set_body("<html><body><h1>invalid request<h1></body></html>")
+  :see: :js:func:`TXN.reply`
+.. js:attribute:: Reply.status
+  The reply status code. By default, the status code is set to 200.
+  :returns: integer
+.. js:attribute:: Reply.reason
+  The reason string describing the status code.
+  :returns: string
+.. js:attribute:: Reply.headers
+  A table indexing all reply headers by name. To each name is associated an
+  ordered list of values.
+  :returns: Lua table
+.. code-block:: lua
+  {
+    ["content-type"]  = { "text/html" },
+    ["cache-control"] = {"no-cache", "no-store" },
+    x_header_name     = { "value1", "value2", ... }
+    ...
+  }
+.. js:attribute:: Reply.body
+  The reply payload.
+  :returns: string
+.. js:function:: Reply.set_status(REPLY, status[, reason])
+  Set the reply status code and optionally the reason-phrase. If the reason is
+  not provided, the default reason corresponding to the status code is used.
+  :param class_reply reply: The related Reply object.
+  :param integer status: The reply status code.
+  :param string reason: The reply status reason (optional).
+.. js:function:: Reply.add_header(REPLY, name, value)
+  Add a header to the reply object. If the header does not already exist, a new
+  entry is created with its name as index and a one-element list containing its
+  value as value. Otherwise, the header value is appended to the ordered list of
+  values associated to the header name.
+  :param class_reply reply: The related Reply object.
+  :param string name: The header field name.
+  :param string value: The header field value.
+.. js:function:: Reply.del_header(REPLY, name)
+  Remove all occurrences of a header name from the reply object.
+  :param class_reply reply: The related Reply object.
+  :param string name: The header field name.
+.. js:function:: Reply.set_body(REPLY, body)
+  Set the reply payload.
+  :param class_reply reply: The related Reply object.
+  :param string body: The reply payload.
 .. _socket_class:
 Socket class
@@ -2694,4 +2854,3 @@
 * `