MINOR: h2: implement H2->HTX request header frame transcoding

Till now we could only produce an HTTP/1 request from a list of H2
request headers. Now the new function h2_make_htx_request() does the
same but using the HTX encoding instead, while respecting the H2
semantics. The code is not much different from the first version,
only the encoding differs.

For now it's not used.
diff --git a/include/common/h2.h b/include/common/h2.h
index d75a3f4..e916732 100644
--- a/include/common/h2.h
+++ b/include/common/h2.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include <common/config.h>
 #include <common/http-hdr.h>
 #include <common/ist.h>
+#include <proto/htx.h>
 /* indexes of most important pseudo headers can be simplified to an almost
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@
 /* various protocol processing functions */
 int h2_make_h1_request(struct http_hdr *list, char *out, int osize, unsigned int *msgf);
+int h2_make_htx_request(struct http_hdr *list, struct htx *htx, unsigned int *msgf);
  * Some helpful debugging functions.
diff --git a/src/h2.c b/src/h2.c
index 5c83d6b..1c8d30e 100644
--- a/src/h2.c
+++ b/src/h2.c
@@ -319,3 +319,257 @@
 	return -1;
+/* Prepare the request line into <htx> from pseudo headers stored in <phdr[]>.
+ * <fields> indicates what was found so far. This should be called once at the
+ * detection of the first general header field or at the end of the request if
+ * no general header field was found yet. Returns the created start line on
+ * success, or NULL on failure. Upon success, <msgf> is updated with a few
+ * H2_MSGF_* flags indicating what was found while parsing.
+ */
+static struct htx_sl *h2_prepare_htx_reqline(uint32_t fields, struct ist *phdr, struct htx *htx, unsigned int *msgf)
+	int uri_idx = H2_PHDR_IDX_PATH;
+	unsigned int flags = HTX_SL_F_NONE;
+	struct htx_sl *sl;
+	if ((fields & H2_PHDR_FND_METH) && isteq(phdr[H2_PHDR_IDX_METH], ist("CONNECT"))) {
+		/* RFC 7540 #8.2.6 regarding CONNECT: ":scheme" and ":path"
+		 * MUST be omitted ; ":authority" contains the host and port
+		 * to connect to.
+		 */
+		if (fields & H2_PHDR_FND_SCHM) {
+			/* scheme not allowed */
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		else if (fields & H2_PHDR_FND_PATH) {
+			/* path not allowed */
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		else if (!(fields & H2_PHDR_FND_AUTH)) {
+			/* missing authority */
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		// otherwise OK ; let's use the authority instead of the URI
+		uri_idx = H2_PHDR_IDX_AUTH;
+		*msgf |= H2_MSGF_BODY_TUNNEL;
+	}
+	else if ((fields & (H2_PHDR_FND_METH|H2_PHDR_FND_SCHM|H2_PHDR_FND_PATH)) !=
+		/* RFC 7540 # : all requests MUST include exactly one
+		 * valid value for the ":method", ":scheme" and ":path" phdr
+		 * unless it is a CONNECT request.
+		 */
+		if (!(fields & H2_PHDR_FND_METH)) {
+			/* missing method */
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		else if (!(fields & H2_PHDR_FND_SCHM)) {
+			/* missing scheme */
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		else {
+			/* missing path */
+			goto fail;
+		}
+	}
+	/* 7540# :path must not be empty */
+	if (!phdr[uri_idx].len)
+		goto fail;
+	/* Set HTX start-line flags */
+	flags |= HTX_SL_F_VER_11;    // V2 in fact
+	flags |= HTX_SL_F_XFER_LEN;  // xfer len always known with H2
+	sl = htx_add_stline(htx, HTX_BLK_REQ_SL, flags, phdr[H2_PHDR_IDX_METH], phdr[uri_idx], ist("HTTP/2.0"));
+	if (!sl)
+		goto fail;
+	sl->info.req.meth = find_http_meth(phdr[H2_PHDR_IDX_METH].ptr, phdr[H2_PHDR_IDX_METH].len);
+	return sl;
+ fail:
+	return NULL;
+/* Takes an H2 request present in the headers list <list> terminated by a name
+ * being <NULL,0> and emits the equivalent HTX request according to the rules
+ * documented in RFC7540 #8.1.2. The output contents are emitted in <htx>, and
+ * non-zero is returned if some bytes were emitted. In case of error, a
+ * negative error code is returned.
+ *
+ * Upon success, <msgf> is filled with a few H2_MSGF_* flags indicating what
+ * was found while parsing. The caller must set it to zero in or H2_MSGF_BODY
+ * if a body is detected (!ES).
+ *
+ * The headers list <list> must be composed of :
+ *   - n.name != NULL, n.len  > 0 : literal header name
+ *   - n.name == NULL, n.len  > 0 : indexed pseudo header name number <n.len>
+ *                                  among H2_PHDR_IDX_*
+ *   - n.name ignored, n.len == 0 : end of list
+ *   - in all cases except the end of list, v.name and v.len must designate a
+ *     valid value.
+ *
+ * The Cookie header will be reassembled at the end, and for this, the <list>
+ * will be used to create a linked list, so its contents may be destroyed.
+ */
+int h2_make_htx_request(struct http_hdr *list, struct htx *htx, unsigned int *msgf)
+	struct ist phdr_val[H2_PHDR_NUM_ENTRIES];
+	uint32_t fields; /* bit mask of H2_PHDR_FND_* */
+	uint32_t idx;
+	int ck, lck; /* cookie index and last cookie index */
+	int phdr;
+	int ret;
+	int i;
+	struct htx_sl *sl = NULL;
+	unsigned int sl_flags = 0;
+	lck = ck = -1; // no cookie for now
+	fields = 0;
+	for (idx = 0; list[idx].n.len != 0; idx++) {
+		if (!list[idx].n.ptr) {
+			/* this is an indexed pseudo-header */
+			phdr = list[idx].n.len;
+		}
+		else {
+			/* this can be any type of header */
+			/* RFC7540#8.1.2: upper case not allowed in header field names */
+			for (i = 0; i < list[idx].n.len; i++)
+				if ((uint8_t)(list[idx].n.ptr[i] - 'A') < 'Z' - 'A')
+					goto fail;
+			phdr = h2_str_to_phdr(list[idx].n);
+		}
+		if (phdr > 0 && phdr < H2_PHDR_NUM_ENTRIES) {
+			/* insert a pseudo header by its index (in phdr) and value (in value) */
+			if (fields & ((1 << phdr) | H2_PHDR_FND_NONE)) {
+				if (fields & H2_PHDR_FND_NONE) {
+					/* pseudo header field after regular headers */
+					goto fail;
+				}
+				else {
+					/* repeated pseudo header field */
+					goto fail;
+				}
+			}
+			fields |= 1 << phdr;
+			phdr_val[phdr] = list[idx].v;
+			continue;
+		}
+		else if (phdr != 0) {
+			/* invalid pseudo header -- should never happen here */
+			goto fail;
+		}
+		/* regular header field in (name,value) */
+		if (unlikely(!(fields & H2_PHDR_FND_NONE))) {
+			/* no more pseudo-headers, time to build the request line */
+			sl = h2_prepare_htx_reqline(fields, phdr_val, htx, msgf);
+			if (!sl)
+				goto fail;
+			fields |= H2_PHDR_FND_NONE;
+		}
+		if (isteq(list[idx].n, ist("host")))
+			fields |= H2_PHDR_FND_HOST;
+		    isteq(list[idx].n, ist("content-length"))) {
+			*msgf |= H2_MSGF_BODY_CL;
+			sl_flags |= HTX_SL_F_CLEN;
+		}
+		/* these ones are forbidden in requests (RFC7540# */
+		if (isteq(list[idx].n, ist("connection")) ||
+		    isteq(list[idx].n, ist("proxy-connection")) ||
+		    isteq(list[idx].n, ist("keep-alive")) ||
+		    isteq(list[idx].n, ist("upgrade")) ||
+		    isteq(list[idx].n, ist("transfer-encoding")))
+			goto fail;
+		if (isteq(list[idx].n, ist("te")) && !isteq(list[idx].v, ist("trailers")))
+			goto fail;
+		/* cookie requires special processing at the end */
+		if (isteq(list[idx].n, ist("cookie"))) {
+			list[idx].n.len = -1;
+			if (ck < 0)
+				ck = idx;
+			else
+				list[lck].n.len = idx;
+			lck = idx;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!htx_add_header(htx, list[idx].n, list[idx].v))
+			goto fail;
+	}
+	/* RFC7540# mandates to reject response pseudo-headers (:status) */
+	if (fields & H2_PHDR_FND_STAT)
+		goto fail;
+	/* Let's dump the request now if not yet emitted. */
+	if (!(fields & H2_PHDR_FND_NONE)) {
+		sl = h2_prepare_htx_reqline(fields, phdr_val, htx, msgf);
+		if (!sl)
+			goto fail;
+	}
+	/* update the start line with last detected header info */
+	sl->flags |= sl_flags;
+	/* complete with missing Host if needed */
+	if ((fields & (H2_PHDR_FND_HOST|H2_PHDR_FND_AUTH)) == H2_PHDR_FND_AUTH) {
+		/* missing Host field, use :authority instead */
+		if (!htx_add_header(htx, ist("host"), phdr_val[H2_PHDR_IDX_AUTH]))
+			goto fail;
+	}
+	/* now we may have to build a cookie list. We'll dump the values of all
+	 * visited headers.
+	 */
+	if (ck >= 0) {
+		uint32_t fs; // free space
+		uint32_t bs; // block size
+		uint32_t vl; // value len
+		struct htx_blk *blk;
+		blk = htx_add_header(htx, ist("cookie"), list[ck].v);
+		if (!blk)
+			goto fail;
+		fs = htx_free_data_space(htx);
+		bs = htx_get_blksz(blk);
+		/* for each extra cookie, we'll extend the cookie's value and
+		 * insert "; " before the new value.
+		 */
+		for ( ; (ck = list[ck].n.len) >= 0 ; ) {
+			vl = list[ck].v.len;
+			if (vl + 2 > fs)
+				goto fail;
+			htx_set_blk_value_len(blk, bs + 2 + vl);
+			*(char *)(htx_get_blk_ptr(htx, blk) + bs + 0) = ';';
+			*(char *)(htx_get_blk_ptr(htx, blk) + bs + 1) = ' ';
+			memcpy(htx_get_blk_ptr(htx, blk) + bs + 2, list[ck].v.ptr, vl);
+			bs += vl + 2;
+			fs -= vl + 2;
+		}
+	}
+	/* now send the end of headers marker */
+	htx_add_endof(htx, HTX_BLK_EOH);
+	ret = 1;
+	return ret;
+ fail:
+	return -1;