BUG/MINOR: check: Reinit the buffer wait list at the end of a check

The buffer wait list is used to deal with buffer allocation failure. But at
the end of health-check, it must be reinitialized. There is no reason to
reason to get a buffer between two health-check runs. And in fact, the
associated flags, CHK_ST_IN_ALLOC and CHK_ST_OUT_ALLOC, are already cleared
at the end of a health-check.

This patch must be backported as far as 2.2. On the 2.2, MT_LIST_ADDED and
MT_LIST_DEL must be used instead of LIST_INLIST and LIST_DEL_INIT.
diff --git a/src/check.c b/src/check.c
index d65850d..2da39af 100644
--- a/src/check.c
+++ b/src/check.c
@@ -1232,6 +1232,10 @@
+        if (LIST_INLIST(&check->buf_wait.list))
+                LIST_DEL_INIT(&check->buf_wait.list);
 	task_set_affinity(t, MAX_THREADS_MASK);
 	check_release_buf(check, &check->bi);
 	check_release_buf(check, &check->bo);