BUG/MAJOR: tcp: fix a possible busy spinning loop in content track-sc*

As a consequence of various recent changes on the sample conversion,
a corner case has emerged where it is possible to wait forever for a
sample in track-sc*.

The issue is caused by the fact that functions relying on sample_process()
don't all exactly work the same regarding the SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE flag and
the output result. Here it was possible to wait forever for an output
sample from stktable_fetch_key() without checking the SMP_OPT_FINAL flag.
As a result, if the client connects and closes without sending the data
and haproxy expects a sample which is capable of coming, it will ignore
this impossible case and will continue to wait.

This change adds control for SMP_OPT_FINAL before waiting for extra data.
The various relevant functions have been better documented regarding their
output values.

This fix must be backported to 1.5 since it appeared there.
diff --git a/src/stick_table.c b/src/stick_table.c
index 1226591..32fd60a 100644
--- a/src/stick_table.c
+++ b/src/stick_table.c
@@ -669,7 +669,16 @@
  * no key could be extracted, or a pointer to the converted result stored in
  * static_table_key in format <table_type>. If <smp> is not NULL, it will be reset
  * and its flags will be initialized so that the caller gets a copy of the input
- * sample, and knows why it was not accepted (eg: SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE is present).
+ * sample, and knows why it was not accepted (eg: SMP_F_MAY_CHANGE is present
+ * without SMP_OPT_FINAL). The output will be usable like this :
+ *
+ * return MAY_CHANGE FINAL   Meaning for the sample
+ *  NULL      0        *     Not present and will never be (eg: header)
+ *  NULL      1        0     Not present or unstable, could change (eg: req_len)
+ *  NULL      1        1     Not present, will not change anymore
+ *   smp      0        *     Present and will not change (eg: header)
+ *   smp      1        0     not possible
+ *   smp      1        1     Present, last known value (eg: request length)
 struct stktable_key *stktable_fetch_key(struct stktable *t, struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7,
                                         unsigned int opt, struct sample_expr *expr, struct sample *smp)