CLEANUP: cli/activity: Remove double spacing in set profiling command

It was found that when viewing the help output from the CLI that
"set profiling" had 2 spaces in it, which was pushing it out from
the rest of similar commands.

i.e. it looked like this:
  prepare acl <acl>
  prepare map <acl>
  set  profiling  <what>  {auto|on|off}
  set dynamic-cookie-key backend <bk> <k>
  set map <map> [<key>|#<ref>] <value>
  set maxconn frontend <frontend> <value>

This patch removes all of the double spaces within the command and
unifies them to single spacing, which is what is observed within the
rest of the commands.
diff --git a/src/activity.c b/src/activity.c
index 179ff1f..6b9430c 100644
--- a/src/activity.c
+++ b/src/activity.c
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@
 /* register cli keywords */
 static struct cli_kw_list cli_kws = {{ },{
-	{ { "set",  "profiling", NULL }, "set  profiling  <what>  {auto|on|off}   : enable/disable resource profiling (tasks,memory)", cli_parse_set_profiling,  NULL },
+	{ { "set",  "profiling", NULL }, "set profiling <what> {auto|on|off}      : enable/disable resource profiling (tasks,memory)", cli_parse_set_profiling,  NULL },
 	{ { "show", "profiling", NULL }, "show profiling [<what>] [<max_lines>]   : show profiling state (all,status,tasks,memory)",   cli_parse_show_profiling, cli_io_handler_show_profiling, NULL },
 	{ { "show", "tasks", NULL },     "show tasks                              : show running tasks",                               NULL, cli_io_handler_show_tasks,     NULL },