CLEANUP: examples: fix the example file content-sw-sample.cfg

This one didn't load anymore, but it was worth updating it since it matches
most common needs.
diff --git a/examples/content-sw-sample.cfg b/examples/content-sw-sample.cfg
index 8eef3ab..e54f976 100644
--- a/examples/content-sw-sample.cfg
+++ b/examples/content-sw-sample.cfg
@@ -1,75 +1,65 @@
-# This is a sample configuration
-# haproxy >= 1.3.4 required.
+# This is a sample configuration. It illustrates how to separate static objects
+# traffic from dynamic traffic, and how to dynamically regulate the server load.
 # It listens on, and directs all requests for Host 'img' or
 # URIs starting with /img or /css to a dedicated group of servers. URIs
-# starting with /admin/stats are directed to a backend dedicated to statistics.
+# starting with /admin/stats deliver the stats page.
         maxconn         10000
+        stats socket    /var/run/haproxy.stat mode 600 level admin
         log    local0
         uid             200
         gid             200
         chroot          /var/empty
 # The public 'www' address in the DMZ
 frontend public
-	bind
+        bind   name clear
+        #bind   ssl crt /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem
         mode            http
-	log		global
-        option		httplog
+        log             global
+        option          httplog
         option          dontlognull
-        option		httpclose
-	monitor-uri	/monitoruri
-        maxconn		8000
-	clitimeout	30000
-	# Host: will use a specific keyword soon
-	reqisetbe	^Host:\ img		static
+        monitor-uri     /monitoruri
+        maxconn         8000
+        timeout client  30s
-	# The URI will use a specific keyword soon
-	reqisetbe	^[^\ ]*\ /(img|css)/	static
-	reqisetbe	^[^\ ]*\ /admin/stats	stats
-	default_backend	dynamic
+        stats uri       /admin/stats
+        use_backend     static if { hdr_beg(host) -i img }
+        use_backend     static if { path_beg /img /css   }
+        default_backend dynamic
 # The static backend backend for 'Host: img', /img and /css.
 backend static
-	mode		http
-	balance		roundrobin
-        contimeout      5000
-        srvtimeout      5000
-	redispatch
-	retries		2
-	option		httpchk HEAD /favicon.ico
-        server		statsrv1 check inter 1000
-        server		statsrv2 check inter 1000
+        mode            http
+        balance         roundrobin
+        option prefer-last-server
+        retries         2
+        option redispatch
+        timeout connect 5s
+        timeout server  5s
+        option httpchk  HEAD /favicon.ico
+        server          statsrv1 check inter 1000
+        server          statsrv2 check inter 1000
+# the application servers go here
 backend dynamic
-	mode		http
-	balance		roundrobin
-	contimeout	30000
-	srvtimeout	30000
-	redispatch
-	retries		2
-	option		httpchk HEAD /login.php
-	cookie		DYNSRV insert indirect nocache
-	fullconn	4000 # the servers will be used at full load above this number of connections
-        server		dynsrv1 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s1 check inter 1000
-        server		dynsrv2 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s2 check inter 1000
-        server		dynsrv3 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s3 check inter 1000
-        server		dynsrv4 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s4 check inter 1000
-backend stats
-        log             global
         mode            http
-        stats           uri /
         balance         roundrobin
+        retries         2
+        option redispatch
+        timeout connect 5s
+        timeout server  30s
+        timeout queue   30s
+        option httpchk  HEAD /login.php
+        cookie          DYNSRV insert indirect nocache
+        fullconn        4000 # the servers will be used at full load above this number of connections
+        server          dynsrv1 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s1 check inter 1000
+        server          dynsrv2 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s2 check inter 1000
+        server          dynsrv3 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s3 check inter 1000
+        server          dynsrv4 minconn 50 maxconn 500 cookie s4 check inter 1000