BUILD: add a few release and backport scripts in scripts/

These ones have been used for several months already and are quite
convenient to emit new releases and backport fixes. I'm fed up with
having different versions on different machines, let's commit them
diff --git a/scripts/create-release b/scripts/create-release
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..35688f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/create-release
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# creates a new haproxy release at the current commit
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Willy Tarreau <>
+# In short :
+#   - requires git
+#   - works only from master branch
+#   - finds old and new version by itself
+#   - builds changelog
+#   - updates dates and versions in files
+#   - commits + tags + signs
+#   - no upload!
+USAGE="Usage: ${0##*/} [-i] [-y] [-t] [-b branch] [-d date] [-o oldver] [-n newver]"
+die() {
+	[ "$#" -eq 0 ] || echo "$*" >&2
+	exit 1
+err() {
+	echo "$*" >&2
+quit() {
+	[ "$#" -eq 0 ] || echo "$*"
+	exit 0
+do_commit() {
+	(
+		echo "[RELEASE] Released version $NEW"
+		echo
+		echo "Released version $NEW with the following main changes :"
+		sed -ne '/^[ ]*-/,/^$/{p;b a};d;:a;/^$/q' CHANGELOG
+	) | git commit -a -F -
+do_tag() {
+	git tag -u "$GIT_GPG_KEY" -s -m "HAProxy $NEW" v$NEW && echo "Tagged as v$NEW"
+while [ -n "$1" -a -z "${1##-*}" ]; do
+	case "$1" in
+		-y)        SAYYES=1       ; shift   ;;
+		-i)        INTERACTIVE=1  ; shift   ;;
+		-t)        TAGONLY=1      ; shift   ;;
+		-d)        DATE="$2"      ; shift 2 ;;
+		-b)        BRANCH="$2"    ; shift 2 ;;
+		-o)        OLD="$2"       ; shift 2 ;;
+		-n)        NEW="$2"       ; shift 2 ;;
+		-h|--help) quit "$USAGE" ;;
+		*)         die  "$USAGE" ;;
+	esac
+if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+	die "$USAGE"
+if [ -z "$GIT_GPG_KEY" ]; then
+	die "GIT_GPG_KEY is not set, it must contain your GPG key ID."
+if ! git rev-parse --verify -q HEAD >/dev/null; then
+	die "Failed to check git HEAD."
+# we want to go to the git top dir
+cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
+if [ "$(git rev-parse --verify -q HEAD)" != "$(git rev-parse --verify -q master)" ]; then
+	die "git HEAD doesn't match master branch."
+if [ "$(git diff HEAD|wc -c)" != 0 ]; then
+	err "You appear to have uncommitted local changes, please commit them first :"
+	git status -s -uno >&2
+	die
+if [ -z "$OLD" ]; then
+	OLD="$(git describe --tags HEAD --abbrev=0)"
+	OLD="${OLD#v}"
+if ! git rev-parse --verify -q "v$OLD" >/dev/null; then
+	die "git tag v$OLD doesn't exist."
+if [ -z "$NEW" ]; then
+	radix="$OLD"
+	while [ -n "$radix" -a -z "${radix%%*[0-9]}" ]; do
+		radix="${radix%[0-9]}"
+	done
+	number=${OLD#$radix}
+	if [ -z "$number" -o "$radix" = "$OLD" ]; then
+		die "Fatal: cannot determine new version, please specify it."
+	fi
+	NEW=${radix}$((number+1))
+if git show-ref --tags "v$NEW" >/dev/null; then
+	die "git tag v$NEW already exists, please remove it first."
+# determine the product branch from the new release
+if [ -z "$BRANCH" ]; then
+	subvers=${NEW#[0-9]*.[0-9]*[-.]*[0-9].}
+	[ "${subvers}" = "${NEW}" ] && subvers=""
+	major=${NEW%.$subvers}
+	branch_ext=${major#*[0-9].*[0-9]}
+	BRANCH=${major%${branch_ext}}
+# determine the release date
+if [ -z "$DATE" ]; then
+	# Uncomment the line below to use the date of the last commit,
+	# otherwise fall back to current date
+	DATE="$(git log --pretty=fuller -1 v$NEW 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/^CommitDate:/{s/\(^[^ ]*:\)\|\( [-+].*\)//gp;q}')"
+	DATE="$(date +%Y/%m/%d -d "$DATE")"
+	if [ "$DATE" != "$(date +%Y/%m/%d -d "$DATE")" ]; then
+		die "Date format must exclusively be YYYY/MM/DD ; date was '$DATE'."
+	fi
+if [ -n "$TAGONLY" ]; then
+	do_tag || die "Failed to tag changes"
+	echo "Done. You may have to push changes."
+	exit 0
+echo "About to release version $NEW from $OLD at $DATE (branch $BRANCH)."
+if [ -z "$SAYYES" ]; then
+	echo "Press ENTER to continue or Ctrl-C to abort now!"
+	read
+echo "Updating CHANGELOG ..."
+( echo "ChangeLog :"
+  echo "==========="
+  echo
+  echo "$DATE : $NEW"
+  #git shortlog v$OLD.. | sed -ne 's/^      /    - /p'
+  git log --oneline --reverse --format="    - %s" v$OLD..
+  echo
+  tail +4 CHANGELOG
+) >.chglog.tmp && mv .chglog.tmp CHANGELOG
+echo "Updating VERSION ..."
+echo "$NEW" > VERSION
+echo "Updating VERDATE ..."
+echo '$Format:%ci$' > VERDATE
+echo "$DATE" >> VERDATE
+echo "Updating haproxy.spec ..."
+sed -e "s/^Version: .*/Version: $NEW/" < examples/haproxy.spec >examples/haproxy.spec- && mv examples/haproxy.spec- examples/haproxy.spec
+(sed -ne '0,/^%changelog/p';
+ date -d "$DATE" "+* %a %b %e %Y $GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL>"
+ echo "- updated to $(cat VERSION)"
+ echo
+) < examples/haproxy.spec >examples/haproxy.spec-
+sed -ne '0,/^%changelog/d;p' < examples/haproxy.spec >>examples/haproxy.spec-
+mv examples/haproxy.spec- examples/haproxy.spec
+# updating branch and date in README and all modified doc files except the outdated architecture.txt
+for file in README doc/intro.txt doc/configuration.txt doc/management.txt $(git diff --name-only v${OLD}.. -- doc); do
+	if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then continue; fi
+	if [ "$file" = doc/architecture.txt ]; then continue; fi
+	echo "Updating $file ..."
+	sed -e "1,10s:\(\sversion\s\).*:\1$BRANCH:" \
+	    -e "1,10s:\(\s\)\(20[0-9]\{2\}/[0-9]\{1,2\}/[0-9]\{1,2\}\):\1$DATE:" \
+	    -i "$file"
+echo "Updating haproxy.c ..."
+sed -e "s:Copyright 2000-[0-9]*\s*Willy Tarreau.*>:Copyright 2000-$YEAR Willy Tarreau <>:" \
+    -i src/haproxy.c
+if [ -n "$INTERACTIVE" ]; then
+	vi CHANGELOG VERSION VERDATE examples/haproxy*.spec \
+	   src/haproxy.c README doc/configuration.txt \
+	   $(git diff --name-only v${OLD}.. -- doc)
+if [ "$(git diff -- CHANGELOG | wc -c)" = 0 ]; then
+	die "CHANGELOG must be updated."
+if [ -z "$SAYYES" ]; then
+	echo "Press ENTER to review the changes..."
+	read
+git diff
+echo "About to commit and tag version $NEW with the following message:"
+echo "[RELEASE] Released version $NEW with the following main changes :"
+sed -ne '/^[ ]*-/,/^$/{p;b a};d;:a;/^$/q' CHANGELOG
+echo "LAST chance to cancel! Press ENTER to proceed now or Ctrl-C to abort."
+do_commit || die "Failed to commit changes"
+do_tag    || die "Failed to tag changes"
+echo "Do not forget to push updates, publish and announce this version :"
+echo "git push origin master v$NEW"
+echo "${0%/*}/publish-release"
+echo "${0%/*}/announce-release"