DOC/MINOR: halog: Add long help info for ic flag

Add missing long help text for the ic (ip count) flag
diff --git a/contrib/halog/halog.c b/contrib/halog/halog.c
index 91e2af3..3c785fc 100644
--- a/contrib/halog/halog.c
+++ b/contrib/halog/halog.c
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@
 	       " -cc   output number of requests per cookie code (2 chars)\n"
 	       " -tc   output number of requests per termination code (2 chars)\n"
 	       " -srv  output statistics per server (time, requests, errors)\n"
+	       " -ic   output statistics per ip count (time, requests, errors)\n"
 	       " -u*   output statistics per URL (time, requests, errors)\n"
 	       "       Additional characters indicate the output sorting key :\n"
 	       "       -u : by URL, -uc : request count, -ue : error count\n"