MEDIUM: hathreads: implement a more flexible rendez-vous point

The current synchronization point enforces certain restrictions which
are hard to workaround in certain areas of the code. The fact that the
critical code can only be called from the sync point itself is a problem
for some callback-driven parts. The "show fd" command for example is
fragile regarding this.

Also it is expensive in terms of CPU usage because it wakes every other
thread just to be sure all of them join to the rendez-vous point. It's a
problem because the sleeping threads would not need to be woken up just
to know they're doing nothing.

Here we implement a different approach. We keep track of harmless threads,
which are defined as those either doing nothing, or doing harmless things.
The rendez-vous is used "for others" as a way for a thread to isolate itself.
A thread then requests to be alone using thread_isolate() when approaching
the dangerous area, and then waits until all other threads are either doing
the same or are doing something harmless (typically polling). The function
only returns once the thread is guaranteed to be alone, and the critical
section is terminated using thread_release().
diff --git a/src/hathreads.c b/src/hathreads.c
index 595a717..69dcab9 100644
--- a/src/hathreads.c
+++ b/src/hathreads.c
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 static HA_SPINLOCK_T sync_lock;
 static int           threads_sync_pipe[2];
 static unsigned long threads_want_sync = 0;
+volatile unsigned long threads_want_rdv_mask = 0;
+volatile unsigned long threads_harmless_mask = 0;
 volatile unsigned long all_threads_mask  = 1; // nbthread 1 assumed by default
 THREAD_LOCAL unsigned int  tid           = 0;
 THREAD_LOCAL unsigned long tid_bit       = (1UL << 0);
@@ -160,6 +162,68 @@
+/* Marks the thread as harmless until the last thread using the rendez-vous
+ * point quits. Given that we can wait for a long time, sched_yield() is used
+ * when available to offer the CPU resources to competing threads if needed.
+ */
+void thread_harmless_till_end()
+		HA_ATOMIC_OR(&threads_harmless_mask, tid_bit);
+		while (threads_want_rdv_mask & all_threads_mask) {
+			sched_yield();
+			pl_cpu_relax();
+		}
+/* Isolates the current thread : request the ability to work while all other
+ * threads are harmless. Only returns once all of them are harmless, with the
+ * current thread's bit in threads_harmless_mask cleared. Needs to be completed
+ * using thread_release().
+ */
+void thread_isolate()
+	unsigned long old;
+	HA_ATOMIC_OR(&threads_harmless_mask, tid_bit);
+	__ha_barrier_store();
+	HA_ATOMIC_OR(&threads_want_rdv_mask, tid_bit);
+	/* wait for all threads to become harmless */
+	old = threads_harmless_mask;
+	while (1) {
+		if (unlikely((old & all_threads_mask) != all_threads_mask))
+			old = threads_harmless_mask;
+		else if (HA_ATOMIC_CAS(&threads_harmless_mask, &old, old & ~tid_bit))
+			break;
+		sched_yield();
+		pl_cpu_relax();
+	}
+	/* one thread gets released at a time here, with its harmess bit off.
+	 * The loss of this bit makes the other one continue to spin while the
+	 * thread is working alone.
+	 */
+/* Cancels the effect of thread_isolate() by releasing the current thread's bit
+ * in threads_want_rdv_mask and by marking this thread as harmless until the
+ * last worker finishes.
+ */
+void thread_release()
+	while (1) {
+		HA_ATOMIC_AND(&threads_want_rdv_mask, ~tid_bit);
+		if (!(threads_want_rdv_mask & all_threads_mask))
+			break;
+		thread_harmless_till_end();
+	}
 static void __hathreads_init(void)