MINOR: quic: Remove Application level related functions

Remove the functions which were specific to the Application level.
This is the same function which build any packet for any encryption
level: quic_prep_hdshk_pkts() directly called from the quic_conn_io_cb().
diff --git a/src/xprt_quic.c b/src/xprt_quic.c
index f6542d8..963904c 100644
--- a/src/xprt_quic.c
+++ b/src/xprt_quic.c
@@ -146,7 +146,6 @@
 static struct quic_tx_packet *qc_build_hdshk_pkt(unsigned char **pos, const unsigned char *buf_end,
                                                  struct quic_conn *qc, int pkt_type,
                                                  struct quic_enc_level *qel, int *err);
-int qc_prep_phdshk_pkts(struct qring *qr, struct quic_conn *qc);
 /* Add traces to <buf> depending on <frm> TX frame type. */
 static inline void chunk_tx_frm_appendf(struct buffer *buf,
@@ -3961,258 +3960,6 @@
 	return NULL;
-/* Prepare a clear post handhskake packet for <conn> QUIC connection.
- * Return the length of this packet if succeeded, -1 <wbuf> was full.
- */
-static int qc_do_build_phdshk_apkt(unsigned char *pos, const unsigned char *end,
-                                   struct quic_tx_packet *pkt,
-                                   int64_t pn, size_t *pn_len,
-                                   unsigned char **buf_pn,
-                                   struct quic_enc_level *qel,
-                                   struct quic_conn *conn)
-	const unsigned char *beg;
-	struct quic_frame *frm, *sfrm;
-	struct quic_frame ack_frm = { .type = QUIC_FT_ACK, };
-	size_t fake_len, ack_frm_len;
-	int64_t largest_acked_pn;
-	beg = pos;
-	/* When not probing and not acking, reduce the size of this buffer to respect
-	 * the congestion controller window.
-	 */
-	if (!conn->tx.nb_pto_dgrams && !(qel->pktns->flags & QUIC_FL_PKTNS_ACK_REQUIRED)) {
-		size_t path_room;
-		path_room = quic_path_prep_data(conn->path);
-		if (end - beg > path_room)
-			end = beg + path_room;
-	}
-	largest_acked_pn = qel->pktns->tx.largest_acked_pn;
-	/* Packet number length */
-	*pn_len = quic_packet_number_length(pn, largest_acked_pn);
-	/* Check there is enough room to build this packet (without payload). */
-	if (end - pos < QUIC_SHORT_PACKET_MINLEN + sizeof_quic_cid(&conn->dcid) +
-	    *pn_len + QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN) {
-		ssize_t room = end - pos;
-		TRACE_PROTO("Not enough room", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT,
-		            conn->conn, NULL, NULL, &room);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	/* Reserve enough room at the end of the packet for the AEAD TAG. */
-	end -= QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN;
-	quic_build_packet_short_header(&pos, end, *pn_len, conn);
-	/* Packet number field. */
-	*buf_pn = pos;
-	/* Packet number encoding. */
-	quic_packet_number_encode(&pos, end, pn, *pn_len);
-	/* Build an ACK frame if required. */
-	ack_frm_len = 0;
-	if ((qel->pktns->flags & QUIC_FL_PKTNS_ACK_REQUIRED) &&
-	    !eb_is_empty(&qel->pktns->rx.arngs.root)) {
-		ack_frm.tx_ack.ack_delay = 0;
-		ack_frm.tx_ack.arngs = &qel->pktns->rx.arngs;
-		ack_frm_len = quic_ack_frm_reduce_sz(&ack_frm, end - pos);
-		if (!ack_frm_len)
-			goto err;
-		qel->pktns->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_PKTNS_ACK_REQUIRED;
-	}
-	if (ack_frm_len && !qc_build_frm(&pos, end, &ack_frm, pkt, conn)) {
-		ssize_t room = end - pos;
-		TRACE_PROTO("Not enough room", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT,
-		            conn->conn, NULL, NULL, &room);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	fake_len = ack_frm_len;
-	if (!MT_LIST_ISEMPTY(&qel->pktns->tx.frms) &&
-	    !qc_build_cfrms(pkt, end - pos, &fake_len, pos - beg, qel, conn)) {
-		ssize_t room = end - pos;
-		TRACE_PROTO("some CRYPTO frames could not be built",
-		            QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT, conn->conn, NULL, NULL, &room);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	/* Crypto frame */
-	if (!LIST_ISEMPTY(&pkt->frms)) {
-		struct quic_frame frm = { .type = QUIC_FT_CRYPTO, };
-		struct quic_crypto *crypto = &frm.crypto;
-		struct quic_frame *cf;
-		list_for_each_entry(cf, &pkt->frms, list) {
-			crypto->offset = cf->crypto.offset;
-			crypto->len = cf->crypto.len;
-			crypto->qel = qel;
-			if (!qc_build_frm(&pos, end, &frm, pkt, conn)) {
-				ssize_t room = end - pos;
-				TRACE_PROTO("Not enough room", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT,
-				            conn->conn, NULL, NULL, &room);
-				goto err;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/* Encode a maximum of frames. */
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(frm, sfrm, &conn->tx.frms_to_send, list) {
-		unsigned char *ppos;
-		ppos = pos;
-		if (!qc_build_frm(&ppos, end, frm, pkt, conn)) {
-			TRACE_DEVEL("Frames not built", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT, conn->conn);
-			break;
-		}
-		LIST_DELETE(&frm->list);
-		LIST_APPEND(&pkt->frms, &frm->list);
-		pos = ppos;
-	}
-	pkt->len = pos - beg;
- out:
-	return 1;
- err:
-	return 0;
-/* Prepare a post handhskake packet at Application encryption level for <conn>
- * QUIC connection.
- * Return the length if succeeded, -1 if <wbuf> was full, -2 in case of major error
- * (allocation or encryption failures).
- */
-static struct quic_tx_packet *qc_build_phdshk_apkt(unsigned char **pos,
-                                                   const unsigned char *buf_end,
-                                                   struct quic_conn *qc, int *err)
-	/* A pointer to the packet number field in <buf> */
-	unsigned char *buf_pn;
-	unsigned char *beg, *end, *payload;
-	int64_t pn;
-	size_t pn_len, aad_len, payload_len;
-	struct quic_tls_ctx *tls_ctx;
-	struct quic_enc_level *qel;
-	struct quic_tx_packet *pkt;
-	*err = 0;
-	pkt = pool_alloc(pool_head_quic_tx_packet);
-	if (!pkt) {
-		TRACE_DEVEL("Not enough memory for a new packet", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT, qc->conn);
-		*err = -2;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	quic_tx_packet_init(pkt, QUIC_PACKET_TYPE_SHORT);
-	beg = *pos;
-	qel = &qc->els[QUIC_TLS_ENC_LEVEL_APP];
-	pn_len = 0;
-	buf_pn = NULL;
-	pn = qel->pktns->tx.next_pn + 1;
-	if (!qc_do_build_phdshk_apkt(*pos, buf_end, pkt, pn, &pn_len, &buf_pn, qel, qc)) {
-		*err = -1;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	end = beg + pkt->len;
-	payload = buf_pn + pn_len;
-	payload_len = end - payload;
-	aad_len = payload - beg;
-	tls_ctx = &qel->tls_ctx;
-	if (!quic_packet_encrypt(payload, payload_len, beg, aad_len, pn, tls_ctx, qc->conn)) {
-		*err = -2;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	end += QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN;
-	pkt->len += QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN;
-	if (!quic_apply_header_protection(beg, buf_pn, pn_len,
-	                                  tls_ctx->tx.hp, tls_ctx->tx.hp_key)) {
-		TRACE_DEVEL("Could not apply the header protection", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT, qc->conn);
-		*err = -2;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	/* Now that a correct packet is built, let us consume <*pos> buffer. */
-	*pos = end;
-	/* Consume a packet number. */
-	++qel->pktns->tx.next_pn;
-	/* Attach the built packet to its tree. */
-	pkt->pn_node.key = qel->pktns->tx.next_pn;
-	/* Set the packet in fligth length for in flight packet only. */
-	if (pkt->flags & QUIC_FL_TX_PACKET_IN_FLIGHT) {
-		pkt->in_flight_len = pkt->len;
-		qc->path->prep_in_flight += pkt->len;
-	}
-	pkt->pktns = qel->pktns;
-	return pkt;
- err:
-	free_quic_tx_packet(pkt);
-	TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKT, qc->conn);
-	return NULL;
-/* Prepare a maximum of QUIC Application level packets from <ctx> QUIC
- * connection I/O handler context.
- * Returns 1 if succeeded, 0 if not.
- */
-int qc_prep_phdshk_pkts(struct qring *qr, struct quic_conn *qc)
-	struct cbuf *cbuf;
-	unsigned char *end_buf, *end, *pos;
-	struct quic_enc_level *qel;
-	qel = &qc->els[QUIC_TLS_ENC_LEVEL_APP];
-	cbuf = qr->cbuf;
-	pos = cb_wr(cbuf);
-	end = end_buf = pos + cb_contig_space(cbuf);
-	while (pos < end_buf) {
-		int err;
-		uint16_t dglen;
-		struct quic_tx_packet *pkt;
-		if (!(qel->pktns->flags & QUIC_FL_PKTNS_ACK_REQUIRED) &&
-		    (MT_LIST_ISEMPTY(&qel->pktns->tx.frms) ||
-		     qc->path->prep_in_flight >= qc->path->cwnd)) {
-			TRACE_DEVEL("nothing more to do",
-			            QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKTS, qc->conn);
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Leave room for the datagram header */
-		pos += sizeof dglen + sizeof pkt;
-		if (end - pos > qc->path->mtu)
-			end = pos + qc->path->mtu;
-		pkt = qc_build_phdshk_apkt(&pos, end, qc, &err);
-		switch (err) {
-		case -1:
-			break;
-		case -2:
-			goto err;
-		default:
-			dglen = pkt->len;
-			qc_set_dg(cbuf, dglen, pkt);
-		}
-	}
- out:
-	return 1;
- err:
-	TRACE_DEVEL("leaving in error", QUIC_EV_CONN_PAPKTS, qc->conn);
-	return 0;
 /* Copy up to <count> bytes from connection <conn> internal stream storage into buffer <buf>.
  * Return the number of bytes which have been copied.