BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: does not look for all SNIs before chosing a certificate

In bug #810, the SNI are not matched correctly, indeed when trying to
match a certificate type in ssl_sock_switchctx_cbk() all SNIs were not
looked up correctly.

In the case you have in a crt-list:

wildcard.subdomain.domain.tld.pem.rsa *.subdomain.domain.tld record.subdomain.domain.tld
record.subdomain.domain.tld.pem.ecdsa record.subdomain.domain.tld another-record.subdomain.domain.tld

If the client only supports RSA and requests
"another-record.subdomain.domain.tld", HAProxy will find the single
ECDSA certificate and won't try to look up for a wildcard RSA

This patch fixes the code so we look for all single and
wildcard before chosing the certificate type.

This bug was introduced by commit 3777e3a ("BUG/MINOR: ssl: certificate
choice can be unexpected with openssl >= 1.1.1").

It must be backported as far as 1.8 once it is heavily tested.
1 file changed