MINOR: stick-table: implement the sc-add-gpc() action

This action increments the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of
the array associated to the sticky counter designated by <sc-id> by the
value of either integer <int> or the integer evaluation of expression
<expr>. Integers and expressions are limited to unsigned 32-bit values.
If an error occurs, this action silently fails and the actions evaluation
continues. <idx> is an integer between 0 and 99 and <sc-id> is an integer
between 0 and 2. It also silently fails if the there is no GPC stored at
this index. The entry in the table is refreshed even if the value is zero.
The 'gpc_rate' is automatically adjusted to reflect the average growth
rate of the gpc value.

The main use of this action is to count scores or total volumes (e.g.
estimated danger per source IP reported by the server or a WAF, total
uploaded bytes, etc).
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index 6d1c2d8..5ad1fe9 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -7202,6 +7202,30 @@
         lf-string "Access denied. IP %[src] is blacklisted."  \
         if { src -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.lst }
+http-request sc-add-gpc(<idx>,<sc-id>) { <int> | <expr> }
+                                           [ { if | unless } <condition> ]
+  This action increments the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx> of the
+  array associated to the sticky counter designated by <sc-id> by the value of
+  either integer <int> or the integer evaluation of expression <expr>. Integers
+  and expressions are limited to unsigned 32-bit values. If an error occurs,
+  this action silently fails and the actions evaluation continues. <idx> is an
+  integer between 0 and 99 and <sc-id> is an integer between 0 and 2. It also
+  silently fails if the there is no GPC stored at this index. The entry in the
+  table is refreshed even if the value is zero. The 'gpc_rate' is automatically
+  adjusted to reflect the average growth rate of the gpc value.
+  This action applies only to the 'gpc' and 'gpc_rate' array data_types (and
+  not to the legacy 'gpc0', 'gpc1', 'gpc0_rate' nor 'gpc1_rate' data_types).
+  There is no equivalent function for legacy data types, but if the value is
+  always 1, please see 'sc-inc-gpc()', 'sc-inc-gpc0()' and 'sc-inc-gpc1()'.
+  There is no way to decrement the value either, but it is possible to store
+  exact values in a General Purpose Tag using 'sc-set-gpt()' instead.
+  The main use of this action is to count scores or total volumes (e.g.
+  estimated danger per source IP reported by the server or a WAF, total
+  uploaded bytes, etc).
 http-request sc-inc-gpc(<idx>,<sc-id>) [ { if | unless } <condition> ]
   This actions increments the General Purpose Counter at the index <idx>
diff --git a/include/haproxy/action-t.h b/include/haproxy/action-t.h
index 4c919e8..2745ba7 100644
--- a/include/haproxy/action-t.h
+++ b/include/haproxy/action-t.h
@@ -175,6 +175,8 @@
 		struct {
 			int sc;
 			unsigned int idx;
+			long long int value;
+			struct sample_expr *expr;
 		} gpc;
 		struct {
 			int sc;
diff --git a/src/stick_table.c b/src/stick_table.c
index 6a86111..b6f3ef1 100644
--- a/src/stick_table.c
+++ b/src/stick_table.c
@@ -2848,6 +2848,166 @@
 	return ACT_RET_PRS_OK;
+/* This function updates the gpc at index 'rule->arg.gpc.idx' of the array on
+ * the tracksc counter of index 'rule->arg.gpc.sc' stored into the <stream> or
+ * directly in the session <sess> if <stream> is set to NULL. This gpc is
+ * set to the value computed by the expression 'rule->arg.gpc.expr' or if
+ * 'rule->arg.gpc.expr' is null directly to the value of 'rule->arg.gpc.value'.
+ *
+ * This function always returns ACT_RET_CONT and parameter flags is unused.
+ */
+static enum act_return action_add_gpc(struct act_rule *rule, struct proxy *px,
+                                      struct session *sess, struct stream *s, int flags)
+	void *ptr1, *ptr2;
+	struct stksess *ts;
+	struct stkctr *stkctr;
+	unsigned int value = 0;
+	struct sample *smp;
+	int smp_opt_dir;
+	/* Extract the stksess, return OK if no stksess available. */
+	if (s)
+		stkctr = &s->stkctr[rule->arg.gpc.sc];
+	else
+		stkctr = &sess->stkctr[rule->arg.gpc.sc];
+	ts = stkctr_entry(stkctr);
+	if (!ts)
+		return ACT_RET_CONT;
+	/* First, update gpc_rate if it's tracked. Second, update its gpc if tracked. */
+	ptr1 = stktable_data_ptr_idx(stkctr->table, ts, STKTABLE_DT_GPC_RATE, rule->arg.gpc.idx);
+	ptr2 = stktable_data_ptr_idx(stkctr->table, ts, STKTABLE_DT_GPC, rule->arg.gpc.idx);
+	if (ptr1 || ptr2) {
+		if (!rule->arg.gpc.expr)
+			value = (unsigned int)(rule->arg.gpc.value);
+		else {
+			switch (rule->from) {
+			case ACT_F_TCP_REQ_SES: smp_opt_dir = SMP_OPT_DIR_REQ; break;
+			case ACT_F_TCP_REQ_CNT: smp_opt_dir = SMP_OPT_DIR_REQ; break;
+			case ACT_F_TCP_RES_CNT: smp_opt_dir = SMP_OPT_DIR_RES; break;
+			case ACT_F_HTTP_REQ:    smp_opt_dir = SMP_OPT_DIR_REQ; break;
+			case ACT_F_HTTP_RES:    smp_opt_dir = SMP_OPT_DIR_RES; break;
+			default:
+				send_log(px, LOG_ERR, "stick table: internal error while setting gpc%u.", rule->arg.gpc.idx);
+				if (!(global.mode & MODE_QUIET) || (global.mode & MODE_VERBOSE))
+					ha_alert("stick table: internal error while executing setting gpc%u.\n", rule->arg.gpc.idx);
+				return ACT_RET_CONT;
+			}
+			/* Fetch and cast the expression. */
+			smp = sample_fetch_as_type(px, sess, s, smp_opt_dir|SMP_OPT_FINAL, rule->arg.gpc.expr, SMP_T_SINT);
+			if (!smp) {
+				send_log(px, LOG_WARNING, "stick table: invalid expression or data type while setting gpc%u.", rule->arg.gpc.idx);
+				if (!(global.mode & MODE_QUIET) || (global.mode & MODE_VERBOSE))
+					ha_alert("stick table: invalid expression or data type while setting gpc%u.\n", rule->arg.gpc.idx);
+				return ACT_RET_CONT;
+			}
+			value = (unsigned int)(smp->data.u.sint);
+		}
+		if (value) {
+			/* only update the value if non-null increment */
+			if (ptr1)
+				update_freq_ctr_period(&stktable_data_cast(ptr1, std_t_frqp),
+					       stkctr->table->data_arg[STKTABLE_DT_GPC_RATE].u, value);
+			if (ptr2)
+				stktable_data_cast(ptr2, std_t_uint) += value;
+		}
+		/* always touch the table so that it doesn't expire */
+		stktable_touch_local(stkctr->table, ts, 0);
+	}
+	return ACT_RET_CONT;
+/* This function is a parser for the "sc-add-gpc" action. It understands the
+ * format:
+ *
+ *   sc-add-gpc(<gpc IDX>,<track ID>) <expression>
+ *
+ * It returns ACT_RET_PRS_ERR if fails and <err> is filled with an error message.
+ * Otherwise, it returns ACT_RET_PRS_OK and the variable 'rule->arg.gpc.expr'
+ * is filled with the pointer to the expression to execute or NULL if the arg
+ * is directly an integer stored into 'rule->arg.gpt.value'.
+ */
+static enum act_parse_ret parse_add_gpc(const char **args, int *arg, struct proxy *px,
+                                         struct act_rule *rule, char **err)
+	const char *cmd_name = args[*arg-1];
+	char *error;
+	int smp_val;
+	cmd_name += strlen("sc-add-gpc");
+	if (*cmd_name != '(') {
+		memprintf(err, "Missing or invalid arguments for '%s'. Expects sc-add-gpc(<GPC ID>,<Track ID>)", args[*arg-1]);
+		return ACT_RET_PRS_ERR;
+	}
+	cmd_name++; /* skip the '(' */
+	rule->arg.gpc.idx = strtoul(cmd_name, &error, 10); /* Convert stick table id. */
+	if (*error != ',') {
+		memprintf(err, "Missing gpc ID. Expects %s(<GPC ID>,<Track ID>)", args[*arg-1]);
+		return ACT_RET_PRS_ERR;
+	}
+	else {
+		cmd_name = error + 1; /* skip the ',' */
+		rule->arg.gpc.sc = strtol(cmd_name, &error, 10); /* Convert stick table id. */
+		if (*error != ')') {
+			memprintf(err, "invalid stick table track ID '%s'. Expects %s(<GPC ID>,<Track ID>)", cmd_name, args[*arg-1]);
+			return ACT_RET_PRS_ERR;
+		}
+		if (rule->arg.gpc.sc >= MAX_SESS_STKCTR) {
+			memprintf(err, "invalid stick table track ID '%s' for '%s'. The max allowed ID is %d",
+				  cmd_name, args[*arg-1], MAX_SESS_STKCTR-1);
+			return ACT_RET_PRS_ERR;
+		}
+	}
+	rule->action_ptr = action_add_gpc;
+	/* value may be either an integer or an expression */
+	rule->arg.gpc.expr = NULL;
+	rule->arg.gpc.value = strtol(args[*arg], &error, 10);
+	if (*error == '\0') {
+		/* valid integer, skip it */
+		(*arg)++;
+	} else {
+		rule->arg.gpc.expr = sample_parse_expr((char **)args, arg, px->conf.args.file,
+		                                       px->conf.args.line, err, &px->conf.args, NULL);
+		if (!rule->arg.gpc.expr)
+			return ACT_RET_PRS_ERR;
+		switch (rule->from) {
+		case ACT_F_TCP_REQ_SES: smp_val = SMP_VAL_FE_SES_ACC; break;
+		case ACT_F_TCP_REQ_CNT: smp_val = SMP_VAL_FE_REQ_CNT; break;
+		case ACT_F_TCP_RES_CNT: smp_val = SMP_VAL_BE_RES_CNT; break;
+		case ACT_F_HTTP_REQ:    smp_val = SMP_VAL_FE_HRQ_HDR; break;
+		case ACT_F_HTTP_RES:    smp_val = SMP_VAL_BE_HRS_HDR; break;
+		default:
+			memprintf(err, "internal error, unexpected rule->from=%d, please report this bug!", rule->from);
+			return ACT_RET_PRS_ERR;
+		}
+		if (!(rule->arg.gpc.expr->fetch->val & smp_val)) {
+			memprintf(err, "fetch method '%s' extracts information from '%s', none of which is available here", args[*arg-1],
+			          sample_src_names(rule->arg.gpc.expr->fetch->use));
+			free(rule->arg.gpc.expr);
+			return ACT_RET_PRS_ERR;
+		}
+	}
+	rule->action = ACT_CUSTOM;
+	return ACT_RET_PRS_OK;
 /* set temp integer to the number of used entries in the table pointed to by expr.
  * Accepts exactly 1 argument of type table.
@@ -5072,6 +5232,7 @@
 INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, cli_register_kw, &cli_kws);
 static struct action_kw_list tcp_conn_kws = { { }, {
+	{ "sc-add-gpc",  parse_add_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc",  parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc0", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc1", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
@@ -5083,6 +5244,7 @@
 INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, tcp_req_conn_keywords_register, &tcp_conn_kws);
 static struct action_kw_list tcp_sess_kws = { { }, {
+	{ "sc-add-gpc",  parse_add_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc",  parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc0", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc1", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
@@ -5094,6 +5256,7 @@
 INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, tcp_req_sess_keywords_register, &tcp_sess_kws);
 static struct action_kw_list tcp_req_kws = { { }, {
+	{ "sc-add-gpc",  parse_add_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc",  parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc0", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc1", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
@@ -5105,6 +5268,7 @@
 INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, tcp_req_cont_keywords_register, &tcp_req_kws);
 static struct action_kw_list tcp_res_kws = { { }, {
+	{ "sc-add-gpc",  parse_add_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc",  parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc0", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc1", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
@@ -5116,6 +5280,7 @@
 INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, tcp_res_cont_keywords_register, &tcp_res_kws);
 static struct action_kw_list http_req_kws = { { }, {
+	{ "sc-add-gpc",  parse_add_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc",  parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc0", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc1", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
@@ -5127,6 +5292,7 @@
 INITCALL1(STG_REGISTER, http_req_keywords_register, &http_req_kws);
 static struct action_kw_list http_res_kws = { { }, {
+	{ "sc-add-gpc",  parse_add_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc",  parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc0", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },
 	{ "sc-inc-gpc1", parse_inc_gpc,  KWF_MATCH_PREFIX },