BUG/MINOR: ssl_ckch: Dump CA transaction only once if show command yield

When loaded CA files are displayed via "show ssl ca-file" command, the
in-progress transaction, if any, is also displayed. However, if the command
yield, the transaction is re-displayed again and again.

To fix the issue, old_cafile_entry field is used to remember the transaction
was already displayed.

This patch must be backported as far as 2.5.
diff --git a/src/ssl_ckch.c b/src/ssl_ckch.c
index 5a08bc7..88f8ad0 100644
--- a/src/ssl_ckch.c
+++ b/src/ssl_ckch.c
@@ -3118,13 +3118,13 @@
 	if (trash == NULL)
 		return 1;
-	if (!ctx->old_cafile_entry) {
-		if (cafile_transaction.old_cafile_entry) {
-			chunk_appendf(trash, "# transaction\n");
-			chunk_appendf(trash, "*%s", cafile_transaction.old_cafile_entry->path);
-			chunk_appendf(trash, " - %d certificate(s)\n", get_certificate_count(cafile_transaction.new_cafile_entry));
-		}
+	if (!ctx->old_cafile_entry && cafile_transaction.old_cafile_entry) {
+		chunk_appendf(trash, "# transaction\n");
+		chunk_appendf(trash, "*%s", cafile_transaction.old_cafile_entry->path);
+		chunk_appendf(trash, " - %d certificate(s)\n", get_certificate_count(cafile_transaction.new_cafile_entry));
+		if (applet_putchk(appctx, trash) == -1)
+			goto yield;
+		ctx->old_cafile_entry = cafile_transaction.new_cafile_entry;
 	/* First time in this io_handler. */