REGTESTS: httpclient/lua: test the lua task timeout with the httpclient
Test the httpclient when the lua action timeout. The lua timeout is
reached before the httpclient is ended. This test that the httpclient
are correctly cleaned when destroying the hlua context.
Must be backported as far as 2.5.
diff --git a/reg-tests/lua/httpclient_action.lua b/reg-tests/lua/httpclient_action.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a7209c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reg-tests/lua/httpclient_action.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+function test()
+ local httpclient = core.httpclient()
+ local response = httpclient:get{url="", headers={ [ "Host" ] = { "localhost" } }}
+core.register_action("test", {"tcp-req"}, test, 0)
diff --git a/reg-tests/lua/httpclient_action.vtc b/reg-tests/lua/httpclient_action.vtc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11c7d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reg-tests/lua/httpclient_action.vtc
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+varnishtest "Lua: test the httpclient when the lua action timeout"
+# Start an httpclient from "lua.test" whose lua task will expire before the
+# httpclient is ended.
+feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'version_atleast(2.5-dev7)'"
+feature ignore_unknown_macro
+haproxy h1 -conf {
+ global
+ lua-load ${testdir}/httpclient_action.lua
+ defaults
+ mode tcp
+ timeout http-request 10s
+ timeout queue 1m
+ timeout connect 10s
+ timeout client 1m
+ timeout server 1m
+ timeout check 10s
+ listen li1
+ mode http
+ bind "fd@${fe1}"
+ tcp-request inspect-delay 10ms
+ tcp-request content lua.test
+ http-request return status 503
+} -start
+client c0 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
+ txreq
+ rxresp
+ expect resp.status == 503
+} -run