MINOR/DOC: spoe-server: Add documentation

This is the documentation and examples.
diff --git a/contrib/spoa_server/README b/contrib/spoa_server/README
index 7e376ee..57ec9c4 100644
--- a/contrib/spoa_server/README
+++ b/contrib/spoa_server/README
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
-A Random IP reputation service acting as a Stream Processing Offload Agent
+Multi script langyage Stream Processing Offload Agent
-This is a very simple service that implement a "random" ip reputation
-service. It will return random scores for all checked IP addresses. It only
-shows you how to implement a ip reputation service or such kind of services
-using the SPOE.
+This agent receive SPOP message and process it with script languages. The
+language register callback with a message. Each callback receive the list
+of arguments with types according with the language capabilities. The
+callback write variables which are sent as response when the processing
+is done.
+  Compilation
+Actually, the server support Lua and Python. Type "make" with the options:
+USE_LUA=1 and/or USE_PYTHON=1.
   Start the service
@@ -19,70 +27,47 @@
         -d                  Enable the debug mode
         -p <port>           Specify the port to listen on (default: 12345)
         -n <num-workers>    Specify the number of workers (default: 5)
-Note: A worker is a thread.
-  Configure a SPOE to use the service
+        -f <file>           Load script according with the supported languages
-All information about SPOE configuration can be found in "doc/SPOE.txt". Here is
-the configuration template to use for your SPOE:
+The file processor is recognized using the extension. .lua or .luac for lua and
+.py for python. Start example:
-    [ip-reputation]
+    $> ./spoa -d -f ps_lua.lua
-    spoe-agent iprep-agent
-        messages check-client-ip
+	 $> ./spoa -d -f ps_pyhton.py
-        option var-prefix iprep
-        timeout hello      100ms
-        timeout idle       30s
-        timeout processing 15ms
+  Configure
-        use-backend iprep-backend
+Sample configuration are join to this server:
-    spoe-message check-client-ip
-        args src
-        event on-client-session
+  spoa-server.conf      : The HAProxy configuration file using SPOE server
+  spoa-server.spoe.conf : The SPOP description file used by HAProxy
+  ps_lua.lua            : Processing Lua example
+  ps_python.py          : Processing Python example
-The engine is in the scope "ip-reputation". So to enable it, you must set the
-following line in a frontend/listener section:
+  Considerations
-    frontend my-front
-        ...
-        filter spoe engine ip-reputation config /path/spoe-ip-reputation.conf
-	....
+This server is a beta version. It works fine, but some improvement will be
-where "/path/spoe-ip-reputation.conf" is the path to your SPOE configuration
-file. The engine name is important here, it must be the same than the one used
-in the SPOE configuration file.
+Main process:
-    Because we want to send a message on the "on-client-session" event, this
-    SPOE must be attached to a proxy with the frontend capability. If it is
-    declared in a backend section, it will have no effet.
+ * Improve log management: Today the log are sent on stdout.
+ * Improve process management: The dead process are ignored.
+ * Implement systemd integration.
+ * Implement threads: It would be fine to implement thread working. Shared
+   memory is welcome for managing database connection pool and something like
+   that.
+ * Add PHP support and some other languages.
-Because, in SPOE configuration file, we declare to use the backend
-"iprep-backend" to communicate with the service, you must define it in HAProxy
-configuration. For example:
-    backend iprep-backend
-        mode tcp
-	timeout server 1m
-	server iprep-srv check maxconn 5
-In reply to the "check-client-ip" message, this service will set the variable
-"ip_score" for the session, an integer between 0 and 100. If unchanged, the
-variable prefix is "iprep". So the full variable name will be
-You can use it in ACLs to experiment the SPOE feature. For example:
-    tcp-request content reject if { var(sess.iprep.ip_score) -m int lt 20 }
+ * Improve repporting: Catch python error message and repport it in the right
+   place. Today the error are dumped on stdout. How using syslog for logging
+   stack traces ?
-With this rule, all IP address with a score lower than 20 will be rejected
-(Remember, this score is random).
+Maybe some other things...
diff --git a/contrib/spoa_server/print_r.lua b/contrib/spoa_server/print_r.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa57e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/spoa_server/print_r.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+function color(index, str)
+	return "\x1b[" .. index .. "m" .. str .. "\x1b[00m"
+function nocolor(index, str)
+	return str
+function sp(count)
+	local spaces = ""
+	while count > 0 do
+		spaces = spaces .. "    "
+		count = count - 1
+	end
+	return spaces
+function print_rr(p, indent, c, wr)
+	local i = 0
+	local nl = ""
+	if type(p) == "table" then
+		wr(c("33", "(table)") .. " " .. c("34", tostring(p)) .. " [")
+		mt = getmetatable(p)
+		if mt ~= nil then
+			wr("\n" .. sp(indent+1) .. c("31", "METATABLE") .. ": ")
+			print_rr(mt, indent+1, c, wr)
+		end
+		for k,v in pairs(p) do
+			if i > 0 then
+				nl = "\n"
+			else
+				wr("\n")
+			end
+			wr(nl .. sp(indent+1))
+			if type(k) == "number" then
+				wr(c("32", tostring(k)))
+			else
+				wr("\"" .. c("32", tostring(k)) .. "\"")
+			end
+			wr(": ")
+			print_rr(v, indent+1, c, wr)
+			i = i + 1
+		end
+		if i == 0 then
+			wr(" " .. c("35", "/* empty */") .. " ]")
+		else
+			wr("\n" .. sp(indent) .. "]")
+		end
+	elseif type(p) == "string" then
+		wr(c("33", "(string)") .. " \"" .. c("34", p) .. "\"")
+	else
+		wr(c("33", "(" .. type(p) .. ")") .. " " .. c("34", tostring(p)))
+	end
+function print_r(p, col, wr)
+	if col == nil then col = true end
+	if wr == nil then wr = function(msg) io.stdout:write(msg) end end
+	if col == true then
+		print_rr(p, 0, color, wr)
+	else
+		print_rr(p, 0, nocolor, wr)
+	end
+	wr("\n")
diff --git a/contrib/spoa_server/ps_lua.lua b/contrib/spoa_server/ps_lua.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2662045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/spoa_server/ps_lua.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+print_r("Load lua message processors")
+spoa.register_message("check-client-ip", function(args)
+	print_r(args)
+	spoa.set_var_null("null", spoa.scope.txn)
+	spoa.set_var_boolean("boolean", spoa.scope.txn, true)
+	spoa.set_var_int32("int32", spoa.scope.txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_uint32("uint32", spoa.scope.txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_int64("int64", spoa.scope.txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_uint64("uint64", spoa.scope.txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_ipv4("ipv4", spoa.scope.txn, "")
+	spoa.set_var_ipv6("ipv6", spoa.scope.txn, "1::f")
+	spoa.set_var_str("str", spoa.scope.txn, "1::f")
+	spoa.set_var_bin("bin", spoa.scope.txn, "1::f")
diff --git a/contrib/spoa_server/ps_python.py b/contrib/spoa_server/ps_python.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108eb48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/spoa_server/ps_python.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+from pprint import pprint
+import spoa
+import ipaddress
+def check_client_ip(args):
+	pprint(args)
+	spoa.set_var_null("null", spoa.scope_txn)
+	spoa.set_var_boolean("boolean", spoa.scope_txn, True)
+	spoa.set_var_int32("int32", spoa.scope_txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_uint32("uint32", spoa.scope_txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_int64("int64", spoa.scope_txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_uint64("uint64", spoa.scope_txn, 1234)
+	spoa.set_var_ipv4("ipv4", spoa.scope_txn, ipaddress.IPv4Address(u""))
+	spoa.set_var_ipv6("ipv6", spoa.scope_txn, ipaddress.IPv6Address(u"1::f"))
+	spoa.set_var_str("str", spoa.scope_txn, "1::f")
+	spoa.set_var_bin("bin", spoa.scope_txn, "1:\x01:\x02f\x00\x00")
+	return
+spoa.register_message("check-client-ip", check_client_ip)
diff --git a/contrib/spoa_server/spoa-server.conf b/contrib/spoa_server/spoa-server.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13bd126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/spoa_server/spoa-server.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+	debug
+	mode http
+	option httplog
+	option dontlognull
+	timeout connect 5000
+	timeout client 5000
+	timeout server 5000
+listen test
+	mode http
+	bind :10001
+	filter spoe engine spoa-server config spoa-server.spoe.conf
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.null),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.boolean),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.int32),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.uint32),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.int64),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.uint64),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.ipv4),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.ipv6),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.str),debug
+	http-request set-var(req.a) var(txn.iprep.bin),debug
+	http-request redirect location /%[var(sess.iprep.ip_score)]
+backend spoe-server
+	mode tcp
+	balance roundrobin
+	timeout connect 5s
+	timeout server  3m
+	server spoe-server
diff --git a/contrib/spoa_server/spoa-server.spoe.conf b/contrib/spoa_server/spoa-server.spoe.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dab4e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/spoa_server/spoa-server.spoe.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+spoe-agent spoa-server
+	messages check-client-ip
+	option var-prefix  iprep
+	timeout hello      100ms
+	timeout idle       30s
+	timeout processing 15ms
+	use-backend spoe-server
+spoe-message check-client-ip
+	args always_true int(1234) src ipv6(::55) req.fhdr(host)
+	event on-frontend-http-request