Revert "BUG/MINOR: http-ana: Don't eval front after-response rules if stopped on back"

This reverts commit 597909f4e67866c4f3ecf77f95f2cd4556c0c638

http-after-response rules evaluation was changed to do the same that was
done for http-response, in the code. However, the opposite must be performed
instead. Only the rules of the current section must be stopped. Thus the
above commit is reverted and the http-response rules evaluation will be
fixed instead.

Note that only "allow" action is concerned. It is most probably an uncommon
action for an http-after-request rule.

This patch must be backported as far as 2.2 if the above commit was
diff --git a/reg-tests/http-rules/http_after_response.vtc b/reg-tests/http-rules/http_after_response.vtc
index 0a37daa..af66498 100644
--- a/reg-tests/http-rules/http_after_response.vtc
+++ b/reg-tests/http-rules/http_after_response.vtc
@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@
 client c5 -connect ${h1_feh1_sock} {
         txreq -req GET -url /deny-srv
-        expect resp.status == 502
-        expect == <undef>
-        expect == <undef>
-        expect == <undef>
-        expect resp.http.sl1 == <undef>
-        expect resp.http.sl2 == <undef>
-        expect resp.http.hdr == <undef>
+        expect resp.status == 200
+        expect == ""
+        expect == ""
+        expect == ""
+        expect resp.http.fe-sl1-crc == 3104968915
+        expect resp.http.fe-sl2-crc == 561949791
+        expect resp.http.fe-hdr-crc == 623352154
 } -run
diff --git a/src/http_ana.c b/src/http_ana.c
index 341a9f8..036ae10 100644
--- a/src/http_ana.c
+++ b/src/http_ana.c
@@ -2982,12 +2982,11 @@
 		vars_init_head(&s->vars_reqres, SCOPE_RES);
 	def_rules = (s->be->defpx ? &s->be->defpx->http_after_res_rules : NULL);
 	rules = &s->be->http_after_res_rules;
 	ret = http_res_get_intercept_rule(s->be, def_rules, rules, s);
-	if (ret == HTTP_RULE_RES_CONT && sess->fe != s->be) {
+	if ((ret == HTTP_RULE_RES_CONT || ret == HTTP_RULE_RES_STOP) && sess->fe != s->be) {
 		def_rules = ((sess->fe->defpx && sess->fe->defpx != s->be->defpx) ? &sess->fe->defpx->http_after_res_rules : NULL);
 		rules = &sess->fe->http_after_res_rules;
 		ret = http_res_get_intercept_rule(sess->fe, def_rules, rules, s);