CLEANUP: contrib/prometheus-exporter: remove description in README

Now that we got ride of description in prometheus code, let's assume we
no longer need to maintain it in README, and diret user to the output of
prometheus to get more info.

Signed-off-by: William Dauchy <>
diff --git a/contrib/prometheus-exporter/README b/contrib/prometheus-exporter/README
index 0b760cc..65902bf 100644
--- a/contrib/prometheus-exporter/README
+++ b/contrib/prometheus-exporter/README
@@ -107,214 +107,215 @@
 Exported metrics
+See prometheus export for the description of each field.
 * Globals metrics
-|    Metric name                                 |    Description                                                                |
-| haproxy_process_nbthread                       | Configured number of threads.                                                 |
-| haproxy_process_nbproc                         | Configured number of processes.                                               |
-| haproxy_process_relative_process_id            | Relative process id, starting at 1.                                           |
-| haproxy_process_start_time_seconds             | Start time in seconds.                                                        |
-| haproxy_process_max_memory_bytes               | Per-process memory limit (in bytes); 0=unset.                                 |
-| haproxy_process_pool_allocated_bytes           | Total amount of memory allocated in pools (in bytes).                         |
-| haproxy_process_pool_used_bytes                | Total amount of memory used in pools (in bytes).                              |
-| haproxy_process_pool_failures_total            | Total number of failed pool allocations.                                      |
-| haproxy_process_max_fds                        | Maximum number of open file descriptors; 0=unset.                             |
-| haproxy_process_max_sockets                    | Maximum number of open sockets.                                               |
-| haproxy_process_max_connections                | Maximum number of concurrent connections.                                     |
-| haproxy_process_hard_max_connections           | Initial Maximum number of concurrent connections.                             |
-| haproxy_process_current_connections            | Number of active sessions.                                                    |
-| haproxy_process_connections_total              | Total number of created sessions.                                             |
-| haproxy_process_requests_total                 | Total number of requests (TCP or HTTP).                                       |
-| haproxy_process_max_ssl_connections            | Configured maximum number of concurrent SSL connections.                      |
-| haproxy_process_current_ssl_connections        | Number of opened SSL connections.                                             |
-| haproxy_process_ssl_connections_total          | Total number of opened SSL connections.                                       |
-| haproxy_process_max_pipes                      | Configured maximum number of pipes.                                           |
-| haproxy_process_pipes_used_total               | Number of pipes in used.                                                      |
-| haproxy_process_pipes_free_total               | Number of pipes unused.                                                       |
-| haproxy_process_current_connection_rate        | Current number of connections per second over last elapsed second.            |
-| haproxy_process_limit_connection_rate          | Configured maximum number of connections per second.                          |
-| haproxy_process_max_connection_rate            | Maximum observed number of connections per second.                            |
-| haproxy_process_current_session_rate           | Current number of sessions per second over last elapsed second.               |
-| haproxy_process_limit_session_rate             | Configured maximum number of sessions per second.                             |
-| haproxy_process_max_session_rate               | Maximum observed number of sessions per second.                               |
-| haproxy_process_current_ssl_rate               | Current number of SSL sessions per second over last elapsed second.           |
-| haproxy_process_limit_ssl_rate                 | Configured maximum number of SSL sessions per second.                         |
-| haproxy_process_max_ssl_rate                   | Maximum observed number of SSL sessions per second.                           |
-| haproxy_process_current_frontend_ssl_key_rate  | Current frontend SSL Key computation per second over last elapsed second.     |
-| haproxy_process_max_frontend_ssl_key_rate      | Maximum observed frontend SSL Key computation per second.                     |
-| haproxy_process_frontend_ssl_reuse             | SSL session reuse ratio (percent).                                            |
-| haproxy_process_current_backend_ssl_key_rate   | Current backend SSL Key computation per second over last elapsed second.      |
-| haproxy_process_max_backend_ssl_key_rate       | Maximum observed backend SSL Key computation per second.                      |
-| haproxy_process_ssl_cache_lookups_total        | Total number of SSL session cache lookups.                                    |
-| haproxy_process_ssl_cache_misses_total         | Total number of SSL session cache misses.                                     |
-| haproxy_process_http_comp_bytes_in_total       | Number of bytes per second over last elapsed second, before http compression. |
-| haproxy_process_http_comp_bytes_out_total      | Number of bytes per second over last elapsed second, after http compression.  |
-| haproxy_process_limit_http_comp                | Configured maximum input compression rate in bytes.                           |
-| haproxy_process_current_zlib_memory            | Current memory used for zlib in bytes.                                        |
-| haproxy_process_max_zlib_memory                | Configured maximum amount of memory for zlib in bytes.                        |
-| haproxy_process_current_tasks                  | Current number of tasks.                                                      |
-| haproxy_process_current_run_queue              | Current number of tasks in the run-queue.                                     |
-| haproxy_process_idle_time_percent              | Idle to total ratio over last sample (percent).                               |
-| haproxy_process_stopping                       | Non zero means stopping in progress.                                          |
-| haproxy_process_jobs                           | Current number of active jobs (listeners, sessions, open devices).            |
-| haproxy_process_unstoppable_jobs               | Current number of active jobs that can't be stopped during a soft stop.       |
-| haproxy_process_listeners                      | Current number of active listeners.                                           |
-| haproxy_process_active_peers                   | Current number of active peers.                                               |
-| haproxy_process_connected_peers                | Current number of connected peers.                                            |
-| haproxy_process_dropped_logs_total             | Total number of dropped logs.                                                 |
-| haproxy_process_busy_polling_enabled           | Non zero if the busy polling is enabled.                                      |
-| haproxy_process_failed_resolutions             | Total number of failed DNS resolutions.                                       |
-| haproxy_process_bytes_out_total                | Total number of bytes emitted.                                                |
-| haproxy_process_spliced_bytes_out_total        | Total number of bytes emitted through a kernel pipe.                          |
-| haproxy_process_bytes_out_rate                 | Number of bytes emitted over the last elapsed second.                         |
-| haproxy_process_recv_logs_total                | Total number of log messages received by log-forwarding listeners on this     |
-|                                                | worker process since started                                                  |
+|    Metric name                                 |
+| haproxy_process_nbthread                       |
+| haproxy_process_nbproc                         |
+| haproxy_process_relative_process_id            |
+| haproxy_process_start_time_seconds             |
+| haproxy_process_max_memory_bytes               |
+| haproxy_process_pool_allocated_bytes           |
+| haproxy_process_pool_used_bytes                |
+| haproxy_process_pool_failures_total            |
+| haproxy_process_max_fds                        |
+| haproxy_process_max_sockets                    |
+| haproxy_process_max_connections                |
+| haproxy_process_hard_max_connections           |
+| haproxy_process_current_connections            |
+| haproxy_process_connections_total              |
+| haproxy_process_requests_total                 |
+| haproxy_process_max_ssl_connections            |
+| haproxy_process_current_ssl_connections        |
+| haproxy_process_ssl_connections_total          |
+| haproxy_process_max_pipes                      |
+| haproxy_process_pipes_used_total               |
+| haproxy_process_pipes_free_total               |
+| haproxy_process_current_connection_rate        |
+| haproxy_process_limit_connection_rate          |
+| haproxy_process_max_connection_rate            |
+| haproxy_process_current_session_rate           |
+| haproxy_process_limit_session_rate             |
+| haproxy_process_max_session_rate               |
+| haproxy_process_current_ssl_rate               |
+| haproxy_process_limit_ssl_rate                 |
+| haproxy_process_max_ssl_rate                   |
+| haproxy_process_current_frontend_ssl_key_rate  |
+| haproxy_process_max_frontend_ssl_key_rate      |
+| haproxy_process_frontend_ssl_reuse             |
+| haproxy_process_current_backend_ssl_key_rate   |
+| haproxy_process_max_backend_ssl_key_rate       |
+| haproxy_process_ssl_cache_lookups_total        |
+| haproxy_process_ssl_cache_misses_total         |
+| haproxy_process_http_comp_bytes_in_total       |
+| haproxy_process_http_comp_bytes_out_total      |
+| haproxy_process_limit_http_comp                |
+| haproxy_process_current_zlib_memory            |
+| haproxy_process_max_zlib_memory                |
+| haproxy_process_current_tasks                  |
+| haproxy_process_current_run_queue              |
+| haproxy_process_idle_time_percent              |
+| haproxy_process_stopping                       |
+| haproxy_process_jobs                           |
+| haproxy_process_unstoppable_jobs               |
+| haproxy_process_listeners                      |
+| haproxy_process_active_peers                   |
+| haproxy_process_connected_peers                |
+| haproxy_process_dropped_logs_total             |
+| haproxy_process_busy_polling_enabled           |
+| haproxy_process_failed_resolutions             |
+| haproxy_process_bytes_out_total                |
+| haproxy_process_spliced_bytes_out_total        |
+| haproxy_process_bytes_out_rate                 |
+| haproxy_process_recv_logs_total                |
 * Frontend metrics
-|    Metric name                                  |    Description                                                               |
-| haproxy_frontend_status                         | Current status of the service.                                               |
-| haproxy_frontend_current_sessions               | Current number of active sessions.                                           |
-| haproxy_frontend_max_sessions                   | Maximum observed number of active sessions.                                  |
-| haproxy_frontend_limit_sessions                 | Configured session limit.                                                    |
-| haproxy_frontend_sessions_total                 | Total number of sessions.                                                    |
-| haproxy_frontend_limit_session_rate             | Configured limit on new sessions per second.                                 |
-| haproxy_frontend_max_session_rate               | Maximum observed number of sessions per second.                              |
-| haproxy_frontend_connections_rate_current       | Current number of connections per second over the last elapsed second.       |
-| haproxy_frontend_connections_rate_max           | Maximum observed number of connections per second.                           |
-| haproxy_frontend_connections_total              | Total number of connections.                                                 |
-| haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total                 | Current total of incoming bytes.                                             |
-| haproxy_frontend_bytes_out_total                | Current total of outgoing bytes.                                             |
-| haproxy_frontend_requests_denied_total          | Total number of denied requests.                                             |
-| haproxy_frontend_responses_denied_total         | Total number of denied responses.                                            |
-| haproxy_frontend_request_errors_total           | Total number of request errors.                                              |
-| haproxy_frontend_denied_connections_total       | Total number of requests denied by "tcp-request connection" rules.           |
-| haproxy_frontend_denied_sessions_total          | Total number of requests denied by "tcp-request session" rules.              |
-| haproxy_frontend_failed_header_rewriting_total  | Total number of failed header rewriting warnings.                            |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_requests_rate_max         | Maximum observed number of HTTP requests per second.                         |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_requests_total            | Total number of HTTP requests received.                                      |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_responses_total           | Total number of HTTP responses.                                              |
-| haproxy_frontend_intercepted_requests_total     | Total number of intercepted HTTP requests.                                   |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_cache_lookups_total       | Total number of HTTP cache lookups.                                          |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_cache_hits_total          | Total number of HTTP cache hits.                                             |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_in_total       | Total number of HTTP response bytes fed to the compressor.                   |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_out_total      | Total number of HTTP response bytes emitted by the compressor.               |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_bypassed_total | Total number of bytes that bypassed the HTTP compressor (CPU/BW limit).      |
-| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_responses_total      | Total number of HTTP responses that were compressed.                         |
-| haproxy_frontend_internal_errors_total          | Total number of internal errors.                                             |
+|    Metric name                                  |
+| haproxy_frontend_status                         |
+| haproxy_frontend_current_sessions               |
+| haproxy_frontend_max_sessions                   |
+| haproxy_frontend_limit_sessions                 |
+| haproxy_frontend_sessions_total                 |
+| haproxy_frontend_limit_session_rate             |
+| haproxy_frontend_max_session_rate               |
+| haproxy_frontend_connections_rate_current       |
+| haproxy_frontend_connections_rate_max           |
+| haproxy_frontend_connections_total              |
+| haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total                 |
+| haproxy_frontend_bytes_out_total                |
+| haproxy_frontend_requests_denied_total          |
+| haproxy_frontend_responses_denied_total         |
+| haproxy_frontend_request_errors_total           |
+| haproxy_frontend_denied_connections_total       |
+| haproxy_frontend_denied_sessions_total          |
+| haproxy_frontend_failed_header_rewriting_total  |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_requests_rate_max         |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_requests_total            |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_responses_total           |
+| haproxy_frontend_intercepted_requests_total     |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_cache_lookups_total       |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_cache_hits_total          |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_in_total       |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_out_total      |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_bypassed_total |
+| haproxy_frontend_http_comp_responses_total      |
+| haproxy_frontend_internal_errors_total          |
 * Backend metrics
-|    Metric name                                      |    Description                                                           |
-| haproxy_backend_status                              | Current status of the service.                                           |
-| haproxy_backend_current_sessions                    | Current number of active sessions.                                       |
-| haproxy_backend_max_sessions                        | Maximum observed number of active sessions.                              |
-| haproxy_backend_limit_sessions                      | Configured session limit.                                                |
-| haproxy_backend_sessions_total                      | Total number of sessions.                                                |
-| haproxy_backend_max_session_rate                    | Maximum observed number of sessions per second.                          |
-| haproxy_backend_last_session_seconds                | Number of seconds since last session assigned to server/backend.         |
-| haproxy_backend_current_queue                       | Current number of queued requests.                                       |
-| haproxy_backend_max_queue                           | Maximum observed number of queued requests.                              |
-| haproxy_backend_connection_attempts_total           | Total number of connection establishment attempts.                       |
-| haproxy_backend_connection_reuses_total             | Total number of connection reuses.                                       |
-| haproxy_backend_bytes_in_total                      | Current total of incoming bytes.                                         |
-| haproxy_backend_bytes_out_total                     | Current total of outgoing bytes.                                         |
-| haproxy_backend_queue_time_average_seconds          | Avg. queue time for last 1024 successful connections.                    |
-| haproxy_backend_connect_time_average_seconds        | Avg. connect time for last 1024 successful connections.                  |
-| haproxy_backend_response_time_average_seconds       | Avg. response time for last 1024 successful connections. (0 for TCP)     |
-| haproxy_backend_total_time_average_seconds          | Avg. total time for last 1024 successful connections.                    |
-| haproxy_backend_max_queue_time_seconds              | Maximum observed queue time.                                             |
-| haproxy_backend_max_connect_time_seconds            | Maximum observed connect time.                                           |
-| haproxy_backend_max_response_time_seconds           | Maximum observed response time. (0 for TCP)                              |
-| haproxy_backend_max_total_time_seconds              | Maximum observed total time.                                             |
-| haproxy_backend_requests_denied_total               | Total number of denied requests.                                         |
-| haproxy_backend_responses_denied_total              | Total number of denied responses.                                        |
-| haproxy_backend_connection_errors_total             | Total number of connection errors.                                       |
-| haproxy_backend_response_errors_total               | Total number of response errors.                                         |
-| haproxy_backend_retry_warnings_total                | Total number of retry warnings.                                          |
-| haproxy_backend_redispatch_warnings_total           | Total number of redispatch warnings.                                     |
-| haproxy_backend_failed_header_rewriting_total       | Total number of failed header rewriting warnings.                        |
-| haproxy_backend_client_aborts_total                 | Total number of data transfers aborted by the client.                    |
-| haproxy_backend_server_aborts_total                 | Total number of data transfers aborted by the server.                    |
-| haproxy_backend_weight                              | Service weight.                                                          |
-| haproxy_backend_uweight                             | Sum of active servers'user weights for a backend                         |
-| haproxy_backend_active_servers                      | Current number of active servers.                                        |
-| haproxy_backend_backup_servers                      | Current number of backup servers.                                        |
-| haproxy_backend_check_up_down_total                 | Total number of UP->DOWN transitions.                                    |
-| haproxy_backend_check_last_change_seconds           | Number of seconds since the last UP<->DOWN transition.                   |
-| haproxy_backend_downtime_seconds_total              | Total downtime (in seconds) for the service.                             |
-| haproxy_backend_loadbalanced_total                  | Total number of times a service was selected.                            |
-| haproxy_backend_http_requests_total                 | Total number of HTTP requests received.                                  |
-| haproxy_backend_http_responses_total                | Total number of HTTP responses.                                          |
-| haproxy_backend_http_cache_lookups_total            | Total number of HTTP cache lookups.                                      |
-| haproxy_backend_http_cache_hits_total               | Total number of HTTP cache hits.                                         |
-| haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_in_total            | Total number of HTTP response bytes fed to the compressor.               |
-| haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_out_total           | Total number of HTTP response bytes emitted by the compressor.           |
-| haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_bypassed_total      | Total number of bytes that bypassed the HTTP compressor (CPU/BW limit).  |
-| haproxy_backend_http_comp_responses_total           | Total number of HTTP responses that were compressed.                     |
-| haproxy_backend_internal_errors_total               | Total number of internal errors.                                         |
+|    Metric name                                      |
+| haproxy_backend_status                              |
+| haproxy_backend_current_sessions                    |
+| haproxy_backend_max_sessions                        |
+| haproxy_backend_limit_sessions                      |
+| haproxy_backend_sessions_total                      |
+| haproxy_backend_max_session_rate                    |
+| haproxy_backend_last_session_seconds                |
+| haproxy_backend_current_queue                       |
+| haproxy_backend_max_queue                           |
+| haproxy_backend_connection_attempts_total           |
+| haproxy_backend_connection_reuses_total             |
+| haproxy_backend_bytes_in_total                      |
+| haproxy_backend_bytes_out_total                     |
+| haproxy_backend_queue_time_average_seconds          |
+| haproxy_backend_connect_time_average_seconds        |
+| haproxy_backend_response_time_average_seconds       |
+| haproxy_backend_total_time_average_seconds          |
+| haproxy_backend_max_queue_time_seconds              |
+| haproxy_backend_max_connect_time_seconds            |
+| haproxy_backend_max_response_time_seconds           |
+| haproxy_backend_max_total_time_seconds              |
+| haproxy_backend_requests_denied_total               |
+| haproxy_backend_responses_denied_total              |
+| haproxy_backend_connection_errors_total             |
+| haproxy_backend_response_errors_total               |
+| haproxy_backend_retry_warnings_total                |
+| haproxy_backend_redispatch_warnings_total           |
+| haproxy_backend_failed_header_rewriting_total       |
+| haproxy_backend_client_aborts_total                 |
+| haproxy_backend_server_aborts_total                 |
+| haproxy_backend_weight                              |
+| haproxy_backend_uweight                             |
+| haproxy_backend_active_servers                      |
+| haproxy_backend_backup_servers                      |
+| haproxy_backend_check_up_down_total                 |
+| haproxy_backend_check_last_change_seconds           |
+| haproxy_backend_downtime_seconds_total              |
+| haproxy_backend_loadbalanced_total                  |
+| haproxy_backend_http_requests_total                 |
+| haproxy_backend_http_responses_total                |
+| haproxy_backend_http_cache_lookups_total            |
+| haproxy_backend_http_cache_hits_total               |
+| haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_in_total            |
+| haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_out_total           |
+| haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_bypassed_total      |
+| haproxy_backend_http_comp_responses_total           |
+| haproxy_backend_internal_errors_total               |
 * Server metrics
-|    Metric name                                     |    Description                                                            |
-| haproxy_server_status                              | Current status of the service.                                            |
-| haproxy_server_current_sessions                    | Current number of active sessions.                                        |
-| haproxy_server_max_sessions                        | Maximum observed number of active sessions.                               |
-| haproxy_server_limit_sessions                      | Configured session limit.                                                 |
-| haproxy_server_sessions_total                      | Total number of sessions.                                                 |
-| haproxy_server_max_session_rate                    | Maximum observed number of sessions per second.                           |
-| haproxy_server_last_session_seconds                | Number of seconds since last session assigned to server/backend.          |
-| haproxy_server_current_queue                       | Current number of queued requests.                                        |
-| haproxy_server_max_queue                           | Maximum observed number of queued requests.                               |
-| haproxy_server_queue_limit                         | Configured maxqueue for the server (0 meaning no limit).                  |
-| haproxy_server_bytes_in_total                      | Current total of incoming bytes.                                          |
-| haproxy_server_bytes_out_total                     | Current total of outgoing bytes.                                          |
-| haproxy_server_queue_time_average_seconds          | Avg. queue time for last 1024 successful connections.                     |
-| haproxy_server_connect_time_average_seconds        | Avg. connect time for last 1024 successful connections.                   |
-| haproxy_server_response_time_average_seconds       | Avg. response time for last 1024 successful connections. (0 for TCP)      |
-| haproxy_server_total_time_average_seconds          | Avg. total time for last 1024 successful connections.                     |
-| haproxy_server_max_queue_time_seconds              | Maximum observed queue time.                                              |
-| haproxy_server_max_connect_time_seconds            | Maximum observed connect time.                                            |
-| haproxy_server_max_response_time_seconds           | Maximum observed response time.  (0 for TCP)                              |
-| haproxy_server_max_total_time_seconds              | Maximum observed total time.                                              |
-| haproxy_server_connection_attempts_total           | Total number of connection establishment attempts.                        |
-| haproxy_server_connection_reuses_total             | Total number of connection reuses.                                        |
-| haproxy_server_responses_denied_total              | Total number of denied responses.                                         |
-| haproxy_server_connection_errors_total             | Total number of connection errors.                                        |
-| haproxy_server_response_errors_total               | Total number of response errors.                                          |
-| haproxy_server_retry_warnings_total                | Total number of retry warnings.                                           |
-| haproxy_server_redispatch_warnings_total           | Total number of redispatch warnings.                                      |
-| haproxy_server_failed_header_rewriting_total       | Total number of failed header rewriting warnings.                         |
-| haproxy_server_client_aborts_total                 | Total number of data transfers aborted by the client.                     |
-| haproxy_server_server_aborts_total                 | Total number of data transfers aborted by the server.                     |
-| haproxy_server_weight                              | Service weight.                                                           |
-| haproxy_server_uweight                             | Server's user weight                                                      |
-| haproxy_server_check_status                        | Status of last health check, if enabled. (see below for the mapping)      |
-| haproxy_server_check_code                          | layer5-7 code, if available of the last health check.                     |
-| haproxy_server_check_duration_seconds              | Total duration of the latest server health check, in seconds.             |
-| haproxy_server_check_failures_total                | Total number of failed check (Only when the server is up).                |
-| haproxy_server_check_up_down_total                 | Total number of UP->DOWN transitions.                                     |
-| haproxy_server_downtime_seconds_total              | Total downtime (in seconds) for the service.                              |
-| haproxy_server_check_last_change_seconds           | Number of seconds since the last UP<->DOWN transition.                    |
-| haproxy_server_current_throttle                    | Current throttle percentage for the server, when slowstart is active.     |
-| haproxy_server_loadbalanced_total                  | Total number of times a service was selected.                             |
-| haproxy_server_http_responses_total                | Total number of HTTP responses.                                           |
-| haproxy_server_idle_connections_current            | Current number of idle connections available for reuse.                   |
-| haproxy_server_idle_connections_limit              | Limit on the number of available idle connections.                        |
-| haproxy_server_internal_errors_total               | Total number of internal errors.                                          |
-| haproxy_server_unsafe_idle_connections_current     | Current number of unsafe idle connections.                                |
-| haproxy_server_safe_idle_connections_current       | Current number of safe idle connections.                                  |
-| haproxy_server_used_connections_current            | Current number of connections in use.                                     |
-| haproxy_server_need_connections_current            | Estimated needed number of connections.                                   |
+|    Metric name                                     |
+| haproxy_server_status                              |
+| haproxy_server_current_sessions                    |
+| haproxy_server_max_sessions                        |
+| haproxy_server_limit_sessions                      |
+| haproxy_server_sessions_total                      |
+| haproxy_server_max_session_rate                    |
+| haproxy_server_last_session_seconds                |
+| haproxy_server_current_queue                       |
+| haproxy_server_max_queue                           |
+| haproxy_server_queue_limit                         |
+| haproxy_server_bytes_in_total                      |
+| haproxy_server_bytes_out_total                     |
+| haproxy_server_queue_time_average_seconds          |
+| haproxy_server_connect_time_average_seconds        |
+| haproxy_server_response_time_average_seconds       |
+| haproxy_server_total_time_average_seconds          |
+| haproxy_server_max_queue_time_seconds              |
+| haproxy_server_max_connect_time_seconds            |
+| haproxy_server_max_response_time_seconds           |
+| haproxy_server_max_total_time_seconds              |
+| haproxy_server_connection_attempts_total           |
+| haproxy_server_connection_reuses_total             |
+| haproxy_server_responses_denied_total              |
+| haproxy_server_connection_errors_total             |
+| haproxy_server_response_errors_total               |
+| haproxy_server_retry_warnings_total                |
+| haproxy_server_redispatch_warnings_total           |
+| haproxy_server_failed_header_rewriting_total       |
+| haproxy_server_client_aborts_total                 |
+| haproxy_server_server_aborts_total                 |
+| haproxy_server_weight                              |
+| haproxy_server_uweight                             |
+| haproxy_server_check_status                        |
+| haproxy_server_check_code                          |
+| haproxy_server_check_duration_seconds              |
+| haproxy_server_check_failures_total                |
+| haproxy_server_check_up_down_total                 |
+| haproxy_server_downtime_seconds_total              |
+| haproxy_server_check_last_change_seconds           |
+| haproxy_server_current_throttle                    |
+| haproxy_server_loadbalanced_total                  |
+| haproxy_server_http_responses_total                |
+| haproxy_server_idle_connections_current            |
+| haproxy_server_idle_connections_limit              |
+| haproxy_server_internal_errors_total               |
+| haproxy_server_unsafe_idle_connections_current     |
+| haproxy_server_safe_idle_connections_current       |
+| haproxy_server_used_connections_current            |
+| haproxy_server_need_connections_current            |