REORG: include: move checks.h to haproxy/check{,-t}.h

All includes that were not absolutely necessary were removed because
checks.h happens to very often be part of dependency loops. A warning
was added about this in check-t.h. The fields, enums and structs were
a bit tidied because it's particularly tedious to find anything there.
It would make sense to split this in two or more files (at least
extract tcp-checks).

The file was renamed to the singular because it was one of the rare
exceptions to have an "s" appended to its name compared to the struct
diff --git a/include/types/checks.h b/include/types/checks.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d05ffc..0000000
--- a/include/types/checks.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
- * Health-checks.
- *
- * Copyright 2008-2009 Krzysztof Piotr Oledzki <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _TYPES_CHECKS_H
-#define _TYPES_CHECKS_H
-#include <haproxy/api-t.h>
-#include <import/ebpttree.h>
-#include <import/ist.h>
-#include <haproxy/connection-t.h>
-#include <haproxy/list-t.h>
-#include <haproxy/obj_type-t.h>
-#include <haproxy/regex-t.h>
-#include <haproxy/buf-t.h>
-#include <haproxy/sample-t.h>
-#include <types/session.h>
-#include <haproxy/task-t.h>
-/* enum used by check->result. Must remain in this order, as some code uses
- * result >= CHK_RES_PASSED to declare success.
- */
-enum chk_result {
-	CHK_RES_UNKNOWN = 0,            /* initialized to this by default */
-	CHK_RES_NEUTRAL,                /* valid check but no status information */
-	CHK_RES_FAILED,                 /* check failed */
-	CHK_RES_PASSED,                 /* check succeeded and server is fully up again */
-	CHK_RES_CONDPASS,               /* check reports the server doesn't want new sessions */
-/* flags used by check->state */
-#define CHK_ST_INPROGRESS       0x0001  /* a check is currently running */
-#define CHK_ST_CONFIGURED       0x0002  /* this check is configured and may be enabled */
-#define CHK_ST_ENABLED          0x0004  /* this check is currently administratively enabled */
-#define CHK_ST_PAUSED           0x0008  /* checks are paused because of maintenance (health only) */
-#define CHK_ST_AGENT            0x0010  /* check is an agent check (otherwise it's a health check) */
-#define CHK_ST_PORT_MISS        0x0020  /* check can't be send because no port is configured to run it */
-/* check status */
-enum healthcheck_status {
-	HCHK_STATUS_UNKNOWN	 = 0,	/* Unknown */
-	HCHK_STATUS_INI,		/* Initializing */
-	HCHK_STATUS_START,		/* Check started - SPECIAL STATUS */
-	/* Below we have finished checks */
-	HCHK_STATUS_HANA,		/* Health analyze detected enough consecutive errors */
-	HCHK_STATUS_SOCKERR,		/* Socket error */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L4OK,		/* L4 check passed, for example tcp connect */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L4TOUT,		/* L4 timeout */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L4CON,		/* L4 connection problem, for example: */
-					/*  "Connection refused" (tcp rst) or "No route to host" (icmp) */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L6OK,		/* L6 check passed */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L6TOUT,		/* L6 (SSL) timeout */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L6RSP,		/* L6 invalid response - protocol error */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L7TOUT,		/* L7 (HTTP/SMTP) timeout */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L7RSP,		/* L7 invalid response - protocol error */
-	/* Below we have layer 5-7 data available */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L7OKD,		/* L7 check passed */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L7OKCD,		/* L7 check conditionally passed */
-	HCHK_STATUS_L7STS,		/* L7 response error, for example HTTP 5xx */
-	HCHK_STATUS_PROCERR,		/* External process check failure */
-	HCHK_STATUS_PROCTOUT,		/* External process check timeout */
-	HCHK_STATUS_PROCOK,		/* External process check passed */
-/* health status for response tracking */
-enum {
-	HANA_STATUS_L4_OK,		/* L4 successful connection */
-	HANA_STATUS_L4_ERR,		/* L4 unsuccessful connection */
-	HANA_STATUS_HTTP_OK,		/* Correct http response */
-	HANA_STATUS_HTTP_STS,		/* Wrong http response, for example HTTP 5xx */
-	HANA_STATUS_HTTP_HDRRSP,	/* Invalid http response (headers) */
-	HANA_STATUS_HTTP_RSP,		/* Invalid http response */
-	HANA_STATUS_HTTP_BROKEN_PIPE,	/* Unexpected close from server */
-enum {
-	HANA_ONERR_FASTINTER,		/* Force fastinter*/
-	HANA_ONERR_FAILCHK,		/* Simulate a failed check */
-	HANA_ONERR_SUDDTH,		/* Enters sudden death - one more failed check will mark this server down */
-	HANA_ONERR_MARKDWN,		/* Mark this server down, now! */
-enum {
-	HANA_ONMARKEDDOWN_SHUTDOWNSESSIONS,	/* Shutdown peer sessions */
-enum {
-enum {
-	HANA_OBS_LAYER4,		/* Observe L4 - for example tcp */
-	HANA_OBS_LAYER7,		/* Observe L7 - for example http */
-struct proxy;
-struct server;
-struct check {
-	enum obj_type obj_type;                 /* object type == OBJ_TYPE_CHECK */
-	struct session *sess;			/* Health check session. */
-	struct vars vars;			/* Health check dynamic variables. */
-	struct xprt_ops *xprt;			/* transport layer operations for health checks */
-	struct conn_stream *cs;			/* conn_stream state for health checks */
-	struct buffer bi, bo;			/* input and output buffers to send/recv check */
-	struct task *task;			/* the task associated to the health check processing, NULL if disabled */
-	struct timeval start;			/* last health check start time */
-	long duration;				/* time in ms took to finish last health check */
-	short status, code;			/* check result, check code */
-	unsigned short port;			/* the port to use for the health checks */
-	char desc[HCHK_DESC_LEN];		/* health check description */
-	signed char use_ssl;			/* use SSL for health checks (1: on, 0: server mode, -1: off) */
-	int send_proxy;				/* send a PROXY protocol header with checks */
-	struct tcpcheck_rules *tcpcheck_rules;	/* tcp-check send / expect rules */
-	struct tcpcheck_rule *current_step;     /* current step when using tcpcheck */
-	int inter, fastinter, downinter;        /* checks: time in milliseconds */
-	enum chk_result result;                 /* health-check result : CHK_RES_* */
-	int state;				/* state of the check : CHK_ST_*   */
-	int health;				/* 0 to rise-1 = bad;
-						 * rise to rise+fall-1 = good */
-	int rise, fall;				/* time in iterations */
-	int type;				/* Check type, one of PR_O2_*_CHK */
-	struct server *server;			/* back-pointer to server */
-	struct proxy *proxy;                    /* proxy to be used */
-	char **argv;				/* the arguments to use if running a process-based check */
-	char **envp;				/* the environment to use if running a process-based check */
-	struct pid_list *curpid;		/* entry in pid_list used for current process-based test, or -1 if not in test */
-	struct sockaddr_storage addr;   	/* the address to check */
-	struct wait_event wait_list;            /* Waiting for I/O events */
-	char *sni;				/* Server name */
-	char *alpn_str;                         /* ALPN to use for checks */
-	int alpn_len;                           /* ALPN string length */
-	const struct mux_proto_list *mux_proto; /* the mux to use for all outgoing connections (specified by the "proto" keyword) */
-	int via_socks4;                         /* check the connection via socks4 proxy */
-#define TCPCHK_OPT_NONE            0x0000  /* no options specified, default */
-#define TCPCHK_OPT_SEND_PROXY      0x0001  /* send proxy-protocol string */
-#define TCPCHK_OPT_SSL             0x0002  /* SSL connection */
-#define TCPCHK_OPT_LINGER          0x0004  /* Do not RST connection, let it linger */
-#define TCPCHK_OPT_DEFAULT_CONNECT 0x0008  /* Do a connect using server params */
-#define TCPCHK_OPT_IMPLICIT        0x0010  /* Implicit connect */
-#define TCPCHK_OPT_SOCKS4          0x0020  /* check the connection via socks4 proxy */
-struct tcpcheck_connect {
-	char *sni;                     /* server name to use for SSL connections */
-	char *alpn;                    /* ALPN to use for the SSL connection */
-	int alpn_len;                  /* ALPN string length */
-	const struct mux_proto_list *mux_proto; /* the mux to use for all outgoing connections (specified by the "proto" keyword) */
-	uint16_t options;              /* options when setting up a new connection */
-	uint16_t port;                 /* port to connect to */
-	struct sample_expr *port_expr; /* sample expr to determine the port, may be NULL */
-	struct sockaddr_storage addr;  /* the address to the connect */
-enum tcpcheck_send_type {
-	TCPCHK_SEND_UNDEF = 0,  /* Send is not parsed. */
-	TCPCHK_SEND_STRING,     /* Send an ASCII string. */
-	TCPCHK_SEND_BINARY,     /* Send a binary sequence. */
-	TCPCHK_SEND_STRING_LF,  /* Send an ASCII log-format string. */
-	TCPCHK_SEND_BINARY_LF,  /* Send a binary log-format sequence. */
-	TCPCHK_SEND_HTTP,       /* Send an HTTP request */
-struct tcpcheck_http_hdr {
-	struct ist  name;  /* the header name */
-	struct list value; /* the log-format string value */
-	struct list list;  /* header chained list */
-struct tcpcheck_codes {
-	unsigned int (*codes)[2]; /* an array of roange of codes: [0]=min [1]=max */
-	size_t num;               /* number of entry in the array */
-#define TCPCHK_SND_HTTP_FL_URI_FMT    0x0001 /* Use a log-format string for the uri */
-#define TCPCHK_SND_HTTP_FL_BODY_FMT   0x0002 /* Use a log-format string for the body */
-#define TCPCHK_SND_HTTP_FROM_OPT      0x0004 /* Send rule coming from "option httpck" directive */
-struct tcpcheck_send {
-	enum tcpcheck_send_type type;
-	union {
-		struct ist  data; /* an ASCII string or a binary sequence */
-		struct list fmt;  /* an ASCII or hexa log-format string */
-		struct {
-			unsigned int flags;             /* TCPCHK_SND_HTTP_FL_* */
-			struct http_meth meth;          /* the HTTP request method */
-			union {
-				struct ist  uri;        /* the HTTP request uri is a string  */
-				struct list uri_fmt;    /* or a log-format string */
-			};
-			struct ist vsn;                 /* the HTTP request version string */
-			struct list hdrs;               /* the HTTP request header list */
-			union {
-				struct ist   body;      /* the HTTP request payload is a string */
-				struct list  body_fmt;  /* or a log-format string */
-			};
-		} http;           /* Info about the HTTP request to send */
-	};
-enum tcpcheck_eval_ret {
-enum tcpcheck_expect_type {
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_UNDEF = 0,         /* Match is not used. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_STRING,            /* Matches a string. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_STRING_REGEX,      /* Matches a regular pattern. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_STRING_LF,         /* Matches a log-format string. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_BINARY,            /* Matches a binary sequence on a hex-encoded text. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_BINARY_REGEX,      /* Matches a regular pattern on a hex-encoded text. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_BINARY_LF,         /* Matches a log-format binary sequence on a hex-encoded text. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_CUSTOM,            /* Execute a custom function. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_STATUS,       /* Matches a list of codes on the HTTP status */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_STATUS_REGEX, /* Matches a regular pattern on the HTTP status */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_HEADER,       /* Matches on HTTP headers */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_BODY,         /* Matches a string oa the HTTP payload */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_BODY_REGEX,   /* Matches a regular pattern on a HTTP payload */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_BODY_LF,      /* Matches a log-format string on the HTTP payload */
-/* tcp-check expect flags */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_INV             0x0001 /* Matching is inversed */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_STR  0x0002 /* Exact match on the HTTP header name */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_BEG  0x0004 /* Prefix match on the HTTP header name */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_END  0x0008 /* Suffix match on the HTTP header name */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_SUB  0x0010 /* Substring match on the HTTP header name */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_REG  0x0020 /* Regex match on the HTTP header name */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_FMT  0x0040 /* The HTTP header name is a log-format string */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_NONE  0x0080 /* No match on the HTTP header value */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_STR   0x0100 /* Exact match on the HTTP header value */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_BEG   0x0200 /* Prefix match on the HTTP header value */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_END   0x0400 /* Suffix match on the HTTP header value */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_SUB   0x0800 /* Substring match on the HTTP header value */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_REG   0x1000 /* Regex match on the HTTP header value*/
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_FMT   0x2000 /* The HTTP header value is a log-format string */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_FULL  0x4000 /* Match the full header value ( no stop on commas ) */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_TYPE 0x003E /* Mask to get matching method on header name */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_TYPE  0x1F00 /* Mask to get matching method on header value */
-struct tcpcheck_expect {
-	enum tcpcheck_expect_type type;   /* Type of pattern used for matching. */
-	unsigned int flags;               /* TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_* */
-	union {
-		struct ist data;             /* Matching a literal string / binary anywhere in the response. */
-		struct my_regex *regex;      /* Matching a regex pattern. */
-		struct tcpcheck_codes codes; /* Matching a list of codes */
-		struct list fmt;             /* Matching a log-format string / binary */
-		struct {
-			union {
-				struct ist name;
-				struct list name_fmt;
-				struct my_regex *name_re;
-			};
-			union {
-				struct ist value;
-				struct list value_fmt;
-				struct my_regex *value_re;
-			};
-		} hdr;                       /* Matching a header pattern */
-		/* custom function to eval epxect rule */
-		enum tcpcheck_eval_ret (*custom)(struct check *, struct tcpcheck_rule *, int);
-	};
-	struct tcpcheck_rule *head;     /* first expect of a chain. */
-	int min_recv;                   /* Minimum amount of data before an expect can be applied. (default: -1, ignored) */
-	enum healthcheck_status ok_status;   /* The healthcheck status to use on success (default: L7OKD) */
-	enum healthcheck_status err_status;  /* The healthcheck status to use on error (default: L7RSP) */
-	enum healthcheck_status tout_status; /* The healthcheck status to use on timeout (default: L7TOUT) */
-	struct list onerror_fmt;        /* log-format string to use as comment on error */
-	struct list onsuccess_fmt;      /* log-format string to use as comment on success (if last rule) */
-	struct sample_expr *status_expr; /* sample expr to determine the check status code */
-struct tcpcheck_action_kw {
-	struct act_rule *rule;
-/* possible actions for tcpcheck_rule->action */
-enum tcpcheck_rule_type {
-	TCPCHK_ACT_SEND = 0, /* send action, regular string format */
-	TCPCHK_ACT_EXPECT, /* expect action, either regular or binary string */
-	TCPCHK_ACT_CONNECT, /* connect action, to probe a new port */
-	TCPCHK_ACT_COMMENT, /* no action, simply a comment used for logs */
-	TCPCHK_ACT_ACTION_KW, /* custom registered action_kw rule. */
-struct tcpcheck_rule {
-	struct list list;                       /* list linked to from the proxy */
-	enum tcpcheck_rule_type action;         /* type of the rule. */
-	int index;                              /* Index within the list. Starts at 0. */
-	char *comment;				/* comment to be used in the logs and on the stats socket */
-	union {
-		struct tcpcheck_connect connect; /* Connect rule. */
-		struct tcpcheck_send send;      /* Send rule. */
-		struct tcpcheck_expect expect;  /* Expected pattern. */
-		struct tcpcheck_action_kw action_kw;  /* Custom action. */
-	};
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_NONE           0x00000000
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_UNUSED_TCP_RS  0x00000001 /* An unused tcp-check ruleset exists */
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_UNUSED_HTTP_RS 0x00000002 /* An unused http-check ruleset exists */
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_UNUSED_RS      0x00000003 /* Mask for unused ruleset */
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_PGSQL_CHK   0x00000010
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_REDIS_CHK   0x00000020
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_SMTP_CHK    0x00000030
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_HTTP_CHK    0x00000040
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_MYSQL_CHK   0x00000050
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_LDAP_CHK    0x00000060
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_SSL3_CHK    0x00000070
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_AGENT_CHK   0x00000080
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_SPOP_CHK    0x00000090
-/* Unused 0x000000A0..0x00000FF0 (reserverd for futur proto) */
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_TCP_CHK     0x00000FF0
-#define TCPCHK_RULES_PROTO_CHK   0x00000FF0 /* Mask to cover protocol check */
-/* A list of tcp-check vars, to be registered before executing a ruleset */
-struct tcpcheck_var {
-	struct ist name;         /* the variable name with the scope */
-	struct sample_data data; /* the data associated to the variable */
-	struct list list;        /* element to chain tcp-check vars */
-/* a list of tcp-check rules */
-struct tcpcheck_rules {
-	unsigned int flags;       /* flags applied to the rules */
-	struct list *list;        /* the list of tcpcheck_rules */
-	struct list  preset_vars; /* The list of variable to preset before executing the ruleset */
-/* A list of tcp-check rules with a name */
-struct tcpcheck_ruleset {
-	struct list rules;     /* the list of tcpcheck_rule */
-	struct ebpt_node node; /* node in the shared tree */
-#endif /* _TYPES_CHECKS_H */
diff --git a/include/types/proxy.h b/include/types/proxy.h
index a72232f..5ba68c7 100644
--- a/include/types/proxy.h
+++ b/include/types/proxy.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <haproxy/api-t.h>
+#include <haproxy/check-t.h>
 #include <haproxy/chunk.h>
 #include <haproxy/counters-t.h>
 #include <haproxy/http-t.h>
@@ -40,7 +41,6 @@
 #include <types/acl.h>
 #include <types/backend.h>
-#include <types/checks.h>
 #include <types/filters.h>
 #include <haproxy/freq_ctr-t.h>
 #include <types/log.h>
diff --git a/include/types/server.h b/include/types/server.h
index 38326b0..1f9ef1f 100644
--- a/include/types/server.h
+++ b/include/types/server.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <haproxy/check-t.h>
 #include <haproxy/counters-t.h>
 #include <haproxy/dns-t.h>
 #include <haproxy/api-t.h>
@@ -41,7 +42,6 @@
 #include <types/queue.h>
 #include <types/ssl_sock.h>
 #include <haproxy/task-t.h>
-#include <types/checks.h>
 /* server states. Only SRV_ST_STOPPED indicates a down server. */